
Akari: The reason for this war from the start. Is be-

Kaku: We don't know.

Sota: But there has to be a reason right?

Akari: I think it's because Issei is scared.

Sota: Scared?

Kaku: He fears Akari because he was threatened before and felt how it is to be at the gates of death.

Sota: What do you mean? This is confusing me.

Akari: Long story short, is that I know what kinds of shady business Issei has been doing behind the back of everyone in that country. Like slave trading, drug dealing and other things.

Sota: What?!

Kaku: Akari met him on the battlefield once. Issei was lucky to have escaped but Akari was too soft and let him go instead of finishing him off there.

Akari: The battle started because I said that I would reveal everything and I didn't because at the time I wasn't as strong as I am now and the thought of having hundreds of S-Rank fighters coming towards me was scary... But now I'm more confidant than ever and I want to fix my old mistake.

Kaku: So we decided to merge forces, and I will help Akari to take down their country and he will become a leader of the grasslands.

Akari: That's pretty much the plan.

Sota: Oh... When are we going?

Kaku & Akari: We?

Sota: Am I not allowed?

Akari: Do you wish to die?

Sota: I'm sure I wouldn't

Kaku: Issei is ten times stronger than you with his eyes closed and if that wasn't enough your element is especially weak against his.

Sota: He isn't the only fighter in their country.

Akari: That is true. However, he is certainly the most powerful. I don't think it is a good idea.

Kaku: Stay in the mountains and look over the people or something.

Sota: Me?

Akari: Yeah good idea.

Sota: Oh come on.

Akari: You are staying.


-The Great Forest-

Koji: Our room looks nice, to be honest.

Zoe: Yeah I like it.

Koji: I'm going to brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Zoe: Ok, I'll go right after you.


<> Koji is sleeping in his bed and the lights are off. Zoe is heading to bed now.

Zoe: *thinking* It's so cold... *whispering* Koji! Koji!

He's dead...

*Zoe pushes her bed next to Koji's bed*

*Goes under Koji's covers and places her bed covers over*

*thinking* Now I can sleep without getting cold... I hope he doesn't mind.


<> It is morning and so far the search for Sota was in vain but Auger insists that the search is continued.

Koji: *Yawning* Good morn- ...





Zoe: HEY! You woke me up!

Koji: Zz... Zoe...

Zoe: Hmm?

Koji: Why are you in my bed?

Zoe: I was really cold so I thought you wouldn't mind...

Koji: I... Give me a second...

Zoe: You okay?

Koji: Y... Yeah.

*Koji leaves the room still in his pyjamas*


*Koji comes back*

Koji: Sorry.

Zoe: No, no I'm sorry I didn't know you would be upset.

Koji: I'm not upset I was just not expecting that.

Zoe: Koji...

Koji: Yeah?

Zoe: Nevermind... Shouldn't we go see Auger?

Koji: Probably... I'll go get dressed in the toilet then we can leave...

Zoe: Okie.

<> Koji and Zoe are now making their way towards the Great Tree where Auger and Rover should be.

Guard: No one is allowed inside. Turn around.

Koji: Oh but we're friends of Auger, we are here to see him.

Guard: I didn't hear anything from Master Auger so I cannot let you inside.

Zoe: Please?

Guard: *Serious facial expression* Yeah sure go in.

Koji: Really? *Happy*

Guard: No of course not. You're not going inside.

Zoe: Can you ask Auger to come down here then?

Guard: I do not wish to disturb him for now.

Koji: What about Rover? Can you get him?

Guard: I will not leave my post.

Koji: Wait a second. *heavy rain*

Guard: What did you do? Why is it raining? Are you a god?

Koji: *Serious facial expression* It's just a power I have... I'm a fighter.

Guard: Oh why didn't you say so? Codename?

Koji: I don't have that yet...

Guard: Then you aren't a fighter...

Auger: Greetings Koji.

Koji: Hi!

Auger: I saw the rain and I thought it could be you.

Guard: Master Auger!

Auger: Show them inside.

Guard: Yes sir.

-Land Tower-

Note: The land tower is where Tsubasa Shin, the champion observes various countries. No one knows about the existence of such a tower because it is created with light, impossible to see with the naked eye. Thanks to his power (light) he can send light rays and see everything clearly from wherever he is. The rays of light that he emits reflect and produce a perfect image of what he wants to see from up to a tremendous distance away.

Shin: *thinking* Seems that Auger learnt pretty quickly how to do his job...

Issei seems worried... I'll wait a few more days to see what he's planning to do, I won't have him betray me again.

The desert and the mountains want to attack the grasslands... I'll go have a chat to Kirigaia...


Shin: Kirigaia, dear friend how are you doing.

Kirigaia: Oh, Shin you scared me!

Shin: Sorry.

Kirigaia: I am getting better though. I'll go into work next week.

Shin: Great to hear.

Kirigaia: Did you want to ask me something?

Shin: The mountains and the desert are coming to attack soon.

Kirigaia: Oh okay. Should I tell Issei?

Shin: I just wanted to let you know, but don't worry they won't even reach your territory.

Kirigaia: I'll leave it to you then.