"I honestly thought that fooling you would be hard, but I cannot believe that you fell for it too easily. Just one mention of betrayal from family, you'll begin to soften," the woman kept on blabbing nonsense.
"However, you're just too cute and handsome. So I dont want to damage that very unique face of yours," she added to her nonsense.
Hello, I'm Xavier's Alternate personality. Because of what is happening right now, I cannot seem to reach and talk with Xavier. He's currently the one controlling his own body, although I still haven't existed for too long to observe him well.
I am proud to say that Xavier is a man of his words. He never used violence when he knows that it is not necessary to get worked up. However, this is the first time that I have felt this kind of sensation. This feeling that Xavier completely changed in just a blink of an eye.
Whatever I try to connect with him, he just kept on refusing to listen to everything. There's nothing that I say to stop him, and I'm worried about how he will suffer after he discovers what he was doing. I cannot bear the burden to see him stuck in the dark past of himself.
The very purpose of my existence is for him to not experience the pain of betrayal ever again. But it seems that I have failed to accomplish the one and only task that was given to me. I have yet let Xavier felt everything again. All I did was to somehow protect him in things that I could.
"Every mischief that happened to me has never been a lie. However, I just twisted the truth a little to make you feel pity for me. I was never abused here because who would have the confidence to even stand in front of me?" the woman kept on talking nonsense. While Xavier stood there without any hint of movements.
"You see, living in this world can never be fair. You know why? Because there will always be people who try to step on you. Eventhough you didn't commit something wrong to them. The world has been running with many different sins from the start," she added.
"It is up to you if you want to be the one on top of the food chain. Or if you want to be the prey for the predators. We have been living in a hierarchy, cutie. And I have chosen to be on top rather than at the bottom,"
'Xavier, please, you have to listen to me.
See what is happening, whatever I do or say. I dont know what has been happening to him, but ever since he discovered that the woman was lying. He forcefully took charge of the body without any prior notice and kicked me out without telling me what happened.
That is not what is concerning me but, as I have stated, the strange aura that I have been feeling from Xavier. He just stood there like a statue not flinching even if it's just a little. I dont even know what to do anymore. It's much better that I just erase my existence since the very reason that I existed was to protect him, and then I failed.
"Dont you even know how to read between the lines? Are you stupid or just plain brainless? You just won't stop talking. Sorry but I'm not interested in any of your stupid stories," it was sudden, but Xavier responded to the woman.
'Xavier, talk to me. Why won't you answer me? Exchange places with me, let me handle this.'
(Shut up, you did your part)
'Why did you even asked for help in the first place?'
(When have you ever been this talkative? Just shut up or be erased from existence)
"Enough," Daku Mazuko suddenly talked.
"I dont know you, but I'll applaud your braveness and skills in fighting. You were able to beat my best men one by one without any injuries in your body," Daku Mazuko added to his response.
"Tell me, dont you want to leave this place unscathed? Then I can offer you only one thing, join me, and everything that you everyone has done to you will all be over. You will also be on top of the food chain, and you will never be again the prey because you have become the predator. So what do you say? Just accept my offer, and everything will be over," Mazuko added to his response and offered Xavier freedom.
'Xavier, dont listen to him. That offer is nothing but a bunch of lies.'
I still can't communicate with him, and every time I try to connect, he kept, on refusing. But maybe, there is still one last thing that I could use for Xavier to listen to me. That woman who he always said to be the one who helped him cope up with his problems.
However, I dont know what way to use to be able to contact that girl, because it might just be an imaginary friend of Xavier.
"Did you really think that I'm that stupid to just accept your offer when I have a few of your men pointing guns at me? You must be out of your mind if you think that threatening me will help you recruit me. Sorry but I reject your offer," Xavier answered.
"You sure have a great instinct. Makes me want to recruit you more, but I think there is something that would make you beg to join us. What if I do something to your friend and that lovely boss of yours? I could only imagine your rage towards me, but should I do something to them?" Mazuko kept on provoking Xavier.
Suddenly, Xavier started to move towards Mazuko then he grabbed Mazuko at his neck. Xavier lifted that big of a man easily without any help from me. Because even I won't be able to lift that almost two meters of a man. However, what Xavier did make me realize what that unknown feeling or vibe that he was releasing.
It was his anger overflowing because of the countless betrayal he received, he grew tired of being that fragile guy who always kept on helping others unconditionally. From the warm and cheerful Xavier, he became the coldest person in the world.
He created me to help him, but because I have failed to do so. He had already erased the thought of having an alternate personality.
"Why dont you try? You can't even escape my hands, and you start to threaten me. You even call yourself the big boss who once conquered Japan, but you can't even help yourself from a fragile and naive man like I am. Stupid bastard," Xavier responded to Mazuko's provocation.
If you could only see how scary the look on Xavier's face if only you could feel the wrath that has been overflowing from his body. You could feel his bloodlust. The temptation that he wants to kill a person, and if I want to help Xavier. The only thing I could do is to forcefully claim his spot and calm him down.
What I'm about to do will be very risky since it might erase my existence thoroughly but this is the only way I could protect Xavier from the bloodlust he has.
'Xavier, if you wont listen to me. Then you left me with no other choice but to control your body forcefully.'
(Why dont you make me? What can a failure like you do?)
I knew it, I finally know the reason why he kept on refusing to connect with me. He thinks that I am a failure and he doesn't have anyone to trust anymore because of the betrayal he received. So there is only one way to claim control.
'Remember the woman you talked to me about every day.'
(That woman isn't real, what are you? Some delusional alternate personality?)
'No, I believe that woman is real. And I dont know, but I keep having this feeling that soon you'll be able to see her.'
'But if you want to meet her, you have to trust me and let me handle everything.'
Hopefully, Xavier seems to understand what I'm trying to tell him. And he is starting to be a little calmer. However, before I could even take control of the body. Mazuko's men started to attack Xavier from behind which led to Xavier's worsens state.
'That woman would also like to meet you too!'
And then suddenly Xavier gave me control of his body.
"Oh, you have some guts to attack me from behind. You won't be able to win against me with some petty little tricks you know?" I stated as I let go of Mazuko's neck since Xavier was the one who attacked him.
I hurriedly left his hideout and went to the old tower where I tried to talk with Xavier.
'Xavier, are you alright?'
He isn't responding and he left me with control for his body.
'Xavier, you did well. I know that I'm different from you but I will work hard to regain your trust again.'