Intruders part 2?

She was so scared, that her lips were trembling as she felt so cold all of the sudden.

When she was talking with Jake, a few minutes ago, she saw a knife in Jake's hand which had blood.

Kaycee couldn't help but think that he had killed someone.

The fact she almost ran towards a psycho, voluntarily, in a deserted road, made her frown.

He was ready to kill her because of her one word that triggered him.

Kaycee said to herself, "Idiot! Stupid! How can you trust a psycho just like that?! You were almost killed."

Kaycee knew that getting scared or crying at the spot, will make Jake uncontrollable or more violent, so she tried to act boldly, but truly, she was shaking so much.

The wind around her turned cold, she was all alone with Jake who turned into a monster for a split second, she was stunned and frozen.

Kaycee couldn't believe that she almost got killed because of a misunderstanding that happened in a second.