The Hunt Begins

Zhpyx: My team come with me. We are going to start by searching the South of the grasslands will that be alright for you Eiji?

Eiji: Then we will take care of searching on the Northside of the country.

Zhpyx: Come back to the headquarters tomorrow at midday.

Eiji: No problem.


Issei: Master! Thank you for helping us.

Daikil: Yes, thank you.

Fumiko: Thank you for your service. I want you two to bring chaos to the universe

Daikil: With all due respect I believe you are capable of doing so on your own.

Fumiko: But that's no fun... I prefer watching my children struggle to serve me and keep their lives.

<> Tsubasa Fumiko is Tsubasa Shin's mother. To this day she thinks of him as a failure and he is still trying to get stronger to defeat his mother because of her nasty objectives and hobbies... The only problem is Fumiko's power... She has what is called Omni-Manipulation... Yes, I never heard of this before until I did some searching myself. According to my search, it is the ability to manipulate anything, absolutely everything, be it physical (matter, energy, space-time) or life, death, and some aspects of reality itself! Ummm... Help.

Fumiko: Issei I will give you the power to have the brightest lightning you have ever seen. It will not only make you stronger and faster it will make you unkillable.

Issei: Thank you, honourable master Fumiko.

Fumiko: Daikil as for you I will give you knowledge about metals that are only found in other planets and the ability to use them with your abilities. That should give you a boost to your strength.

Daikil: Thank you master Tsubasa Fumiko.

Fumiko: I know that there are some fighters already chasing after you two. Split and go back to the country and make them scared for life. If you wish to do so, kill them.

Daikil & Issei: Yes Miss!


Eiji: So... I heard you were looking for your brother Koji...

Joshua: Yeah! How is it going?

Koji: Zoe has been helping me a lot from the start but still we found nothing about where he might be... But its okay, I still haven't been to the Desert, Mountains and the Ice region so I think I'll find him soon and bring him back.

Eiji: I heard he killed a boy in his class and the country is looking for him like a criminal. Won't that be bad for him?

Koji: I hope he feels regret and apologises... I know that won't fix anything but at least he has conscience of what he has done... Either way, if he isn't accepted back or even if he goes to jail I will be happier to know that he is safe.


Zphyx: Fokushi your ability is pretty straight forward... But I don't quite understand the limits to your ability Osvaldo.

Osvaldo: Allow me to explain. Basically, the amount of time I can stop or reverse is equal to my age... If I stop time for more than 35 years I will stop existing after 35 years... I am 35 years old by the way. If I reverse time 10 minutes my body will return to exactly how it was 10 minutes ago... Same goes for if I reverse time for 30 years my body will be the same as when I was 5 however my mental capabilities will remain. I know this is probably confusing and boring but let me just finish explaining.

Zphyx: Please do.

Osvaldo: I can also slow-down time up to about one-tenth of normal speed but I can also speed myself up or even opposite if I wanted to... That means I will age a lot faster than normal... Even though I can get back in time it will reach a certain point where my body will have taken so many alterations it will no longer hold up and start to break down. That is the only reason I am not an SS-rank... I could stop existing at any time.

Zphyx: You seem pretty though. I Beleive you should be ranked up though. It's a waste of your power and talent.

Fokushi: I also agree! Don't you want to...

Zphyx: SHHHH! He's here!

Fokushi: Huh? Who? I don't see anything

Daikil: It's called Quot.

Osvaldo: Huh? Who was that?

Zphyx: Most likely our enemy. I could feel his magnetic field... I suppose he has some kind of metal related power.

Daikil: Impressive! As expected of an SS-Rank fighter!

Fokushi: It must be Daikil! The guy Kirigaia mentioned the one with the metal powers that killed Hayato the leader of the forest!

Daikil: Exactly!

Osvaldo: I don't understand... Why can't we see him?

Daikil: Have you ever heard of Quot?

Zphyx: I have quite a large knowledge about metals but I have never heard about that one.

Daikil: It's because it's not a metal found on our planet... Not even in our galaxy.

Zphyx: What do you mean?

Daikil: Quot is a metal from planet M51-ULS-1b from a galaxy that is 23 million light-years away.

Osvaldo: How do you know that?

Daikil: Let's say that my master reads science books... Well, Quot is an unbreakable metal and it's invisible... What are you going to do?

Zphyx: Osvaldo! Stop the time please.

Osvaldo: Done. Everything is stopped except for us. Be quick because I can't keep things like this for a lot long... It consumes 3x more the normal time... And it's exhausting.

Zhpyx: *Concentrating* He is Directly at my left. I feel his magnetisation. Fokushi eliminate him, we won't be able to suppress him if we give him a chance.

Fokushi: *Touches Daikil* Disappear. WHAT?

Osvaldo: What's wrong?

Fokushi: He... He didn't break!

Zhpyx: What?

*Osvaldo resumes time*

Daikil: *laughing* ... *Silence* *Whispering* Pathetic.