The Search

Kirigaia: "My daughter was taken hostage by someone who I am yet to know who it is."

Issei: "That is terrible."

Rover: "We have to find her as soon as possible!"

Fighter: "Does anyone have any leads?!"

Auger: "Calm down! We need to think logically."

Kirigaia: "Indeed."

Koji: "Mr Kirigaia is there anyone you know who would want to harm you?"

Fighter: "Maybe it could be a prisoner that held a grudge against you and wanted to get something from you!"

Issei: "What if the kidnapper reached out to you with demands?"

Kirigaia: "I sure hope he does."

Rover: "We can't just wait until something happens!"

Koji: "I heard some rumours about a slave trafficking organisation that works in the shadows in this country. If the person who took her has bad intentions she could be in trouble."

issei: *gulp*

*all staring* *silence*


Kirigaia: "Well then... Maybe you are right, but may I know how you got that information? And I wish to talk to you in private."

Koji: "Mr Rotca (note: Josuha Rotca) told me some things..."

Kirigaia: "He isn't here must mean he is either at a dungeon or war, I need to check where he is... I'd like to speak to him immediately as soon as he is back and Koji after the meeting stay I wish to talk to you. Does anyone have any other questions or suggestions?"


Kirigaia: "Dismissed."


Koji: "Mr Kirigaia what did you want to speak to me about?"

Kirigaia: "Issei please leave as well, I wish to talk strictly to Koji."

Issei: "As you wish."



Kirigaia: "Koji I wanted to ask you what exactly did Joshua tell you."

Koji: "He said about a secret war that only higher rank fighters know about between the mountainous region and the grasslands."

Kirigaia: "If he told you that he must have also told you his story?"

Koji: "No he didn't mention much about himself, all he said was that you saved him."

Kirigaia: "People from our country who go into the mountains are killed; similarly people from the mountains are killed if they enter our land. Joshua was from the mountains and he tried to escape into our country, he was strong and had a kind heart, he was about to be killed when I protected him. I was given the death penalty for treason... during those times things were very different. Issei, however, understood my motivation and made me chief of the police forces and recruited Joshua to become a fighter for our country, you would think Joshua wouldn't fight against his own origin country but he was determined to help this country grow and end the evil and closed minds of the mountains people."

Koji: "Wow, I had no idea about all of that."

Kirigaia: "But Koji the real reason I wanted to talk to you is to give you one piece of advice, be careful who you trust, I don't know yet who it is but someone is leaking information from inside to people that are looking to use those pieces of information to harm others."

Koji: "Like the collectors?!"

Kirigaia: *Grabs Koji against the wall* "How do you know of that name?"

Koji: *struggling* "Th...ey kill...ed my fa...ther"

*Releases him*

*Deep breathing*

Kirigaia: "Don't say a word to Issei. Understood?!"

Koji: "Yes sir."