Finding a Leader isn't "easy"

Zoe: Hi, Koji! *Smiling*

Koji: Hi Zoe.

Zoe: How are things going? Did you find your brother yet?

Koji: My brother? OH, My brother! Well not yet...

Zoe: That's a shame... Where did you look? I'll help you go to the places you haven't been yet!

Koji: Well... I haven't looked for him...

Zoe: What? I thought you were worried about him.

Koji: I was... And I am but I just didn't have time yet.

Zoe: I see... If you want to find your brother I'll help but for now, you can do it yourself. *Leaving*

Koji: Zoe wait!


-Issei's office-

*knocking on the door*

Issei: Come in

Shin: How have you been Issei?

Issei: Lord Tsubasa! What are you doing here?

Shin: I came here because I heard about what happened to Hayato... It's very unfortunate, but we cannot afford to wait and I must find a replacement as soon as possible. I thought that coming here to the grasslands was the wisest decision since you guys were always on good terms with the great forest people.

Issei: But who?

Shin: I'm not sure yet... I was thinking about Kirigaia since he is a very kind and pure man.

Issei: It shouldn't be him. He isn't very stable emotionally right now.

Shin: Well that wasn't the problem, I'm sure he will get better soon, the only issue is that if there is trouble he can hardly defend himself... he was born without an element.

Issei: Yes, yes that is a very big problem... He couldn't possibly rule a country by himself.

Shin: Issei, is it just me or you have something against Kirigaia?

Issei: No! Of course not *nervous*

Shin: If I feel that you are not fit to continue your job as a ruler... You will be eliminated. With no warning. Understood?

Issei: Yes.

Shin: I didn't hear you.

Issei: Yes sir!

Shin: Good boy. And by the way... Never mind, where is Zoe?

Issei: She is probably doing Kirigaia's work in his office.

Shin: Thank you.

-Kirigaia's Office-

Shin: Zoe? Are you...

Zoe: Hi mister Shin.

Shin: Hi, how are you?

Zoe: Pretty good thanks *Smiling* what brings you here today?

Shin: I'm looking for someone to be the new ruler of the great forest since Hayato is now unable to rule anymore... For obvious reasons... You and Kirigaia are the people I trust the most so I want your opinion on who to pick.

Zoe: It's hard to think on the spot but three people come to mind...

Shin: Who?

Zoe: First Joshua Rotca, he is a reliable fighter that was once part of the mountainous region but now fights for our country, he is extremely loyal and can follow instructions. The only issue would be his inexperience... He is only 20 years old but he is an A-rank fighter.

Shin: Okay... And the other two?

Zoe: The other two that came to mind are Auger and Rover, they usually work as a team and they know each other well.

Shin: And are they strong?

Zoe: Rover is A-Rank and Auger is S-Rank, and because both of them were pretty much always fighting together they have gained a lot of experience in combat. I've seen them in some missions before, and the way they think is a lot different but they can fill in for their partner's errors or mistakes.

Shin: Zoe, would you do me a favour then?

Zoe: Yes sir, what may I do for you? *Smiling*

Shin: Can you arrange that I talk to them individually, as soon as possible.

Zoe: I can do that, yes. Is that all you wish for?

Shin: Yes, thank you.


Joshua: Master Shin, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Shin: Hi, young man.

Joshua: So... Can I do anything for you?

Shin: I just wanted to have a quick chat, and ask you a little question.

Joshua: What is the question?

Shin: Do you see yourself ruling a country?

Joshua: What? For real? *laughing* No, no, no I couldn't possibly be a leader.

Shin: Okay. But wouldn't you like it?

Joshua: No I prefer just to stay here and follow orders... I don't have to think about stuff that much... I was never good with strategies and management and things like that...

Shin: Ok, thank you for your honesty and your time.


Shin: Auger, is that right?

Auger: Yes, Master Shin how may I be of use to you?

Shin: Please just call me Shin.

Auger: Yes sir.

Shin: So I just wanted to ask you a few questions...

Auger: Please do.

Shin: I'm going to be very direct. I'm looking for someone to replace the late Yamamoto Hayato, and I asked for some opinions on fighters that would possibly fit the role as the ruler of the great forest, and I was told that you had potential to be a good leader.

Auger: Me?

Shin: Yes, I want to know how you think.

Auger: Well I have never thought about that, but I believe that one as myself would be fitting for that position.

Shin: *Laughing* Perfect! I'll give you a 7-day trial, if you think you can't do it I'll find someone else and you don't have to worry!

Auger: I do not think that it is necessary. *Kneels* I will not fail you.

Shin: Very well. Anything you want to know, or that you need? Obviously, the men that will be under your orders will tell you your responsibilities when you get there, that isn't the point. I'm asking if you have any requests or anything really...

Auger: Is it possible that someone transfers from the grasslands military to the forest?

Shin: If you speak with Issei and both issei and the fighter agrees then yes it is possible.

Auger: Ok. Thank you.