Suffered Another Betrayal

'Xavier, it's time.'

(Has it already been two weeks?)

'Yes, today will be the day that we will confront that big boss and save that woman from mistreatment.'

(Very well, I wish that what we had planned turned out to be effective because it'll be a total waste of time if it doesn't change anything)

In the last conversation that I had with the woman two weeks ago, she was desperate to finish everything. And that's when my alternate and I came up with a risky plan to help with her problems. Because of the difference in followers, The only thing that my alt and I could think of is to beat his men one by one.

What plan we had in mind may lead to our doom, but if it's for helping someone. Then it's not that big of a sacrifice to deal with. During the days before the present, we hunted his men one by one to start a riot inside the prison. Since I am still not that famous inside, the probability that the blame will be passed on to someone is high.

And that is the strongest point of the plan that we executed. However, the weakest point is the rising popularity because of the different rumors surrounding me. And it will not take that long for something bad to happen. And the worst-case scenario is happening right at this moment.

The moment that my alt and I will confront the big boss. May this day be filled with strength for the upcoming fight that we will have to endure, for the sake of a person who experienced the mistreatment that I once had. May my actions brought upon justice for everyone mistreated by the law and its enforcers.

The law that should be protecting the innocent, the shield for the victims, has been made a sword. Weaved by the people who don't handle their duties truthfully to what they have taken an oath. I am no longer the guy who will take upon the beatings of many just to feel the love that no one can give me.

Enough is enough, and this day I will finally declare that I can fight for myself. And nothing in this world will ever stop me with the ideals I have brought. Every abuse damages a person's mindset, not only physical but also verbal abuse. My actions may have their risks, but it is time to educate them that acts and words can serve as weapons.

I am no hero nor wanting to be a hero. But if you were in my place, maybe just maybe you will do exactly the same thing. Because you are a person who experienced it personally. These may be the last words I can say, so I'll just use them to educate.

'Lets do this, Xavier.'

(Yes, let's do it)

When my alternate helped me gather pieces of information for a lead on who the big boss might be. We failed, but at the very least, we were informed of the standing base of the big boss. And that is where we'll be heading to confront him, right inside that base of his.

Yes, it is risky to enter, but as for the information I have gathered, that man would not leave his hideout unless it's mealtime in the cafeteria. Even the guards were afraid of him, and that left me with the expectation that this man really is notorious. Not only because of some rumors but actual facts.

Some inmates even saw his domain back when he was still outside of the prison. He was a merciless gang leader who doesn't let others drag his power down. However, he was betrayed by his own right-hand man that he trusted the most and was imprisoned with a life sentence inside here.

From the stories I heard, what if this man actually is someone soft? But to protect his men, he pretended to be someone who can be seen as ruthless. What if all the stories about him were actually false information but also have a different side of the story?

I dont know who he is, but hopefully, I hope that what I have been thinking turns out to be the truth. And to prove that it is time to head to his place and confront him. As I head towards the east wing, there is a stairway that will lead me to him.

He was not considered a convict, but rather a VIP, at the prison. That man was not contained on any of the cells, but rather, has the freedom. The freedom to enter and leave the facilities when and wherever he wants, what is he? Can he even be considered a convict?

Whether it's from the outside or the inside, the law is only for those with power. A criminal or not, if you have influence, then you can bend the law at your own will. Only a few more steps towards him, and we'll be able to reach him.

'Xavier, let's change places. Things may get messy once you enter that door.'

(Okay, I'll just observe you from here. And if you can, please refrain from resorting to violence. Let's try having a conversation and reason out first. I give you my permission to use violence once you see the dangers of being inside)

'Okay, here we go.'

As my alt enters, the first thing I saw was that woman being held captive by a group of men. I was angered, but I was not the one controlling the body at the moment. She was kneeling beside a guy sitting on an elevated platform.

'He must be the big boss. What do you want me to do?'

(Tell him to release that woman and take the matters to ourselves)

"You the one sitting on that chair, release that woman, and let's take this matter to ourselves," my alternate stated as he tries to convince the one who looks like the big boss.

"Who are you to order me around? Are you the one who started beating my men?" he responded to what my alternate stated.

"I won't answer any questions, not until you release that woman," my alternate responded as he demanded.

Then someone suddenly hit us from the back, and that made us knelt to the floor.

"When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. And you should answer immediately, cause I'm not the type of guy who prefers wasting time," he responded as I knelt on the floor.

"You know, I admire your bravery. However, you are naive. Do you even know what consequences will happen to you? Just because of this woman, you were willing to sacrifice yourself?" he added to his response.

"And because I admire your bravery, let me tell you my name. My name is Daku Mazuko," he added to his reply.

"I dont even know you, so why do I need to bother trying to remember your name?" my alternate responded.

"You sure are a feisty one, different from what I have heard. But you know, I have something that will probably make you more worried than this woman," Daku Mazuko replied with a threat.

"What are you trying to say?" my alternate answered his reply.

Before I was even able to hear what he meant with his reply, his men started to beat me up. I was prepared for this kind of scenario, but I didn't think that what will happen to me was this brutal. He was not the least bit as the person whom I pictured. He is just someone who is a slave to power.

Reasoning out with this kind of person will only do me more harm than fighting him. But do you think that we can fight them off even with the help of my alternate personality?

"What the hell? You already tired after a little beating, and you dared to barge in here with that frail body of yours? Are you stupid, or you're just underestimating me?" He responded to my alternate.

(Hey, are you still okay?)

'Still fine, just trying to figure out what he meant earlier.'

How come that we share the same body, but I dont feel anything. Maybe because I may be conscious, but I'm not currently in physical form. What I meant by physical form is taking full control of the body.

"Coming from the man who hides behind his so-called men just because of some pesky reputation you had outside. You ain't nothing without those minions of yours," my alternate provoked him.

"My family abandoned me, Augustine, and what was that other one again convenience store, boss?" He responded to my alternates provocation.

What the hell? How did he even know about them? Before I was brought here, I ended everything so how come that they are still involved with my problems? But the question remains the same, how in the world does he know about it.

"You really are a naive little boy. My family abandoned me because of their other child. I was the one with many achievements blah blah blah," the woman whom we tried to help turned out to be a lying bastard.

'Xavier, stop. Let me handle this and give me control over the body.'

'Xavier, listen to me. You dont want to do this.'

(Shut up)