
Auger: Still no sign of Sota after a whole night searching.

Koji: It's okay... He might be dead anyway.

Zoe: Don't say that!

Koji: Sorry...

Auger: She is right. If you lose hope then you will never find him.

Koji: You're right... Please continue searching.

Auger: I will but I can't promise anything.

Zoe: Thank you.


Koji: What should we do? Should we go look too?

Zoe: Can we go eat something first though?

Koji: Sure.


<> Kaku and Akari are now getting close to the Grasslands and Shin is about to take action.

Shin: Issei!

Issei: Yes?

Shin: Go to the North-East side of the country immediately.

Issei: Why?

Shin: Two fighters are coming towards here to attack the grasslands... I think you should take care of them.

Issei: Are they strong.

Shin: No don't worry you can do it.

Issei: Ok, I'll be on my way.


Issei: *Thinking* It's a bit foggy I can't really see them...

Don't come any closer or I will kill you.

Akari & Kaku: *Laughing*

Issei: *Thinking* I've heard that voice before...

Akari: You? Have come to kill us? *laughing* This must be a joke.

Issei: Who are you?

Akari: ... Death.

Issei: *trembling*

Akari: Kaku, don't interfere.

Kaku: Ok.

Issei: Takahashi Akari?

Akari: I see you remembered my name well... Do you still know how it feels to almost die?

Issei: You can't beat me easily again!

Akari: Should we test that theory?

Issei: *flash* THUNDERSLASH!

Akari: Basic. *Dodge* *Goes behind Issei and grabs his neck*

Issei: *Electricity body*

Akari: That's how you want to fight? *Ash body*

*Both jump and clash*

Akari: Did you get stronger?

Issei: You did too...

Akari: Hmph...

Issei: *kick* *slash* *lightning bolt*

Akari: *Doesn't move*

Issei: How is it possible that you can keep your body like that even after I give you powerful attacks?

Akari: One cannot be hurt by someone weaker... Isn't that how the saying goes?

Issei: I've never heard that saying.

Akari: You're about to experience it.


<> Issei is trapped inside a column of ash and can hardly move and is having difficulties breathing.

Shin: That's enough.

*Issei drops to the ground*

Kaku: Tsubasa Shin?

Akari: What do you want.

Shin: I don't want you to kill him... I just wanted you to give him some discipline for me... He is far too weak for me not to kill him.

Kaku: We know that you aren't as powerful as people think!

Akari: You are pretty good with words... How did you deceive so many people into thinking that you are that strong?

Shin: Silence! On your knees!

<> Akari and Kaku both fall on their knees due to the pressure.

Akari: What is this?

Shin: Hopefully that is enough for you to realize the difference in our abilities.

Kaku: Monster!

Shin: Allow me to explain why I truly came here for... As I have always been I will remain neutral between all of the five nations, however, the new leader of this country has yet to return to his post. I will not let you attack the grasslands while their leader is unfit to give orders or battle himself.

Akari: Issei isn't the ruler?

Shin: Not anymore. I deemed him to be unworthy of the authority I gave him. For that reason, Kirigaia Ito is now the new leader of the country. If you still wish to attack, from next week forward you may do so.

Akari: My only grudge was against Issei and not Kirigaia... I don't even know him.

Shin: The choice is yours... I am not to interfere. Stand!

Akari: If Kirigaia decides to keep on sending these pointless attacks I will come for his head. If you stop me again I'll hunt you too.


Shin: *laughing* At least one of you has some intelligence.

Akari: Are you making fun of me?

Shin: So?

Akari: ASH RI-



Shin: I'll be on my way. Excuse me.

Kaku: Akari? Akari? Are you ok?


<> Akari was knocked out instantly and Kaku carried him back to the desert while Issei eventually woke up and understood that Shin was not approving of him anymore and ran away.


-Great Forest-

Koji: It's already late and still nothing...

Zoe: Maybe we should call it a day?

Koji: Sure! Let's grab something to eat and then we can go back to the inn.


<> After having dinner Koji and Zoe are now returning to the inn.

Koji: I'll go to bed now.

Zoe: Okie. I'll go to the toilet and then go to bed.

Koji: *thinking* The two beds are still together...


Zoe: Is he asleep already? Koji?


Zoe: I guess I'll just lie down next to him... I don't think he minds...

Note: Zoe is not facing Koji.

Koji: *Puts his arm over Zoe*

Zoe: *Surprised* Ko- Koji?

Koji: Sleep well.

Zoe: *Blushing* *Happy* Yo- You too...

Koji: *Kisses her forehead* I really want to thank you for all your help... Good night. *smiling*

Zoe: Aww, it's okay. *smiling*

Koji: *Snoring*

Zoe: God... That was fast...


-Icy region-

Yoshida Bunta: Seems like the children are getting quite agitated... But anyways is everything solved?

Shin: Yeah... It's just been a long day.

Bunta: If you ever need anything you can tell me... I'll go sort stuff out for ya!

Shin: *Laughing* Don't worry about it!

Bunta: Let's have some beer! It always helps when you are tired.

Shin: *Laughing*