Rising hatred

Dazzle and Darwin got on their car and drove towards the special cafe where all of them are meeting with Lisa, Noah and KL.

As soon as the reached, Dazzle got down and ran towards the cafe. She looked around and saw Lisa, Noah and KL.

They immediately stood up and waved towards her happily. Dazzle smiled and ran towards them. She jumped into Noah's arms and pulled Lisa and KL into a giant hug.

Darwin walked towards them and smiled. Lisa angrily asked to Dazle, "Is this the man who kidnapped you?"

Dazzle nodded. Lisa started burning Darwin with her glares. Dazzle smiled and said, "And my brother..."

Noah looked at both of them surprised. KL asked to confirm what he heard, "Actual...like blood-related one?" 

Dazzle nodded and told them everything that happened. Everyone were processing what they heard.

Lisa suddnely said, "Dazzle...you kissed your brother?" Dazzle looked down and Darwin said, "Accidental."