Another Emergency?

*Loud echoing voice* Congratulations! You have cleared the A-Rank Dungeon Kay Pop

Koji: Finally *Sweating*

Kirigaia: You're back!

Koji: Oh... Yeah?

Kirigaia: We were waiting for you.

Koji: Why?

Kirigaia: Didn't we agree for you to take the rank exam today?

Koji: Oooooh... That... I kinda forgot... I told Zoe I was going to meet her in a bit...

Kirigaia: Don't worry, it will be quick.


Kirigaia: Let's see... S (1.2/10) well done! The potential is like last time... The machine doesn't like you *laughing*

Koji: It's fine... It's just to update the database anyways... I think it doesn't mean that much.

Kirigaia: It may be true... But at least you get a pay rise!

Koji: Maybe it does matter...

Kirigaia: *laughing*

Koji: By the way... About what Mr.Bunta announced... Are we going to fight?

Kirigaia: If he fights us we will have to defend... I think it's just a stupid reason to make war! Not anyone else's fault they couldn't grow crops!

Koji: I also understand where they are coming from though...

Kirigaia: Let's wait and see how things turn out.

Eiji: Mr Kirigaia!

Kirigaia: What do you want?

Note: Eiji is the new head warrior of the grasslands and personal bodyguard of Kirigaia. He is a rank SS (1.0/0.0) a lot more capable than Issei in his job!

Eiji: It's about Issei...

Kirigaia: Issei?

Eiji: He escaped...

Kirigaia: What? That isn't even possible! I'm sure the cuffs would block his powers!

Eiji: I don't know how it happened either...

Kirigaia: Find him! Immediately!

Eiji: One more thing... I don't know who it is but someone called Daikil also escaped.

Kirigaia: Oh no...

Koji: Maybe I shouldn't be hearing this conversation but... Isn't Daikil the one that killed Hayato?

Kirigaia: *Nods silently*

Eiji: I heard about that... I'm sorry.

Kirigaia: Don't worry... Where is Zoe?

Koji: I think it was her break time we were going to have lunch together... Let me call her.

Kirigaia: No! No... Go but be back in an hour... We are having a meeting.


*Koji leaves*

Kirigaia: Eiji I'll have you deal with calling everyone here.

Eiji: Who should I call?

Kirigaia: Get every S-rank and above fighter to come to the meetings room.

Eiji: Sure. *Eiji creates a portal and leaves*

Kirigaia: I would love to have something as handy as that...


*One hour later*

Eiji: Mr Kirigaia.

Kirigaia: Call me Kirigaia!

Eiji: There are 5 fighters here in total not including me. 1 of which is SS-rank, it is a pleasure to see you Mr Zphyx. We all welcome you and thank you for your recent effort and support.

Zphyx: The pleasure is mine.

Eiji: For those who don't know Mr Zphyx has recently transferred from a small tribe that used to be independent but has now joined to the mountains region.

Kirigaia: Thank you for your introduction. Since I know all of you personally there is no need to verify identities... I will go straight to the point. Two dangerous men have escaped from jail recently. We still don't know if someone was helping them from the outside, but that does seem like the most logical explanation. However only I and Eiji have the main keys for those cells which creates some doubt on my mind as to how this happened... I trust that Eiji wouldn't do such thing and I know for a fact that I didn't so, for now, let us assume they found a way to get out on their own.

Zphyx: Who are they?

Eiji: They are Watanabe Issei and a man known as Daikil Makawa, we still don't know if that is his true identity but we believe so.

Koji: I believe I am right in saying that they were both part or related in some way to the collectors right?

Kirigaia: Yes that is correct.

Koji: Then couldn't someone else from that organization set them free? There must be another way to open the cells without the keys right? For example, if someone had the same power as Eiji they could create a portal inside and take them out.

Eiji: That would be impossible. I cannot create a portal to a place where I have not been.

Koji: Then it is possible... It could mean the person was there before.

Kirigaia: Seems unlikely... Any other suggestions?

Joshua: I believe that instead of thinking about how they escaped we should figure out how to find them and bring them to justice once more.

*all agreeing*

Zphyx: I propose we split and make search teams, it would be much more effective.

Eiji: We need to know more about everyone's powers to make a more informed decision on who to pair up together...

Kirigaia: Let's do the following then... Pass this paper around and write your name and the power you have. That way I know what everyone's abilities are.

Eiji: I'll start! *writing*


Teru Eiji: Portal and Void Manipulation.

Harada Koji: Control of Nature

Joshua Rotca: Gravity Force

Osvaldo Vernard: Time Control

Shuzuvumamuno Zphyx: Magnetic Manipulation

Fokushi Dah: Granulation (Turn things into Sand/Dust)


Fokushi: Here you go, I think that is everyone.

Kirigaia: Thank you. Eiji what do you think?

... *whispering and discussing* ...

Kirigaia: We have made the decision... Eiji please comunicate.

Eiji: We decided to split into two teams because we think splitting into three will make us lose more time when communicating with each other...

The teams are Me, Joshua and Koji. And the other obviously is Osvaldo, Zphyx and Fokushi.

Eiji: To clear everything up I will proceed to explain as to why we chose this. Joshua and Koji do not have much mobility by themselves and that is one of the reasons why I should be with them since I am probably the most mobile person, on the other hand... magnetic manipulation may help you with mobility. In terms of dividing our strength, I think its fair to say that this is balanced. Two S ranks and one SS rank in each team. To help us capture successfully the escaped prisoners I think Joshua's gravitational ability will come in handy and on your team time control will be the key to capturing them. If we see anything we are to report immediately I will be leading team one and Zphyx will be leading team two. Any objections?

*all* None!

Kirigaia: Very well. After them.