Chapter 3: You see in trouble... Mr. Knight

Reinhard was in a difficult situation right now, it was not because of some kind of enemy or anything similar to it, but because of a person who kept looking at him no ... it was two people who couldn't stop looking at him. A woman with purple hair who was wearing armor, and a girl with blonde hair who was wearing a dress that demonstrated her high status.

In addition to those two girls watching him, there were also the waitresses, some women who looked like Amazons, others who were simply the stereotype of a peasant wearing simple dresses, and finally a girl with freckles who had platinum blonde hair, that girl was wearing a dress something worn and a flower-shaped brooch in her hair.

"-Why did I have to sneak into an inn where there were only girls?" Reinhard wailed in his mind, as he looked anywhere but the girls around him. Although you may think that being around women was the dream of every straight man, for Reinhard who had zero experience with women except for his mother it was the same hell.

The young knight somehow could feel the intentions in the gazes of the girls who were watching him, although most were lust and some was admiration. There were three looks which had caught Reinhard's attention, the first two were curious, one that was very badly hidden and the last one was a stranger, he could feel it was a look of love and this came from the girl with freckles.

Reinhard was still a bit uncomfortable, so he waited silently for a waitress to come and serve him while he flipped through the menu. Although it was clear that he could not understand a word of what he was saying, so he only pretended to understand while he patiently waited.

The minutes passed slowly, too slow for Reinhard's liking. After about 3 minutes had passed, one of the waitresses had decided to be the one who would dare to speak to the young Knight, so a little nervous because of how handsome Reinhard was, she approached the table where he was waiting.

"Excuse the delay, As you can see we are a little 'busy'. So ... Sir, have you decided what to eat?" Said the waitress a little nervous trying to cover her face with the notepad she had in her hands, Reinhard did not seem to notice anything strange about it, besides that somehow it seemed that she had more confidence to speak with the girls in a more formal way, so Reinhard decided to continue acting like a Knight.

With an elegant gesture, which seemed to be practiced many times, the red-haired young man decided to play it safe and said.

"Don't worry, I really haven't waited long. For my order ... Hmmm ..." At that moment Reinhard seemed to realize something, due to an oversight he had forgotten something very important, something vital to all people in the world, it doesn't matter which one.

"-I don´t have money...-"

Realizing the situation, Reinhard changed his plans and decided that it would be better to play the indecisive client, that would buy him enough time to think about something and if he did not decide, he could well say he would return tomorrow to eat after all his body still you are not hungry and it seems you will not feel sleepy for some time

"-Maybe I can go hunting and sell the body of the beasts-" The young knight thought realizing that although he would rather not fight, he seemed destined to do so. So with a new plan in mind, he stared at the menu for a bit longer before speaking again.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, I'm sorry I wasted part of your time. Miss" As Reinhard spoke he didn't realize that the waitress's face had turned red, seeing the young gentleman's manners, made her feel like a princess. Although she would never admit it, she could have been much more interested in the mysterious man who appeared at the inn where she worked. Seeing Reinhard apologize, the waitress tried to stop him.

"Don't worry about that, sir. There is still a long way to go before closing time so I could take your time to decide" Said the waitress before turning around and sighing disappointed at not having more time with the handsome young man, Reinhard looked at The waitress left and immediately began to think of a plan.

"-The most profitable thing would be to leave now while I still have my dignity, I'll give an excuse like for example." I'm sorry, something happened and I must go immediately. "Yes, that's a good excuse-"

After thinking about the plan, it was time to put it in motion, so he carefully looked at everyone in the inn, the Amazons, waitresses, peasant women, and the girl in a very expensive dress looking at him in a funny way right now, all normal. ... wait.

Reinhard noticed from the look of the girl who was accompanied by the purple-haired female knight, her gaze expressing amusement. The young knight tried his best not to return his gaze, so calming down a bit he was going to get up.

He put his hands on the table and gracefully moved the chair back. But before he could stand he heard something that stopped him.

"You seem in trouble ... Mr. Knight"

The somewhat childish voice was heard from his right ear, Reinhard immediately discovered that the girl in an elegant dress was standing next to him, that made Reinhard get nervous again. After acting like a Knight he couldn't just tell her to abruptly leave.

Reinhard put on a neutral front before answering the girl next to him.

"Not at all, Young Lady. I actually remembered that I have some unfinished business outside so I was about to do my duty."

"Ehhh, is that so?"

Reinhard cursed his luck, clearly, that girl did not believe any word of what the young knight said. Although Reinhard didn't tell any lies, as he was setting out to hunt beasts outside to sell them for money, so he clearly has outside business.

Still, this girl seemed like she didn't believe him, although Reinhard didn't blame her after all even though he was handsome, he looked very suspicious and he knew that this girl was reading him like a book.

"-Damn, I need something ... Anything that requires my help would do-"

With that thought Reinhard prayed to all the gods he knew, looking for someone to help him, seconds passed and the girl's gaze made Reinhard more uncomfortable in the place where he was sitting.

But when the young knight was about to give up everything, the doors were slammed open.

"Over 200! The Wyverns are coming!"

The one who yelled was a different guard than the ones Reinhard met at the door, the guy was clearly tired. In addition to looking somewhat scared, the red-haired young man saw this as an opportunity and immediately got up from his chair approaching the guard with great agility.

Reinhard put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, before asking the guard more about the situation.

"Approximately how long will they arrive?"

"They will arrive in less than 10 minutes ... We need to evacuate quickly! They weren't supposed to arrive until at least 40 minutes later! Plus the best hunters are currently in the Greenfang Mountains!"

Seeing that the Guard was getting exasperated, Reinhard instinctively struck the Guard on the back of the neck, the now passed out Guard was in Reinhard's arms, the young knight looked towards one of the waitresses.

"I would like you to let this guard rest, I will take care of delaying the Wyvern" said Reinhard as he passed the unconscious body of the guard to one of the waitresses, after seeing that the guard was in good hands he went to the door.

"Wait! Are you crazy ?! A normal knight couldn't face that many Wyvern alone! Reconsider!" The voice of the young woman in the elegant dress spread throughout the room, that scream made Reinhard stop her steps. It seemed that even though she was joking with him, she still cared for his safety.

Reinhard stopped and heard footsteps rushing in his direction, the young knight felt a tug on his sleeves.

"Tell me..."

Reinhard turned around to see the face of the girl asking him not to go, then he looked at another girl, with her platinum blonde hair and her beautiful violet eyes had a frightened gleam in them, seeing that was enough for Reinhard felt the obligation to defeat those beasts. He had the strength to defeat them all, and he wouldn't. If he wanted to be part of the war institute then he would have to be brave, he had to be a Hero!

"Tell me your name young lady"

The girl seemed surprised by the response of the Young Knight in front of her, she wanted to stop him. Because he knew it was suicide to go alone and more for a normal Knight.

"My name is Liliana Crownguard, I am the daughter of the High Marshal, Tianna Crownguard"

"-Crownguard ...-"

Reinhard was surprised to hear that last name around here, he really hoped she was a noble girl, but not one of such high caliber. With a calm smile, Reinhard grabbed Liliana's hand and leaned down a bit before giving the young lady a knuckle kiss.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Crownguard. I appreciate your concern but I really need to do this" Reinhard said as he released Liliana's hand and placed his other hand on the pommel of the sword, making him appear ready for combat.

There was something Liliana was wrong about ...

"I am not a normal Knight"

He was something much better than a mere Knight...

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Reinhard van Astrea"

He was something more powerful, someone, who could become a Hero who can save them all ...

"I am the Sword Saint of this generation"

And with those words Reinhard brought his other hand to his chest and gave a quick bow, giving an elegant and beautiful Knight's salute.

With all he had to say, Reinhard turned and walked out the door. Not knowing that at that time he had taken the hearts of many ladies who resided in the inn, including the female knight, the noble girl, and the humble girl with platinum blonde hair.


The three figures in the sky realized that the Wyvern had already arrived in the Agricultural City, Uwendale. Seeing this Quinn immediately yelled at her partner.

"Valor! Come down!"

Courage upon hearing this immediately plummeted towards the city gate, when they were already at a considerably low height, Quinn released Poppy, who rolled into the air before falling to the ground on her feet, leaving cracks in the ground.

After Poppy fell, Quinn quickly descended to the ground. With the two of them touching the ground, they quickly made their way to the guards who were evacuating people, seeing how busy they were, Quinn put a hand on the shoulder of one of the guards who had spoken to Reinhard earlier.

"Geralt, report on the situation" Quinn said immediately drawing the attention of the guard, the middle-aged man, he saw the woman in a tight suit and smiled in relief. Uwendale's pride had finally arrived, Quinn.

"Quinn, we have evacuated all civilians, workers, and soldiers from the city. We have also made sure that Lady Crownguard is with us outside, waiting for you two."

Quinn nodded, before turning her gaze to Liliana and the female knight facing behind the Guards.

"Are you alright, Lady Crownguard, Lady Spiritmight?" Quinn asked politely, as she bowed slightly to greet the girl in elegant dress and the female knight by their respective last names. Showing that the two women were noble.

Liliana saw that Poppy and Quinn had arrived so she quickly stood in front of them before saying.

"Lady Quinn, Lady Poppy. Please help Mr. Reinhard"

Quinn and Poppy looked at Liliana confused, as they did not know who Reinhard was and why he was in danger. The woman in the tight suit realized that it could be a person who is inside the city and immediately understood. So with a determination to save him, Quinn asked Liliana.

"Could you tell me where this Mr. Reinhard you speak of is, Lady Crownguard?" Quinn needed to know where this Reinhard was to save him, so that's why she was asking Liliana about the man's location.

The blonde girl lowered her gaze to the ground, before clenching her fists and biting her lip.

"He's delaying the arrival of the Wyvern ..."

"Eh?" "Eh?"

The two champions asked at the same time, they thought he was a nobleman, a merchant, or at least a civilian. But they didn't expect him to be a warrior who would offer to delay the Wyvern long enough for all of them to escape.

Quinn had to admit that he had done a great job, as no one in the city was hurt and there were no deaths.

With that alone, Quinn already owed him a debt, so she called Valor and let the bird hold her shoulders, rising into the air, he headed with great speed towards the interior of the agricultural city, Uwendale.

Poppy who saw that smiled hoping she could find the Hero who will carry the power of the hammer.

"-Maybe ... he is the Hero-"

With that thought, Poppy hurried to where Quinn had gone, with a quick step, the Yordle should catch up with her in a moment. But what the two did not see was that Liliana along with the female knight with the last name, Spiritmight, ran after her.


A/N: I am grateful for the comments I have read about this project. It makes all the effort you put into it worth it. I just wanted to thank you.

See you Later.