Time flies

<> Koji and Zoe spent another day looking for Sota but found nothing, they had to go back to the Grasslands and Zoe went back to work as Kirigaia's assistant and Koji had his own duties because he is a military fighter.

One year later:

Kirigaia has almost fully recovered and Issei was found and arrested. Sota has continued his training with Akari and has improved slightly. Joshua has improved from A-Rank to S-Rank by continuing with his work in the military as a fighter.

Koji worked hard and started training again this time with the help of Rover who would come see him in his free time and sometimes even Auger would come to watch and help with Koji's training. Tomorrow he will retake his ranking exam to check how much his abilities had improved. Oh and also Koji has now got a codename... "Stormbringer". Pretty cool huh? Maybe not... Anyways what else? I had this written down but now I lost my other paper... I'm just going to have to say what I remember...

Oh yeah, also Shin has found a new way to use his abilities and his power levels went up a little more than 3 times before.

Also... I heard that Zoe and Koji started dating but I can't confirm it... I'm a terrible narrator...

Oh and Mister Yoshida Bunta declared war on every other country... He never really said why but if I had to guess I would say that is because their food sources were agricultural and the Ice this year froze everything and their economy has been very affected however all of the countries gave excuses or reasons why they couldn't help the Icy regions. No one is perfect but I would say that's exactly how to not be a good neighbour.

I almost forgot! About Auger and Rover, their power levels also went up by a full rank. meaning that Rover is now S-Rank and Auger is SS-Rank, impressive!

And the most important thing! At least, in my opinion, is that Sota learnt how to make his body cells into water, including his blood and organs! Another of his slight improvements like I said at the start was that he can change the temperature of his body with the water flow and change the state of the water, Ice or water vapour... "Slight" upgrade from what he was a year ago, don't you think?

Also speaking of temperature there is another very important thing I must say... Koji found out how to manipulate the atmospheric temperature which basically means he can make ice shards fall from the sky instead of his "original" power of rain. It's a small modification but makes a lot of difference not just for that either... Oh, and the most exciting thing was definitely when Koji discovered that he can make tectonic plates shift position causing earthquakes and consequently tsunamis on a very big scale... Also a slight improvement... This means that Koji must have found that his power is controlling the forces of nature themselves and not weather... *Thinking*... I can't really explain any better than this since I lost my information sheet... But you're smart you can figure out how it works! I hope... And these days information about scientific stuff is pretty easy to get! Thanks to google.

The last thing I want to say... I FOUND MY SHEET! How unexpected... It was right below my other sheet... Anyways what I was going to say to finish my report... There is a page on the interweb or whatever you youngsters call it these days... It's called "buymeacoffee" and it allows you to support me! The most incredible narrator you have ever seen! Maybe not... But still, you probably wouldn't mind to give me your lunch money! ...

Okay, wait that came across wrong... Don't give me your lunch money... Give me your savings! Maybe not quite what I meant... What I mean is if you have any spare money... No, no that sounds like I'm a beggar... Look, if you like me or at least have some kind of good feeling towards me you may want to reward me... If you think it's worth it... You know what forget it, I'm tired of explaining...

Again if you want the page is "buymeacoffee.com/pboca"

That's it for today. See ya!