Chapter 2: Uwendale

Our protagonist took a few minutes to calm down, realizing that he was in Reinhard's body, it was something that shook the red-haired young man's points of sanity. In addition to potentially being in the world of Re: Zero, Reinhard may be one of the strongest characters, if not the strongest, in the novel. But he still wasn't keen enough to deal with Witches, Archbishops, and Beasts.

But since he still did not know where he was, he had to think quickly about the options he had, in his mind he could only think of two things that he could do right now.

The first option was to stay on this path waiting for the person who summoned it to appear, or at least wait for someone to pass by the place and tell them where they were, this idea was not very convincing for our protagonist. Since he would risk being attacked by beasts if he stayed too long, the young man may be in Reinhard's body but still, he had some doubts about fighting, since he could barely control his strength, knowing that It could destroy the whole place.

The second option was to follow the path of this path hoping to meet the town or at least a settlement, even a military camp was well in the thoughts of the red-haired young man. For him this was the best option in his opinion, since if he moved then he would have a better chance of finding a car, carriage or even some wandering merchant. Our protagonist was totally lost right now.

The young man with red hair looked at the environment in which he was, behind him was a kind of mountain, and in front you could see a mountain range. The mountain seemed like a dangerous place, so it was better not to go near that place. On the other hand, the mountain range looked safer, in addition to that I could see marks on the ground that were heading towards the mountain range.

"-The mountain range will be my new destination-" Our protagonist thought, hoping to find people and to be told at once where he was, with an excited smile the young man with red hair began to walk towards the mountain range while praying to Lady Luck that help you find good people.


Our protagonist walked for 5 hours at a fast pace, during those 5 hours the young man could not find any person, there was a moment when the road separated in two, and there was a wooden sign that said some words that the young man with hair Red could not understand, but he went to the left, since that road was the best preserved.

After walking for about 3 more hours, the sun began to hide over the mountains and our protagonist managed to see a town in the mountains, at least it seemed like one to him.

"-Although I have been walking for more than 7 hours, I have not even sweated-" The red haired young man said to himself, surprised by his resistance. Although he was not surprised for long either as it was Reinhard van Astrea's body where he now lived.

Our protagonist continued on his way to a Toll? Actually, the red-haired young man did not know what it was, so he carefully walked towards the place hoping not to cause any misunderstanding with the guards who were guarding the door.

"Stop there! Identify yourself immediately!"

Our protagonist heard the shouts of the guard and stopped immediately, the young man with red hair continued looking at the guards with the best friendly look he could do, after processing the orders of the guard in his brain, our protagonist coughed a little to clear his throat, since he hadn't had any water in a couple of hours.

"My name is Reinhard van Astrea, I am a Knight..." Our protagonist said as he tried to introduce himself to the guards, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other guard.

"A Knight ...! Please excuse my rudeness!" The Guard next to the first one apologized, before the two bowed as a sign of respect and apology.

The young man now called Reinhard was shocked by the actions of the Guards, our protagonist wanted to say that it was a misunderstanding. But now that he thought about it again, Reinhard didn't think it was a good idea, as if he said that after such an introduction he could be imprisoned for posing as a Knight of the Kingdom where he was.

So he decided to continue with the misunderstanding, a little nervous Reinhard tries to continue with the presentation.

"Don't worry about it ... Well, as I was saying. My name is Reinhard van Astrea, and I am a Knight ..." Our protagonist began his introduction again, causing the Guards to pay full attention to his words. " ..The truth has been a bit lost, I was wondering if you could give me the name of the place where I am currently "Reinhard finished while making a gentlemanly gesture unconsciously, the young man with red hair did not really know why he had done it, but as long as he could give it more credibility would not complain.

The guards listened to Reinhard's request, before looking at his face and finding that he was truly lost. When the red haired young man in front of them made a noble gesture with such nature, their doubts about Reinhard disappeared. The two Guards smiled kindly at the Knight before the first replied.

"You are in Farming Town, Uwendale"

Reinhard upon hearing the name of the city felt that he had heard it before, but still he could not unite his memories. Seeing the confused young knight, the second guard added.

"Uwendale is to the Northeast of the Great City of Demacia"

"-Demacia ...-"

When our protagonist heard the name of a nation that existed in a video game, he realized that he could be in a place much more dangerous than the world of Re: Zero, his back began to sweat cold when he realized where he was.

Just to make sure our protagonist needed to ask the Guards something, Reinhard thought carefully about what to say next, since he did not want them to suspect him.

"Do you guys know the League of Legends?"

When Reinhard finished his question, he was met with silence. When the guards did not answer, our protagonist became more nervous than he normally would be, the poker face that the guards had did not serve to calm him.

"Hahahaha!" "Hahahahaha!"

Our protagonist heard the two guards laugh, and immediately he knew that something was wrong, after that deadly silence what Reinhard least expected is that they laugh as if they had played a joke on someone, that caused Reinhard to be more confused than it was.

"I'm sorry, you were so nervous that we couldn't help but laugh a little"

"Yes, yes. A Knight shouldn't be so nervous, calm down a little boy"

Seeing the two guards speak so friendly to him, Reinhard knew he was embarrassing the name of the Sword Saint, he actually apologized with the original Reinhard on his mind. But he couldn't help it, it was his first time talking to guards, besides, having to act like a knight increased the pressure on his mind, causing the red haired young man to inevitably get nervous.

Reinhard after a few seconds realized that they were joking with him, our protagonist gained a slight red tinge of shame on his cheeks, being played in such a way, as expected from a fantasy world.

"Sorry, I just finished training and I'm new to this ... Please can you answer my question?" Reinhard said gathering himself and starting to act more confident, he didn't really know how he had regained confidence so quickly he was just doing it instinctively.

The Guards noted the speed with which the young knight collected himself, nodding in approval they answered the question that Reinhard had asked.

"Child, tell me ... Who does not know the League of Legends these days? The war institute has been active for more than 3 years and a select group of our kingdom has decided to represent our nation in the League of Legends, for example our pride "Quinn", I know her since she was a brat, who would say that that girl who played at being a knight would become one of the heroes of our nation "Said the first guard as he looked into the air with nostalgia in his voice , the second guard next to him nodded in agreement with his partner.

Reinhard after hearing the information that the guard told him lost in his thoughts trying to form a plan to live in the world he was in, although it was hard for him to admit at this time, it was more horrible than Re.Zero.

"-I am in Runeterra, a place where there are gods, demonic weapons of great power capable of possessing mortal bodies, the void where there are creatures with the power to destroy the world, an island full of spirits with ghostly monsters, in addition to the immense amount of heroes and villains that are on the loose right now- "That was the conclusion that Reinhard reached after recognizing the world he was in, as much as he liked the history of League of Legends, he never really thought what it would be like to live inside it.

"-Well, I'm not that desperate anyway ... I'm Reinhard van Astrea, or at least the body is ... I have enough power to finish off most of the champions who dare to seek a fight against me, so I shouldn't be afraid. If I meet guys like Aurelion Sol, Aatrox or Vel'koz, I won't be sure of coming out victorious, but the least I can do is try to survive in this dangerous world- "

Our protagonist felt something he had not felt in a long time, excitement, motivation and determination. All for a single reason, a plan that had a single word as a structure, such a simple thing would become the most important thing for the young man with red hair.


The young man completely determined to fulfill his goal, decided to ask the guards other things, things that may have been information not so important to the people of Runeterra, but for Reinhard it would be crucial information.

"Do you know what the newest addition to the League of Legends champions is?"

The Guards looked at Reinhard as if he had grown a second head, that information was common knowledge, everyone knew what was going on in the League of Legends, and they were always informed with the latest news. Since the institute was in charge of sending information even to the most remote places such as Jonia and Shurima.

Then they thought about it a bit, they thought that Reinhard had been training in nature and recently he had returned, seeing how lost the young knight was, they drew their own conclusions so with a smile the guards said.

"The newest champion ... would be Yone, The Unforgotten"

"He is a warrior who happened to be Yasuo's brother"

Reinhard upon hearing this knew immediately at what moment he was, after all it was less than a month since Yone had been in the game, therefore, the young knight was able to put the information together and realized that it was not that far from the last update they did, so Reinhard was happy before getting excited about the idea of ​​being part of the war institute, although our protagonist had no idea if he had an affinity as a summoner, at least he has enough strength to be a champion , right?.

Then with a satisfied smile, Reinhard thanked the guards, who nodded to him, before allowing him to enter the Agricultural City, as Reinhard entered he had a bad feeling about the future, something was going to happen.


At this time three figures could be seen in the air, flying at considerable speed towards the mountain ranges. The figures were a huge blue bird which flew with a little difficulty while in its claws it held a woman with a tight full body suit the woman had a kind of helmet that held all her hair, and finally a small one. girl? which was being held with difficulty by the arms of the woman dressed in a tight suit, which had double pigtails which were pulled back, in addition to having blue skin and large ears, but if we had to highlight something it would be the huge hammer

As they continued to fly in the air, the bird suddenly began to slow down a bit, showing fatigue.

"Valor! Are you okay ?! ... Poppy, why do you have to have such a big hammer?"

The woman in the tight suit complained, as she spoke to the girl named Poppy who was being held by her arms right now.

"Quinn, I'm sorry. But I need to carry this hammer wherever I go ... I need to find the hero and I have a feeling that today I will find him" Poppy said while laughing happily, motivated to find a Hero who can wield the full power of the hammer, even though she'd been looking for it for years, she wasn't going to give up easily.

The tight-fitting woman named Quinn snorted indignantly, trying to comfort the Bird named Valor. After some thought, she reminded Poppy why they were going to their hometown.

"Poppy, remember we are on our way to Uwendale to control a flock of more than 200 wyverns which will attack the city in less than 2 hours. We need to put all our effort into this"

Poppy pouted her face, before crossing her arms and telling Quinn what she needed to do, her life mission.

"But Quinn this time I'm sure I'll find him"

Quinn just shook his head and said.

"It's like the hundredth time you say that"

And so the three figures made their way swiftly to the Agricultural City, Uwendale. Place where he would not only find a surprise, but also the birth of a new Hero.


A/N: Well, I would like to thank everyone who is reading this novel. For those who wonder about Re: Ero I will tell you that I will leave it on hold for a while so that you can analyze Arc 4 and Arc 5 well, I hope you like this novel that I will upload for now.

See you later.