Unnamed stalker

Swirl looked at David, who was walking, with a seductive eye. She can't resist David's piercing glare and cold expression.

Her smiled dropped when she saw a girl wave to him. She ran towards him and then started talking and walking together.

David saw something and then suddnely turned the girl around and kissed her lips. 

Swirl's heart stopped beating. She was so angry and sad. She said, "He acts tough and rough to her...not to me."

Swirl was breathing heavily. He couldn't believe that David kissed a human girl. She loved him and wanted him from a very young age.

Everyone assured her that David was hers but now she was shocked.

Swirl said, "How can she kiss something that belongs to me. Dad told him to stay close to her but not to kiss her or have a romantic connection with her. SHE DARES TO TOUCH MINE."

Swirl had a close eye on the human girl whose cheeks were red after the kiss.