It's been three years already, and still no sign of Xavier. Ever since that day, Xavier never showed himself again. And I was left with the control of his body, even after three years have passed. I'm still struggling with having to live the life that is supposed to be for Xavier.
His ways are very different from how the personality I have is created. To keep the act that I'm not a different person, all I need to do is exactly the kind of decisions that Xavier will make. Although If this goes on for too long, then the thing that I'm more worried about is what will happen to Xavier.
Because if I remember things correctly, there will be times that one of the personalities that haven't appear for a while will disappear. However, that will only be applicable if the alternate will overwrite the main personality as the owner of the body.
But even if I dont intend to covet the body, the worry still bothers me that Xavier hasn't appeared nor gave at least a small hint that he is fine. Without him, I am left all alone, trying to fit the standards of the people. I can't even cook a meal, but I need to learn everything about how Xavier handles every situation he faces.
Even after what happened three years ago, Mazuko and his goons kept on bothering me, trying to hurt Xavier's body. Well, his pride was crushed by Xavier. After all, acting like the big boss but was dethroned by a nobody that will surely damage his pride.
How many more days, months, or years shall I live for Xavier? I want to prove myself useful to him. What he said that day scarred my heart and made that made me feel like trash. What purpose do I still have if I was already branded as a failure?
'Xavier, it has been three years after the incident that happened. Can you please just reassure me that you're fine?'
'I need you, Xavier.'
'Augustine and your boss visited multiple times, but I couldn't accept their visitation request because they will notice the difference in our personalities. No matter how hard I try to be like you, no one can change the fact that you're the man that everybody once loved.'
'Please, can you just please answer me? What shall I do? Cant, you just give me a hint or something?'
Day by day, I still keep on calling his name, hoping for him to answer me again. Every possible solution I will try if that means that Xavier will finally come back. He doesn't deserve anything that has happened to him. He trusted, but his trust was repaid with betrayal.
Not only once but multiple times, he tried to keep having hope that everything will be alright. However, even inside the prison, the trust that he gave was stepped on because of greed. Somehow I can understand what Xavier feels.
He doesn't want anything to do with the world anymore because he witnessed how cruel living could be. Even if I try to tell him that this is only not half of the world he sees, the pain from the past that he receives still lingers in his heart.
And then, suddenly, the guard informed me that someone is requesting visitation.
"Inmate 1226, you have a visitor."
"Is it the two of them again?"
"Yeah, why dont you just try to talk to them? They have been visiting you without any miss for the last three years. I think that it's only proper that you tell them the reason for your refusal."
'What should I do? What if they notice it? Xavier, what should I do? I badly need your assistance right now.'
"Okay, tell them please tell them that I'll accept their request."
Xavier wouldn't like this decision that I'll make, but it's probably for the best. As the guard escorted me towards the hallway of the visitation room. I cannot think of the words that I want to say because I dont know them personally, but they are the most precious friends of Xavier.
When I opened the door in the last cubicle, there I saw two people who seem to be his bestfriend and probably his boss. The only thing I know is their name but not their looks. After sitting in front of them, the guy who I think is Augustine started the conversation.
"It has been three years since the last time you accepted our visit. What happened to you? Why didn't you want to meet us? It's understandable if it's only been for a few weeks. However, you have refused for three years straight, without even telling us the reason for the sudden change in your behavior," the guy whose name is Augustine.
"What happened to you, Xavier? Talk to us, we were worried sick, so we came here every day for the last three years hoping that you'll answer our request. But you just kept on refusing, tell us what happened to you. So that we'll know the reason, please just tell us," the woman whose beside Augustine seemed to be emotionally attached to Xavier.
'If you won't talk, Xavier. Then dont hate me for the decision that I'll make for this.'
"Can't you see the hint? I've been avoiding you for the last three years, but you still kept on annoying me. It's pretty simple the reason actually, I just dont want any connections with the two of you ever again. So would you please just stop with this nonsense because you are clearly wasting your time here," I responded harshly.
However, I'm pretty sure that they're not that dumb to not notice the struggle that I have shown them with my trembling words. After what I have stated, the looks on their face were not the face of dismay but rather relief.
They may have already uncovered the truth behind the words that I have released. After that short conversation that the three of us had, they left without any replies to what I have stated. But rather, left the visitation room with smiles on their faces.
Before they fully exit the room, they looked back and assured me with a smile on their faces. And if I remember correctly, it's the same face that Xavier has always used when faced with problems unsolvable by himself. How I wish that I also had my own body and be friends with that kind of people.
'Xavier, if you have heard what I have said to your friends and saw their reactions. I just hope that you already realize that there will always be people who will hold you dear to their hearts. As I have stated earlier, you still have not seen the whole world.'
'I know that trusting a person will now be hard for you, but I hope that you'll find deep in your heart the ability to trust again.'
'Dont worry, even though I dont know where you are. I'll protect your body and your friends just like how you accepted me as also a part of you. I knew from the very start that you have considered me as someone important to you.'
'Although I'm just your alternate personality, as long as I exist, I will continue to be loyal to you and be your so-called guardian angel.'
When I headed outside to head back to my cell, several inmates were trying to gang up on me outside of the hallway. However, as I try to avoid them because of what Xavier wants. Someone suddenly appeared right in front of me, a guy who helped me run away from the inmates ganging up on me.
He brought me to a place inside the prison where some inmates stayed during the day. It was some kind of hideout for inmates being bullied by the bastard Daku Mazuko. Counting the people inside of this place, it'll reach the estimate of about fifty people. All were abused by Mazuko and by the unfair judgment of the law.
"May I ask why did you help me from those guys?" I asked the person who helped me.
"It's because you were also being abused and bullied by some person who thinks highly of himself. That he starts stepping on other people just to show his fake power on the weak," the person who helped me responded to my question.
"Then if you dont mind? May I ask your name?" I asked him.
"Well, the name is Benjiro Abe. How about you? What's your name?" Abe asked me after answering my question.
'Come to think of it, I dont even have my own identity. But ever since I have been created I have always liked Xavier's name.'
"Nice to meet you, Abe. My name is Xavier, Xavier Carter. I'm not an American, I'm half Japanese and the other is secret," I responded to his question and told him Xavier's name.
"How come that your name is Xavier Carter if your half Japanese?" he questioned curiously.
"Well, I dont actually know myself. But let's change the topic, why are you detained here?" I responded to his question trying to avoid any unnecessary information.
"The unjust law, that's the reason why I and everyone who is in this place is detained here," He responded, and suddenly the atmosphere of the place started to change.