Chapter 4: Divine Protection...

Dialogues: "My names is Reinhard"

Thinks: 'She is Beautiful'

A/N: Thx to SimpleFool, for the idea.


Walking in the opposite direction to where people were escaping, he found a young man with red hair passing calmly while stroking the pommel of the sword. Although he looked confident on the outside, he knew that he had not been in any fight before, but with the gestures, he made unconsciously he was sure that part of the muscle memory of his new body was still there, that calmed the young knight a bit.

"Maybe I can sell the Wyvern bodies for some money" Reinhard told himself to convince himself to fight the beasts that were approaching the city, and gain some motivation to do so.

After walking a few more streets, Reinhard realized that he was completely alone. With a sigh, the young knight shrugged his shoulders and continued on his way, as he continued his walk he began to hear roaring beasts from the front.

With that it was clear to the red-haired young man, who at any moment was going to meet the Wyvern, resigning himself to the fact that there is no turning back, Reinhard drew his sword from his waist. He tried to get the sword out of the sheath, but all effort was in vain, as the sword stuck to the sheath.

'It seems I will have to fight with the sword in the sheath' Reinhard wailed in his mind knowing that it would not be as easy as he expected, or so he believed. Holding the sword in one hand, familiarizing himself with its weight and swinging it from left to right. Reinhard felt that he had been holding the sword for at least 4 years, somehow the young knight fell in love with the feeling of having a sword in his hand, for him it felt as natural as breathing.

Reinhard kept swinging the sword until he felt something, so he quickly leaned his body and moved the sword quickly crushing the head of the creature that had attacked him, the young knight had been surprised by the fluidity with which he had done the action.

Then two other shadows were heading towards him, so he quickly took a step back, while everything seemed to move in slow motion. Realizing that Reinhard took the opportunity to look closely at his attackers, they looked like a dragon only that they were smaller, their height seemed to be close to his, he observed how his eyes showed surprise when he saw how his attack had not touched anything.


Before the two Wolves realized what had happened, the sword in Reinhard's hands moved so fast that in the blink of an eye his two attackers had their heads crushed, bright red bloodshot from their eyes, but even so he could not stain Reinhard's white uniform, as if everything was planned the young knight left completely clean.

Reinhard felt a considerable amount of emotions seeing what he had done, he felt disgusted by the blood and eyeballs that shot out of his head as he smashed his skull, he felt emotion when he realized that he could fight like those anime and game characters, both of which were powerful in their own right, and ultimately he felt a strong pride that he had killed three Wyvern himself, without even trying.

Slowly his disgust turned into more emotion as he felt his blood boil from the fight, he felt the need to fight, he wanted more battle, he wanted to really push himself in a fight. Sensing all this, Reinhard realized something.

"It seems I have become a Battle Maniac ..." Reinhard whispered as he tightened his grip on his sword as if the sword had a conscience of its own the young knight felt a kind of approval from her.


Reinhard heard that and with a new motivation, the red-haired young man leaped forward in search of more excitement, with a smile on his face the young knight went out looking to hunt down all the Wyvern that were trying to attack Uwendale.

'Maybe it's not so bad after all'


As Quinn passed the streets quickly, she realized how much had changed in her absence, there were new streets as well as some stores had been remodeled, the place seemed more beautiful than she remembered, it may be the effect of not having been around for some time but she also felt a great longing flood her chest.

Different memories that she held dear were repeating in her mind, especially those she had when she was younger. In those moments she wanted nothing more than to be a knight in shining armor with a sword full of nobility, she and her twin brother played at being knights and all that.

"* Sigh * Caleb ..."

Quinn whispered the name of her brother fondly, he had sacrificed his life to save the matriarch of the Buvelle family, where the talented Sona belonged, thanks to that she had had the opportunity to enter the army, no matter how much her pain hurts. death of her brother, she knew that even after death he helped her.

Multiple thoughts ran through the skintight-suit woman's mind, but she shook her head to refocus on the mission, so with her mind now clear, she began scanning the surroundings for any clues about that Reinhard. which Liliana asked her to take care of, but all she found were empty streets.

When passing a couple of streets more, she found what she was looking for ... or well, the prey of the man she wanted to find, she saw different corpses of Guivernos on the ground, with the peculiarity that each of them had his head crushed, like If the scales that protected his skull didn't even exist, Quinn knew how tough the Wyvern scales were, knew that Garen could break one with at least 4 hits.

But seeing how all the heads of the Wyvern on the ground were crushed in one blow, it made Quinn really feel that the man she was looking for did not need any help from him in fact from what he saw, that man was more than capable of stand up to Garen, and that was too good a thing in Quinn's mind, but that's where the first problem lay.

She did not know anyone in Demacia who was as strong as Garen and named Reinhard, Quinn knew that someone as strong as The Might of Demacia should be well known among the soldiers or at least have some history. Now there was the possibility that it was a spy, but she quickly dismissed that, knowing that any spy would not even think of risking his life to save an enemy town in that way.

Not knowing what the stranger's intentions were, Quinn immediately felt a headache from thinking so much. She wasn't cut out for these things, she was good at tracking, hunting, and gathering information. She was not a master of tactics, much less someone who could decipher a person by only having so little information about her target.

As Quinn progressed, she was much more surprised, what had been 3 or 4 corpses on the ground, quickly became 10 and then 30, rising more and more. That made her know that whoever this Reinhard was someone she couldn't defeat.

'I will have to wait for Poppy, knowing her she will catch up with me soon' Quinn thought as she watched as the number of corpses increased more and more, she counted at least 175 corpses, and according to the information she had received there would be at least 260 Wyverns. Which meant he was close to meeting the man who had caused such a slaughter of beasts.


Quinn heard that roar and recognized immediately that it belonged to the Wyvern, so she quickly drew her crossbow and yelled at the bird that carried it in her talons.

"Valor! Faster!"

Hearing his companion's scream, Valor began to fly faster, taking up Quinn's weight and his to charge toward the place of the roar.


(PoV - Quinn)

After hearing the roar, Valor and I quickly went to the place where it came from, moving nimbly through the streets in a few seconds we reached a square, in the place there were at least 25 corpses of Guivernos lying all over the place, and in front of I could see the back of a man with red hair and a white uniform.

In his hands he held a sword of considerable size, knowing that there were swords of ridiculous size like those of Tryndamere, I still remember how I defeated the Barbarian King in a match to decide the new frontiers of Demacia and Freljord, we had won thanks to the fact that the Lady Vayne had killed the entire Freljord team and destroyed the enemy nexus.

But at that very moment, I shook off those thoughts and turned my gaze to the front.

I shouldn't think about that now, remembering that I was witnessing the man who had murdered all those Wyverns, I decided that it was better to see how he fought to be able to measure his strength, so with that in my mind I prepared to look closely at the next movements of the red-haired warrior.

"Wow, it seems I have company ..." Said the red-haired man, scaring me a little, had he discovered me? It seems that he had managed to feel my presence, so I decided to show myself.

But before I could leave the place where I was watching him, the man spoke again.

"I didn't expect to get so much attention, I suppose it would be impolite of me not to respond with the same emotion."


Hearing that I realized that the red-haired swordsman was speaking to a flock of Wyvern that had just arrived, when I saw the formal way he spoke in man, even in battle. I felt something ignite inside me, maybe it was because it reminded me a bit of someone.

(Flashback begins)

We were hunting in the woods near Uwendale, I was tracking the beasts which we could hunt. When I managed to see the perfect prey, I turned and spoke to the person behind me.

"Caleb, it's your turn"

When he finished speaking, my brother immediately got up and with his hunting spear. He made his way slowly towards the beast, Caleb slamming his spear into the ground four times to get the beast's attention, which seemed to work by making me shrug at the strange way my brother used to get attention.

The beast enraged at being interrupted stood up and glared at Caleb, causing the latter to scratch his cheek before saying.

"You'll have to excuse me for interrupting your nap, but I need to train. So if you could attack me I'd really appreciate it."

I just sighed because of how extravagant my brother was sometimes, I didn't know why he acted like that. But I was kind of curious about it, so I decided to finish off the beast quickly.

After killing the Beast, Caleb put his spear between his right arm and leaned against a tree, while I took out the materials which we could sell and some others that we could eat.

"Hey, why do you act that way whenever you're going to get the attention of some prey?" I asked not being able to hold my curiosity anymore, Caleb seemed to realize my situation and with a smile he said ...

(Flashback ends)

"As a knight, it is my duty to act like this with an enemy, I hope my formality does not bother you" The words that the swordsman said in front of me resonated deeply within me, seeing how the red-haired man acted in the same way as his brother it made a feeling of longing flood my chest.

Maybe he's the one who fills my emptiness ...

That was the thought I had when I saw how a man so similar and at the same time so different from my brother appeared in front of me, I couldn't help but think that this was destiny, a destiny that I am willing to experience.


(PoV - Third person)

Reinhard was staring at the flock of Wyvern in front of him, there were at least 90. That made Reinhard's blood boil with emotion, he had fought against more than 190 Wyvern but still had not even sweat. That only made the young knight disappointed, but at the same time, it made Reinhard want to have more battles.

Reinhard lowered his sword so that he could formally converse with his enemies, even if none of them understood him. For some reason, the young knight felt that it was necessary and that he would be damaging the image of the Sword Saint if he did not do so, without realizing how strange it was to converse in this way with the enemies in this world.

"As a knight, it is my duty to act like this with an enemy, I hope my formality does not bother you"

When Reinhard finished speaking, he raised his sword again while still staring at the flock of Wyvern. With a smile on his face, he started a new act, only this time he had an audience.

'Well, I should take the opportunity to see if I could use Reinhard's ability to create Divine Protections, although Od Laguna needed to exist for that ... Well, I should make sure I can use it, right?' Reinhard thought as he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could feel that he had a kind of connection with something, that something had a deep affection for him. The red-haired young man did not know what it was but instinctively made a request.

'I need something that can hit them all at the same time, something that goes beyond the concept of space. Something that only needs one hit to finish ... '

Suddenly Reinhard felt information flooding his head, they were more like memories of how to use something, a special power that resembled what the young knight had asked for.

Reinhard inhaled and exhaled air before getting into a position, with which he could use the power he had received at this time more effectively.

Remembering a certain swordsman named Sasaki Kojiro, from Fate / Stay Night, Reinhard brought his foot forward with enough force to create cracks throughout the park, stones shot skyward from the pressure exerted by Reinhard's footfall.

He then brought his right hand with the sword to his waist, and placed his left hand around the scabbard, while it seemed like he was channeling something into the legendary sword that Reinhard carried.

'This will be the first time I hold a power ...'

After Reinhard thought about that, in less than 1 second he opened his eyes and swung his sword diagonally upwards, the swing was so strong that immediately a current of air was created that shook the whole place.

The swinging of the sword that Reinhard had done had slightly changed the concept called space, if they did not understand that slight change happened thanks to the understanding that Reinhard had on the subject, to be able to understand the concept of space. The red-haired youth had been able to create an ability to manipulate space a bit.

He called it...

'Divine Protection of the God of Space'


A/N: First of all I would like to apologize if this chapter is not well edited, I did it really fast. I need to go to the supermarket and I don't want to leave them without a chapter. So if someone could help me by telling me what the errors are then I will change them.

See you later.