Riot in an Abandoned Building

I was on my way to meet with the President because I remembered that time when he told me to find him if ever I needed anything. That time, it was really odd because it was the first time I saw him, but it seems he had taken a liking to me. Well, I need to use all of my connections if I really wanted to push through.

Because as of now, I wouldn't be able to stand right in front of my family alive if they knew that I'll be visiting them. They might have connections to several different organizations because they can hire abductors and many more. If you think about it, our family may really be wealthy for them to recruit such people.

While they're out there having someone backing them. Compared to my half-siblings, I'm still just an insignificant being. So with everything I have right now, I'll do everything, even if it means selling my own soul to the devil. One block away from the address that I remembered to be the President's house, I saw a kid chased by some men in their guard outfit.

However, since it's not a part of my problem, nor does it have anything to do with me. I just minded my own business. But there is only one thing that I couldn't let out of good conscience happen. An accident where I know I could change the outcome. There was a car passing by when the kid suddenly ran towards the other side of the road. But luckily, I was able to pull him before he was hit.

The kid fell to the ground, and the driver of the car honked loud. Maybe it was to signal the kid to be careful. Because of what I did, the guards managed to catch the kid. However, I didn't like the look on the kid's face, so I glanced at him with a terrifying look.

Suddenly, the guards intervened and roughly captured the kid. Because I didn't want to be involved in something that I know won't be beneficial. I went on my way and proceeded on going towards the President's house. However, before I even take my first step, I heard the kid shouted and crying for help.

That's when I realized that the kid was in trouble. When I looked back, there I saw that the guards were beating up the kid, pummeling him with punches and stomping at his body. He is at least around sixteen to eighteen years old, but because of his skinny body. He can't even protect himself against guards with a fit body.

Experiencing this kind of situation triggered an awful memory from the past. Which became the reason for me to help this kid. And it turned out that the guards were just dressing up, and in reality, they're gangsters who were sent to kill the kid.

Knowing the situation, I couldn't standby and watch this helpless kid in the face of danger. Although it might be difficult because of these gangsters' bulky physiques, plus the disadvantage. Without even thinking, I yelled at the gangsters' and rushed towards them. They managed to land a punch on my face, but when I blinked, they were all lying on the ground.

I guess it happened again, that day back in the hospital. When I helped someone being beaten by a group of teenage kids, they suddenly began to run while some of them were lying unconscious on the ground. However, I never knew the reason how that happened. Because everything happened in just a blink of an eye. But there is something that I felt that day that is similar to how I feel right now, that burning feeling right inside my body.

Suddenly, the kid started to cry. That's when I gave him a piece of advice that might help him in living his life to the fullest.

"Hey, stupid kid. Remember what I'm about to tell you because you'll probably need it for the rest of your life. You ain't gonna win a fight when you're here just running away. You need to show them that you're not someone they can mess with for them to leave you alone. Learn how to fight for yourself. Because not anyone would be willing to help you when things get out of hand. Be thankful enough that I was able to save you," Perhaps, this kid will turn out to be someone strong in the next few years. He just wasn't guided right that he turned out to be like this.

"I'll forever cherish what you have done, Oniisama. You have saved my life twice. In what way could I possibly show my gratitude?" Well, at least he's polite, unlike some other teenage kids who don't seem to know how to respect someone older than them.

"I didn't save you because I wanted to. I did it for myself because it brought back a bad memory I had in the past. You dont need to worry about showing your gratitude, just get lost and remember my advice. A person like you cannot live in a cruel world like this. But if you want to live, then learn how to adapt to this environment," Before leaving, I gave this kid another piece of advice that will change how he sees everything in life.

Leaving the kid behind, he yelled and asked for my name.

"Nicholas Kim," I yelled back and went on my way.

After walking for a few minutes more, I arrived at the President's house. Guards were surrounding the whole mansion, that anyone who attempts to sneak in would be immediately discovered. Because I came here through the order of the President himself, the guards wouldn't harm me because my visit is legal.

However, when I went to the front entrance, they weren't the type to be accustomed to welcoming their guest. Although it's understandable since this is the personal house of the President. This might be a few blocks away from where the incident with the kid happened. The whole land is enormous. Starting from the front gate, you still have to ride a golf cart to reach the center of the mansion.

Because I was standing at the entrance for a few minutes, the guards might saw me as someone suspicious. So they approached me and asked what my business was within this premises.

"I have an appointment with the person living here. By any chance, can I talk to him?" Politely asked because there is no way to guarantee my safety with multiple armed guards.

"How can we be sure that you were sent here by the President himself?" Well, the guard is only doing his job.

I showed him an invitation that came from the President himself. In that invitation is a QR code that will help the guards determine the legitimacy after scanning.

"Alright, You are free to enter the premises. However, the President is currently unavailable since he still hasn't finished with his errands. You'll probably just waste your time trying to wait for him since there's no guarantee that he'll arrive today. If I may suggest, you can just return tomorrow or contact him directly in advance," The guard suggested, which might be the best move to do.

After hearing that, I left then was supposed to head home. But if I remember correctly, I dont have any place to stay since I already left my house originally. Because my current situation is a homeless man. Then the only choice I have is to head to a nearby park near the sea and rest for a while.

It took me about ten minutes heading to the park, but I dont have any other choice. There was a bench under a tree facing the sea, which was a nice view, and because of the cold breeze, the atmosphere was a little cozy. As I prepare myself to sleep, I heard gunshots. Although I cannot pinpoint its exact location. There's this gut feeling I have that it was from the abandoned building near where I lie.

Because it was none of my business, I just ignored it and prepared again to sleep. However, the multiple gunshots still haven't stopped, and it slowly pissed me off. And again, there was a burning feeling running through my veins. I tried everything I could to cover my ears, but the sound still won't disappear.

And it led to my conclusion to check what was happening in the building.

When I arrived in front of the abandoned building, I can see many cars parked by, and just as I thought, multiple gunshots can be heard inside. Hesitant to proceed, I swallowed everything and stepped in. Inside the building, I saw a gun lying down on the floor. I tested it out to see if it's defective, but it turned out to be great.

However, as I held the gun, my head suddenly ached, and memories from my abduction started to flow on my mind. The burning feeling worsened as if my body was thrown into the depths of hell. And from there, I lost all control over my body, then a sudden killing spree happened because of me.