What, Money?

Chapter 12:

Koji: I'm going to have to leave a note for dad when he is back from the hospital, I'm not sure what time he is coming out of the hospital I just hope Sota will be back by then… I need to leave now so I can get to the Forest on time to meet Hayato.

*Door Closes*

-a few hours later-

*Door opens*

*Door closes*

Dad: "Koji? Sota?

hmm? a note hmm let's see *reading*"

"Dad, I'm going to be away for 3 months, I will be going to the Great Forest to meet my boss' younger brother, but don't worry all of my wages are going to you directly. Also, Sota left without saying anything at night I'm not sure where he went but surely he is alright."

"What? Sota left? And wait, what? Did koji leave? what the heck! That was a bit sudden but I'm sure Koji is excited to do what he likes… But at the same time, I am a bit worried about Sota."

*Door kicked open*


"Your son owes me money."

Dad: "What? Who are you? What do you want?"

"My name? I don't need a name"

Dad: "B… B… B…"

"Shut up you're annoying"

*Kicks his face*


Dad: "If it's money you want I don't have any!"

"Poor choice of words. *stab*

I'll ask you nicely this time… give me the money that your foolish son owes me"

Dad: "How much does he owe you?"

"600,000 Burh"


*stab* - *stab* - *stab*

"Is it still that absurd?"

*Coughing blood*

Dad: "Son… What... have you…"

"Sleep well

I'll make sure to get my money back

Don't worry your death wasn't in vain… now I can get what I've been waiting for"

*1 hour later*

Sota: "Dad? DAD?


he… dead…"

*tearing up*

-to be continued-