Unexpected Flow of Strength

Although I couldn't control my body. I am fully aware of what I am doing. Everyone who was inside this abandoned building was all slaughtered by me. However, some of those men only suffered slight injuries. This building has three floors and during my sudden killing spree. I reached the top floor, where only a few people remained untouched.

Because of the burning feeling in my body, I slowly lost consciousness. After three minutes, I became conscious, but my mind ached again because of what happened.

(That was quite satisfying, so this is the extent of my power. Controlling this would be beneficial.)

When I observed my surroundings, the old man and some of his men who survived were standing near me. Judging from their reaction, they were clearly surprised at how I handled crossing the first two floors without suffering any injuries.

"What is your name, child?" The old man suddenly approached me and asked.

"Nicholas Kim. Now that I've answered your question. Get lost," Because I still haven't changed my name legally. Telling them my name wouldn't be disadvantageous, knowing that they might belong to some criminal organization or something.

Just when I stood up and removed the dirt from my pants and t-shirt. The old man suddenly proposed something.

"How would you like to be a part of my family, Nicholas?" What does this man want from me, though?

"Family my foot, just leave me alone, and I'll let you be. However, if you so far as to bother me again. I promise that there would be more casualties than what you have noticed today," I responded, then walked away.

"How dare you threaten our boss!" Then one of his men suddenly yelled at me out of frustration.

"Who the hell do you think you are! You better shut up before I smash your head to the ground," I was outraged because of his attitude that I nearly assault him.

Then some of them held the both of us to be a median to prevent another casualty.

"Whoa, let us calm down. You know too well that provoking this child would send us all to hell, right? We should be thankful that he left us alive rather than finishing every one last of us. However, I still want this child to be a part of our team. He has the potential to support our family and carry on its legacy," The hell does this old wants to say?

"Let me make it clear because I suppose you haven't understood my statement. I have no intention of joining what organization you handle because that would only be a waste of time for my side. Whatever the reason may be for your stubbornness in recruiting me. My answer would still be the same. So if you have perceived what I have said, then please let me leave. Oh! Before I forget, teach that man of yours to be wary of the situation. The next time he acts up in front of me, then I wouldn't be able to allow him to talk any longer," Before leaving, I've rejected the offer of the old man again.

"Then I must not force something upon you. I understand that you may have your own endeavors to take care of. However, it seems that you dont have a place to stay for the night. Why dont you come with us, and we'll provide you with a room just for today," Well, that offer is certainly something that could change my mind because of my current situation.

However, how could I trust someone whom I just met?

"With all due respect, do you see me as the type of guy who would just allow himself to be in the lair of strangers?" Because I'm still just some teenage kid. They thought I still haven't had any experiences with the reality of this cruel world.

"I gotta applaud your way of thought, kid. You may be younger, but your mindset is already much matured than some of my men. Well, if I may, we haven't had such a remarkable first impression with each other. However, we may be an enormous mafia family, but that doesn't mean that we're involved with many criminal acts. So in the name of my family, you can trust my words. Plus, with your strength, there wouldn't be anyone who would even dare to defy you," I have a feeling that this old man can be trusted. Because of how this old man's eyes look, I can be sure that he isn't the type of man I picture him to be.

"You have a way with your words, though, old man. Well, if you insist, then I have no right to refuse your offer. But keep in mind that whoever engages in any act of violence towards me would face death's door itself, got it?" Warning them of the possible consequences, the old man quite piqued my interest with his statement.

"After seeing how capable you are to overwhelm the adversary of today's war. We could surely lose our lives with just a flick of your fingers," Can't even distinguish if that was pure sarcasm or just an insult.

As soon as I accepted their offer, everyone went outside and prepared the cars parked outside. Although some of them were left behind to take care of the mess in the abandoned building. It seems that during my killing spree, everyone actually survived but suffered grave injuries.

For a minute there, I have no regard for the lives of those individuals who suffered under my hands. If this continues, I may have no difference from those of my siblings. My vengeance will lead me to the depths of hell, and the price to pay would be pretty hefty.

Even with this strength, I may achieve the goals I have set. But it'll fail me as a human being. No matter how enraged I am. I must remember to not cross a line that involves a life of a person.

Only half an hour and ten minutes had passed before we reach their house. As expected, it was actually inside of a forest in the middle of Iwahashiyama and near Katsuragi Shrine to avoid finding it in plain sight. Their house is like a mansion, though. It was humongous and spacious from the outside and probably the inside as well.

Plus, there is a staircase leading right to the entrance of the house. As the doors opened, housemaids and butlers were bowing their heads as the old man, along with everyone, entered. Suddenly they greeted the old man.

"Welcome home, sir."

"Oh, how many times do I have to remind everyone that you dont have to bow and greet?" How humble this old man is. It makes me wonder whether what type of personality this man has.

"Also, prepare a pair of comfortable clothes, a room, and a meal for this child," The old man ordered his butlers and housemaids to prepare me the things mentioned.

"Please follow me, sir," One of the butlers kindly approached me and led the way to the room prepared for me.

I couldn't believe my eyes, how even the inside is elegant. Who would have thought that a house owned by a mafia family could have a warm atmosphere?

"Sir, this would be your room for the night. The housemaids would bring your spare clothes in just a moment," The butler sure knows how to make someone feel at home.

Only a few minutes after the butler went out. The housemaids already brought the spare clothes that they arranged. Plus, the meal that the chefs have prepared. The housemaids also brought it to this room where I am currently staying. Such an exquisite cuisine for an unexpected guest like me. If you were about to meet this family outside during their gang wars, you would probably think the same way as I.

Things would have turned out differently from what I had imagined if I didn't accept the offer of this old man. If I stayed at the bench near the seaside, I would have frozen to death. Such an exaggeration of feelings, but it's somehow the truth.

Looking at the clock at the top of the table beside this bed, I haven't had the chance to notice, but it was already ten o'clock in the evening. I wanted to sleep already. However, because I had only finished with my meal. It would be better to take a little walk around the neighborhood. And then suddenly I remembered, this house is in the middle of the forest where there aren't any other houses surrounding it.

So I decided to just go back to the room provided. And lie down on the bed, just to stare at the ceiling, imagining things that happened while I was in a coma. Those smiles became a part of my memory, although it wasn't supposed to happen that way. That's when I promised myself once more.

(Shayna, there is nothing in this world that would prevent the encounter that was already set right from the start. Just wait for me. Thank you for everything you have done up until now.)