The War machine starts

Seeing the number of combatants Luke was continuously sending over, the council decided to reward him for his 'hard work' and sent over a messenger to negotiate more dealing.

Since the messenger was under strict orders to never give technology, Luke could not help it and shamelessly asked him to supply Luke with materials for construction so that he could expand the CoD base s well as other territory closer to the war to set up an outpost. He also requested a bunch of other incredibly rare materials.

What were they for?

"Hehe, that is a secret I will only keep for myself and my family. Do you wish to become my family?"

Although this was a joke, the male messenger shivered a little as he heard those words and unconsciously tightening his thighs and butt.

These materials were naturally for Luke's new Magical Array that he had been planning all this time. Naturally, he was missing a main base for the array, and he had also requested that of the council; the blood of a mythical creature.

And in exchange, he would not only keep up the suicidal attacks, but even increase them over time.

Although Leon had many hidden aces, so many in fact that they would not be able to count them, the still could not send out suicide squads like they were dirt on the side of a road. Such suicide squads were, unlike technology, difficult to train, maintain, and most importantly took years to create.

Naturally, you could force them into signing soul contracts, however, forced suicide squads acted very differently as compared to normal suicide squads. If the one with their soul contracts were not personally there, these suicide squads would not sacrifice themselves, and would try their best to survive and find loopholes in the order their master gave them so they won't die. Naturally order were order and they could not leave the battlefield and were bound to die, but were more likely to die of exhaustion from running around than from sacrificing themselves.

These people that The Sage was continuously bringing out like a factory were definitely not the forced kind. What did that mean?

The Sage had a nearly endless supply of suicidal soldiers willing to die at his orders?

This had even unnerved those at the council, which was why they were willing to sacrifice so many benefits to Luke, including the most expensive of them all, the blood of a baby dragon they had gotten from a dragon egg they had received.

Naturally, they had had to return the egg to the raging Dragon, but they were still able to extract some blood from the egg without harming it in any way shape of form. From that blood, whose amount they were not willing to disclose to someone as greedy as Luke, the council decided to give 2 drops to Luke.

With these benefits in hand, Luke began his research into a new magical array he could inscribe onto his own body.

Time passed just like that, and while Luke was researching and making calculations, he was still somehow managing to send out missions.

By now, the third batch of 32 players, 29 of whom had chosen [Draconian Sub-spectator], and all of whom had reached level 7. Naturally, within the two weeks that passed, the direct player members of CoD had all reached level 13, while the second group of suicide bombers had mostly reached level 9.

At this moment, Luke called them over for a discussion and explained to them the concepts of pathways and how they should focus on the pathway they had begun their journey on and not stray from the path.

Naturally, he had excluded that one person who did not directly come under his control. Although he did not tell that fellow about everything, he still made the knowledge of the different specialisations available to everyone who reached level 9.

However, everything had a price. For those who were directly under his control, they would have to pay a total of 2000 exp for this knowledge as well as some money just to make it more realistic, while those who were not under his control had to give nearly 8000 exp and triple the monetary cost to get the same thing.

Naturally, Luke had shamelessly promoted this news to the other members of CoD publicly, even though he knew this would be greatly discussed on the forums. The reason was simple, he wanted everyone to know that he not harm those who did not become [Draconic Sub-Spectator]s but he would most definitely be partial towards those who did.

With this, Luke realised that he needed a better method of communication, as well as an assistant.

'I guess the time to create an artificial lifeform as finally come.'

Luke sighed as he temporarily stopped his work on the magic array and began pondering on the amount of work he has to do and all the distractions that limit his speed to creating the magic array and doing anything else he wanted to.

Although he had Lucy who was acting as his assistant, she still had a body of flesh and blood and had limits. Furthermore, she could not interact with the system.

Luke needed to create an artificial lifeform that could, maybe not directly interact with the system, but be able to send out missions and other things to the players without his intervention.

Thus, while the CoD war machine was churning out players of level 9 and higher after Luke increased the bar for the war mission once more, Luke himself began pondering on what sort of artificial lifeform he should create while searching through all the spells and magic arrays he knew of that might help.