Dazzle, as soon as she woke up, smiled widely. Dazzle hugged Kaycee tightly and then said, "I will cook something really delicious for you. Wait"

Kaycee nodded and sighed in relief. She was relieved that Dazzle didn't ask her anything about her "almost killing" and "jail experience."

Kaycee sat next to Noah, who was still glaring at her because of his lost bread toast. Dazzle started fussing around the kitchen, cooking with her heart.

Kaycee turned around, as she heard a loud yawn. It was from David. He was stretching his arms and quietly, looked at them with his sleepy eye.

Kaycee smiled and said, "Good morning." David nodded and mumbled something back, which Kaycee supposed was a "good morning."

Kaycee sighed again to see a perfectly normal morning but she was confused and shocked too.

Kaycee was surprised because either of her parents questioned her about her visit to jail or her violence.