So dangerous

Dazzle reached home with Lisa, Noah and KL. Lisa said worriedly, "I kind of feel sad about your brother." Dazzle sighed deeply. She was sorry too.

Noah said, "If it was any normal mission, it would have been fine but this is about this pendant. We can't let him know about it."

KL added, "Yeah. We don't know how he would react." Dazzle nodded.

Dazzle was suddenly curious. She pulled Lisa away from the halls, inside a room. Lisa raised her eyebrows and asked, "What?"

Dazzle was nervous. Lisa said, "You cheeks are burning. What happened?"

Dazzle asked with hesitation, "Did David ever miss me?"

Lisa smiled and said, "He did. He was so quiet but we all could say he was worried." Lisa then flipped and adjusted her hair.

Lisa didn't know if what she said was true or not.

David seemed normal according to Lisa but she didn't want to make Dazzle sad or concerned.