
Issei: "Cheif Kirigaia!!"

Kirigaia: "What's wrong?"

Issei: "Your daughter!"

Kirigaia: "What happened?!"

Issei: "Umm..."

Kirigaia: "TELL ME!"

Issei: "A guard said that the security cameras of your house were turned off remotely for 5 hours and your wife called, she said she couldn't get to your phone but she asked you to call her as soon as you can your daughter appears to be missing!"

Kirigaia: *Quickly leaves* *Door shuts loudly*

*Phone rings*

"What happened?! Where is Hina?!"

Kirigaia's Wife: "I don't know I got home and no one was here and she didn't say anything but she always does... The door was open and the cameras were off, I think someone took our Hina." *sobbing*

Kirigaia: "I'll call you back as soon as I find anything."


Zoe: "Yes sir?!"

Kirigaia: "Arrange an urgent meeting with all available fighters. Have everything ready to meet in one hour!"

Zoe: "Yes sir!"


Kirigaia: "I can't believe this, who would dare do this to me?"

*One hour later*

Kirigaia: "I thank all of you fourteen fighters for coming here in such short notice. I know its a hassle but we have to take care of ID verifications to see if you are all valid fighters and allowed to be at such an important meeting. Issei do you mind verifying everyone."

Issei: "No problem. Should I go by codename or real name?"

Kirigaia: "Both, I want maximum security. Also additionally I want everyone's current rank."

note:(There are many fighters in the country so Kirigaia may have not seen all of them, therefore, need to confirm that they are government fighters. However only a few could show up because of the consistent fighting between the grasslands and the mountain region)

Issei: "Name, codename and rank."

Auger: "Auger Sole, Ryel Sol rank S(2.2/10)"

<> After checking on 11 other fighters Issei is finally coming to an end checking on every fighter.

Koji: "Harada Koji, I don't have a codename yet... but I am a rank B(6.8/10)."

Issei: "We need to get your codename sorted after this meeting... Next."

Rover: "Name, Rover Trover, Codename, Trovund ,Rank A(7.2/10)"

Issei: "Cheif Kirigaia, all identities were confirmed."

Kirigaia: "I'll fast forward introductions... let's get to the point."