Scared of him...

The man with ugly scars, patted the other man and suddenly hit his head and said, "How can you kill that old lady?"

The other man immediately bowed his head and apologised.

The man with ugly scars said, "How many times have I said, they if you see a lady, then bring her to our mansion, either a young maiden or old rugs.

I can always give the young maiden to my sons and the old rugs as maids and cleaners. You are an idiot, PA Shin."

"I apologise, sir." PA Shin replied as he was shaking in fright.

The man with ugly scars took out his knife and caressed his personal assistant Shin's skin, slowly with it, asking him, "Don't you dare repeat it?"

Shin said, stammering as he was scared of the knife penetrating his skin, "Sorry, sir. I won't repeat it. Please, spare me."

Kaycee woke up the next morning with a grim face. She had a strange and not so pleasing dream.