The Great Forest?

Chapter 11:

Boss: "Kid, are you serious about training your powers?"

Koji: "Yes, I want to become stronger so I can be a good fighter for my dad and my brother."

Boss: "Have you ever been to the Great Forest?"

Koji: "I thought of visiting but I have never been there."

Boss: "Look... Kid, I like you… I decided to give you a 3-month break from work…"

Koji: "But I can't, you know I need the money!"

Boss: "Shush. Let me finish!"

Koji: "Sorry"

Boss: "As I was saying… I will give you 3 months off work, I will still pay you don't worry."

Koji: "But why?"

Boss: "I'm going to contact someone I know from The Forest (note: sometimes "The Great Forest" is also referred to as "The Forest") he is a good friend of mine, and maybe he can teach you a thing or two"

Koji: "Who is it?"

Boss: "My younger brother Hayato."

"I'll tell him to meet you next week, he usually is around our late father's cafe… now our sister runs the cafe so he will probably be there"

Koji: "I look forward to meeting him." *Smiling*

*Koji enters home*

Koji: "Sota, how's dad?"

Sota: "You didn't go to the hospital today?"

Koji: "No, visiting times were over…"

Sota: "He still seems not very well but the doctors said he could come home tomorrow"

Koji: "Good. I have something important to talk to him about"

Sota: "what is it"

Koji: "I'm going to be away for 3 months… for training."

Sota: "That's all you think about, isn't it? You never think about Dad... Work, training, work, training, work… Do you know there are other things you can do?"

Koji: "Sota… maybe you're too young to understand but I'm thinking about you and Dad!"

Sota; "Yeah of course… I'm going out"

Koji: "Where are you going? It's late!"

Sota: "You don't need to know"

Koji: "Sota!"

*Door closes loudly*


-To be continued-