Hotel? T...

Zoe: Okay. We're here... Now what?

Koji: What do you mean?

Zoe: Where do we look?

Koji: I haven't got the slightest idea.

Zoe: *Annoyed* Ugh seriously?

Koji: Umm... Sorry, I didn't really think about this before.

Zoe: *laughing*

Koji: We could check at the city hall and try to find something on the news?

Zoe: Don't they have phones?

Koji: I don't know if they use that here...

Zoe: Okie... Let's go! *Smiling*


Koji: Zoe?

Zoe: Oui? *Smiling*

Koji: Am I boring?

Zoe: Umm... Yeah.

Koji: Oh.

Zoe: I'm joking *laughing*

Koji: Don't make fun of me *chuckling*

Zoe: *chuckle* Sorry *smiling*


Koji: It should be here.

Zoe: Let's go in.

*Both enter*

Random man: Wohaaaaaa you two awen't fwom hewe?

Zoe: ... No...

Random man: Woooow...

Koji: Are you okay?

Random man: I maybe think so...

Zoe: Okay...

Random man: *leaves*

Koji: Ummm... What is this? *laughing*

Mother of random man: I'm sorry he's disabled.

Koji: Oh, no problem...

Mother of random man: *leaves*

Zoe: *laughing* You just laughed at a disabled man... You're horrible *laughing*

Koji: Come on I didn't know...

Zoe: *laughing*

Koji: Shut up!

Auger: Koji? Zoe?

Koji: Auger?

Auger: What are you doing here?

Zoe: Kirigaia is away for a while so I decided to help Koji find his brother and we came here to look.

Auger: Oh, I understand.

Koji: Why are you here?

Rover: Auger is the new ruler of the forest.

Koji: WOW! Rover, you're here too? But congratulations auger. *smile*

Auger: I believe we might be able to help since I am now in charge.

Koji: Oh you don't have to.

Zoe: Any help is appreciated though.

Rover: Don't worry about it, Auger will sort it out.

Auger: Indeed. Miss Jenifaar.

Jenifaar: Yes, Master Auger.

Auger: As I said before, call me Augie. I have a command, unite the scouts of the military force, have them search throughout all the country for a boy called Harada Sota.

Jenifaar: Mister Augie... This sounds dumb. Master Auger! Why use such a numerous group just to search for this one person?

Rover: He is a dangerous criminal and he must be found. Alive.

Koji: WHA-

Rover: *Hits Koji* *Whispering* Shut up. They will be more careful if we tell them this.

Koji: Oh, makes sense.

Jenifaar: I will send them out. What shall they do once Harada Sota is found?

Auger: Bring him to me immediately.

Jenifaar: Understood. Excuse me.

Zoe: Thank you, guys!

Rover: So, are you guys going out?

Koji: NO!

Rover: Chill, just asking...

Zoe: *Awkward chuckle*

Auger: Umm, no need to be harsh Koji.

Koji: Sorry.

Zoe: It's okay.

Auger: This search will take a while, maybe a few days, I recommend you guys stay at the inn, it is located right on the other side of the road.

Zoe: Alright thanks!

Koji: See you later!

Rover: See ya.

Auger: Farewell.


Koji & Zoe: *Enter inn*

Koji: We would like a room.

Reception worker: How many nights are you staying?

Koji: We're not sure yet.

Reception worker: So it will be 60 Burh per night plus 10 Burh on every extra night you decide to stay, basically means 60 on the first night, and from there it will be 70 per night.

Koji: Alright.

Reception worker: Here are your keys. Have a great stay!

Koji: Wait... This is just one key?

Reception worker: Yes?

Koji: OH, sorry we want two separate rooms.

Reception worker: That's quite unfortunate... we only have one room available, all others are booked.

Zoe: It's okay, we can stay together.

Koji: IF! You can make it have two single beds, that would be great.

Reception worker: Sure, that isn't a problem.


Reception worker: I'm forgetting something important. You had to pay before I gave you the keys, small detail...

Koji: Oh it's fine don't worry... And of course, I forgot my wallet...

Reception worker: *Serious facial expression*

Zoe: I'll pay don't worry.

Koji: Thanks *Awkward chuckle*


Reception worker: Enjoy your stay.

Koji & Zoe: Thanks.


Koji: Well, that was a little awkward.

Zoe: Even I thought you wanted just one room for a moment...

Koji: We ended up only having one room anyways.

Zoe: Yeah but I thought you wanted that first.

Koji: Of course not!

Zoe: I know. *Smiling* Don't worry.

Koji: Okay...


-Mountainous Region-

Akari: I see your training is going pretty well.

Sota: While you weren't here Miss Mimi has been helping me.

Mimi: He is a very talented boy! Can I have him?

Akari & Sota: NO!

Mimi: I see... That's too bad then...

Akari: Did you learn much from her?

Sota: Not really... She was just giving me orders.

Akari: Mimi! How many time-


Sota: But...

Mimi: LEAVE!

Akari: Come.


Akari: She is quite scary.

Sota: I noticed...

Akari: I've been wanting to ask you... What is your rank?

Sota: I'm not even sure...

Akari: Great!

Sota: Great?

Akari: Yeah, let's go make a visit to my friends over at the desert!

Sota: Desert?

Akari: Why do you question everything I say?

Sota: Where is the desert though?

Akari: At the desert... It's a small country.

Sota: Oh okay... But what friends?

Akari: You ask too many questions. Nakamura Kaku, does that name ring a bell?

Sota: Not really.

Akari: I thought so. When you see him you will understand! They have a rank testing machine as well over there so we can take a look at you with that.

Sota: Isn't it far away though.

Akari: Only takes about a day, don't worry about it.

Sota: When are we going then?


Sota: Actually...

Akari: Don't answer that. Let's go.