Last Coffee

Auger: Mr Issei. I have a request to make.

Issei: Knock next time.

Auger: Sorry for my rudeness.

Issei: So, what do you want?

Auger: I want you to transfer a fighter to the great forest.

Issei: Who?

Auger: Rover Trover. Codename Trovund.

Issei: Erm... I guess... But why?

Auger: I will be the new ruler of the great forest.

Issei: Oh... That was not expected.

Auger: Is there a problem?

Issei: No, no that's not what I meant... Anyways, you can take him, if he wants to of course.

Auger: Is there any documents he has to sign before leaving?

Issei: Does Shin know about this?

Auger: Yes I believe so.

Issei: Then it doesn't matter, have fun!

Auger: Kind regards.


Auger: Rover! Come with me.

Rover: Where?

Auger: To the great forest.

Rover: Sure.

Auger: You're not going to ask why?

Rover: Couldn't care less... I need a holiday anyway.

Auger: Very simple-minded as always.

Rover: Is that an insult or a compliment?

Auger: You decide. We depart tomorrow.

Rover: Gotcha.


Koji: Zoe, I'm sorry.

Zoe: For what?

Koji: Like, you tried to help me and I was just so distracted with myself that I didn't think about anyone else.

Zoe: Well at least you admitted it...

Koji: Zoe?

Zoe: Hmm?

Koji: Will you... Help me find my brother?

Zoe: I thought you wouldn't ask! *Smiling*

Koji: Do you have any idea where we should look?

Zoe: Well we should look in the great forest first because it's close by... but if we don't find anything there we'll look in other countries since we have no leads on where he went.

Koji: Sounds good. Will you come with me?

Zoe: Yeah of course! *Smiling*

Koji: When do we leave?

Zoe: I should be free until Kirigaia comes back... And I don't think it will be this week...

Koji: So that means we can go this week.

Zoe: I guess... *Smiling*

Koji: How about we leave tomorrow then?

Zoe: Sure! *Smiling*

Koji: Can we meet in the morning to have a coffee before we leave? There is a place that I used to work at and their coffee is really good.

Zoe: Okay!

Koji: But just a question... Why is Kirigaia away?

Zoe: You don't know?

Koji: No... Has something happened?

Zoe: Well... Yeah... Hayato is dead...

Koji: HAYATO? You mean... He is dead?!

Zoe: Yeah... And people didn't want to tell you because they want to interrogate the killer first... They think that he may be the person that killed your father.

Koji: Thanks for telling me...

Zoe: *Nervous smile*

Koji: I'll go see how my old boss is... I'll see you later.

Zoe: Alright, see you later! *Smiling*


Sota: Master Akari, I have learnt how to manipulate and create more water.

Akari: Good. How much are we talking about now?

Sota: I can create about 100 litres, and manipulate 500 litres.

Akari: Amazing progress! Keep practising... I believe you will achieve great things.

Sota: Thank you, master.

<> While Koji hasn't trained seriously for a while and has just been depending on the power he already has, Sota has been training whenever he can, becoming stronger each day.

One day has passed and Auger and Rover are getting ready to depart to the great forest. Kirigaia has still to return to the police force, he is having treatment by one of the best psychologists in the country, he truly feels depressed by what happened to his dear friend, and also what happened to his daughter. Koji is inside the cafe where he used to work talking to Mr Yamamoto (His old boss) about the things that happened to his brother, he seemed sad at first but he quickly got over it.

Note: Since Koji and most people call Mr Yamamoto, Boss the dialogue guides for when Mr Yamamoto speaks are "Boss".

Boss: If I keep thinking about what happened I just couldn't get over it, but I have better things to concentrate on than having to dwell on the past.

Koji: I understand... I had a lot of respect for your brother... Not only he was a good master he was also a good man.

Boss: Don't worry about it. It's alright, more customers started coming after you left... I don't know if it was a coincidence *laughing*

*Zoe walks in*

Boss: Welcome!

Zoe: Hi! *Smiling* Hello Koji! *Smiling*

Koji: Hi.

Boss: Oh, you're a friend of Koji?

Zoe: Yeah! We're friends.

Koji: From work!

Boss: Oh... Okay... I'm just going to get... something.

Zoe: *sigh* I want to be your friend...

Koji: But we barely know each other...

Zoe: Exactly, that's why I'm saying I want to be your friend, I want to know more about you.

Boss: So... what's it going to be?

Zoe: I'll have whatever Koji's having! *Smiling*

Koji: I'll have just the usual.

Boss: Right away!

Zoe: What is the usual?

Koji: It's something I used to drink every day.

Boss: Here' ya go, 2 hottie-choccies for the lovely couple.


Boss: Ah work friends was it?

Zoe: If he says work friends then work friends it is... But hot chocolate? How old are you? *Chuckling*

Koji: Let me enjoy myself in peace *Smile*

Boss: You guys going somewhere? You seem to have quite a bit of luggage...

Zoe: Yeah! We are going to the forest.

Koji: She's helping me find where my brother went.

Boss: Just you two?

Koji: Yeah...

Boss: And you're trying to find just one person with two people and you have no idea where he is right?

Koji: Yea...

Boss: You're sure that's going to work?

Koji: No...

Boss: Good luck!