New stalker?

Jake asked, bluntly "Do you like Igor?"

It was a bit random for Kaycee, but she told Jake the truth without hesitation.

She scoffed and said, "Hell No. Never.

That man is just going to treat me like his doll."

Kaycee's expression and tone showed that she hated him and was annoyed.

Jake laughed and said, "Wow!"

He was a bit shocked to see her, badmouth a dangerous person like Igor, in front of a dangerous person, Jake himself.

Kaycee asked, confused, "You? You are his friend, Right? Do you like him?" Jake sighed as he looked at a bus and nodded.

He said, "Well, I am his friend, but I only accept whatever he says because our parents are close.

Most of his killings annoy me.

Like, look! I kill all the sluts so there will only be good and innocent girls, who don't cheat on their boyfriend, but he kills all the good ones."