Chapter 6: The Hero

Reinhard when leaving Uwendale was running towards the mountains that he had seen when he came to this world, for him that mountain was supposed to be dangerous, but he also had something that attracted him, it was a feeling that he was beginning to have, or such Once an illusion of what he might have had.

The only difference is that Reinhard had taken 40 minutes to arrive, the red-haired young man was surprised by Reinhard's speed, or maybe it was divine protection. Well, he didn't care much if it was that or that. Anything that could help him would be totally welcome.

When Reinhard reached the mountains he stopped running, since the place was full of traps, roots, and trees. So he decided that it was better to continue his way on foot, but seeing how the sun was setting, he decided to explore to find a good place where the young knight could sleep.

"It seems that this place is full of beasts ..." Reinhard said as he walked through the place and listened to the different noises that were kept in all directions, but strangely no beast had bothered to attack him, it is as if there was a better prey Although the noises stopped quickly, Reinhard guessed that whoever the prey was, he had no problem facing those beasts.

After 50 minutes of walking, Reinhard found a cave, the place was strange since it was full of flowers, strange lights, and rabbits that jumped strangely around the place as if they were not used to it.

After making the decision to enter the cave, he heard an oddly familiar laugh. The way the person laughed was totally childish, almost madly. And if that wasn't enough, all the rabbits in the place shuddered to hear her.

That caused Reinhard to decide to see what it was all about, seeing as how the rabbits didn't even know how to move well. It was as if they were newly hatched rabbits, but that didn't make sense since they were all at least 2 years old, and they were strangely bigger than any I've ever seen before.

"This place gives me a bad vibe ..." Reinhard whispered as he watched the place get weirder as he got deeper.

"Pix! That rabbit looks a bit like Yuumi! Don't you think so?" A female, childlike voice yelled from the other side. Reinhard upon hearing the words that the mysterious voice said immediately an understanding came to his mind. For him all the strangeness he had seen since he entered the cave made sense.

'So I ran into Lulu ...' Reinhard thought wondering why someone like Lulu would be in these places right now, but Reinhard decided not to think too much as trying to understand the Yordle Mage's thought process was something that He wasn't willing to try unless he was clearly drunk.

Reinhard walked slowly until he managed to see a kind of fire, and a figure with a large hat whose shadow could be seen. In truth, the young knight was not keen enough to deal with Lulu, but she could help him get to the next city if the Yordle didn't decide to play a prank on him first.

The young gentleman reached behind Lulu and decided to introduce himself, slowly walking to sit on a log next to her.

"Excuse me, it's nice to meet you"

"Anyway! Young suspect I know nothing about!" Lulu returned Reinhard's greeting in a somewhat peculiar way, which caused the red-haired youth to be a bit surprised.



At that moment it seems that Lulu realized that someone else was by her side, that caused the magician Yordle to put a smile that threatened to split her face as she looked at Reinhard, her eyes showing that she wanted to have fun.

"Please refrain from turning me into any kind of animal, beast, insect, or object. I would appreciate it very much" Reinhard said immediately to feel the nature of the look that Lulu was giving him from a few seconds ago, the red-haired young man I was a bit tense in this situation but hey, if you don't risk, you don't win, or so Reinhard believed.

Lulu looked at Reinhard for a long time, before looking down and saying to the young knight.

"Muuuu, Nobody wants to play with me ... Pix is ​​my only friend" Lulu said with a gigantic pout, while her eyes were watery. That caused Reinhard to immediately try to stop her from crying.

"I'm sorry, I don't like being turned into other things ... But if you want we can play something else, but please don't let it be something that ends up with me almost dead"

Lulu's expression lit up when she heard the words, she immediately changed her pout to a happy smile, after Reinhard finished speaking, the Yordle Magician put a hand to her chin as if she was thinking something while muttering some things.

"Well... That would reduce the list of games ... to just three ..."

But before Lulu knew it, she had fallen asleep, which caused Reinhard to have sweat running down his forehead. In truth, no one would expect that someone with so much energy would fall asleep so quickly, Reinhard saw how the sun had set and at this moment the night had begun. So he decided to hunt some of the rabbits that were at the entrance of the cave so he could cook breakfast tomorrow, or at least he hoped he could do it maybe a divine protection can help him.

Reinhard saw that the bodies of the Wyvern were still on the ground, so he decided to shift their location towards the wall in front of him.

"* Yawn * I guess I'll go kill some rabbits ..." Reinhard said as he got up from the log, at that moment he saw how Pix seemed to take out a blanket and put it over Lulu. Reinhard smiled at the show of friendship between the two fantasy beings.

Reinhard hunted 4 rabbits before returning to the place where Lulu was, as he saw that she was still asleep, the red-haired young man sat on the trunk and began to break some roots as quietly as possible, and then he saw some stones that had holes, Reinhard completely believed that it was Lulu's doing, so he took some of those stones and also parts of the log he was sitting on, starting to build something.

'If I remember correctly from that survival program, I had to remove the blood from the corpses so that the meat would last longer' Reinhard thought as he created a kind of makeshift bridge and placed the corpses upside down, waiting for it to work.

For Reinhard, this was going to be a long night, not that he knew it anyway.


In a throne room were Poppy, Quinn, Liliana, and Melissa. They were all kneeling in front of the old man on the throne, a man in his 60s wearing armor and a crown. Beside him was a man between 29 and 36 years old who wore golden armor and carried a large spear. Besides that, there was a man in great armor, wielding a giant sword.

The person on the throne was Jarvan III, and the two people next to him were. Prince Jarvan IV, the example of Demacia and Garen, the Might of Demacia. After an introduction, King Jarvan III spoke.

"So ... Quinn, Poppy, it took less time than I thought. Congratulations" Jarvan III said as he looked proudly at Poppy and Quinn.

"With all due respect, we were not the ones who saved the city of Uwendale. It was someone else, my king" Quinn said while still looking down, she did not have enough willpower to face the King, for another Poppy side that was more cheerful continued with her words.

"My King, I found the Hero ... He was the one who saved Uwendale from the Wyvern"

When Poppy finished speaking, everyone in the throne room showed interest. For the guardian of the hammer to find the Hero of Demacia. That was unexpected for everyone, as everyone thought that she was the Hero. But in the end, it seems she found it.

"I don't want to offend you, Lady Poppy. But how did you find the Hero if you still have the hammer?" Said one of the high-ranking nobles who could access the throne room, the man was a little nervous, but he was one of the best tacticians in Demacia.

That made everyone more curious about what happened, including Quinn, Liliana, and Melissa. They had not heard Poppy speak since she had awakened, the Yordle had been very quiet for two days, which was when they returned to the Great City of Demacia.

Poppy was silent for a few moments before answering, her face had gained a purple tint, as she thought about the Hero and how he comforted her.

"He told me that the hammer, it preferred me to him. The hero also told me that I was a Heroine, and that I do not belittle myself..."

Poppy stopped talking while the purple on her face had reached her ears and lowered her gaze to avoid other people seeing her like that.

Quinn cursed Poppy in her mind for keeping to herself that she had talked to Reinhard, but every time she asked the Yordle, Poppy blushed and squeezed the glove she had in her hand, it seemed that it was her most precious asset besides of the hammer.

At that moment Quinn slapped herself in her mind for not having realized that earlier, it was clear that Poppy had spoken to Reinhard. But she was too busy searching for information to realize that perhaps the Yordle had information.

The entire throne room was silent, it seemed that all the nobles, including Garen and Jarvan IV were expressionless seeing Poppy act like that, especially Garen and Jarvan IV who have known her since they were a couple of babies. The nobles were also surprised, there were some old men who had seen Poppy rise in the ranks of the Demacian army, and she had never acted like a girl.

After a few seconds of silence, a laugh was heard in the throne room, that laugh went from being soft to become a loud roar. They all turned their heads towards the origin of the sound. Just so they would see the King laughing.

Everyone in the throne room had been stunned, they hadn't seen their King laugh like that since Lady Catherine's death, but seeing him so happy and excited, some of the nobles couldn't help crying.

"Hahahahaha! It really took you a while to realize it, Poppy! The whole time we thought you were the Hero of Demacia! Hahahaha!" Jarvan III said as he got out he tried to stop laughing, but after spending years looking for the Hero only to find him and be told that it was her all the time, it was something funny in the king's eyes.

Poppy looked at the ground in shame, hoping that she could bury her head in the ground and avoid hearing the King's laugh, but at the same time, she felt as if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders.

'I've found the Hero ... Now what?' Poppy thought as she got a little depressed at the idea of ​​looking for a new reason for life, after thinking about it she remembered the warm look that Reinhard gave her, and the warmth of his body. She still had her black glove with her, in fact, she had it inside her shield right now.

'Maybe ... He can give me a new reason ... Hero ...'

With those thoughts, Poppy came to a conclusion. If she couldn't think of something, then maybe the Hero can ...

In those moments for the first time in her life, Poppy thought that depending on others might not be so bad.

Seeing how Poppy was lost in thought, she decided to turn his attention to Quinn, who was waiting for a moment to speak, so with a quick movement of his neck, he returned his gaze to the woman in the tight suit.

"Quinn, do you know anything else about the Hero?"

Quinn, who heard her name, immediately tensed her shoulder and immediately made a perfect kneeling.

"Yes, my king. He has red hair, he wears a white uniform and he has a sizable sword. He also calls himself, Sword Saint" Quinn said with perfect speech, without errors or nervousness. Even if she does not dare to raise his eyes, it does not mean that she is afraid.

The king and the rest of the nobles, decided to save that information to do a search later after everyone spoke a bit, the king realized that Quinn still had something else to say, so he decided to ask another question.

"By any chance, do you know his name?" Jarvan III asked as he put his elbow on one of the throne's armrests, and leaned his cheek against his fist. Right now the king was interested in whoever the Hero was.

But before Quinn could respond, the throne door was slammed open. Revealing another woman in a skintight suit, but she had red glass glasses. The woman walked quickly across the throne to Quinn's side.

"My king, something just happened on the borders with Noxus!"

Hearing that immediately, the king became serious and spoke to the woman who just arrived.

"Shauna, did something happen with Noxus?"

"An entire Noxian battalion commanded by Talon and Sion ..."

"... It was destroyed by only one man!"

At that moment everyone in the throne room was shocked, no one expected what just happened.


A/N: It is good to see you again in these parts, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Well, I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow the chapter will arrive later because I am moving to a department so I will be busy all morning, I also apologize for the errors I have when editing, I would appreciate if you could mark them for me. I changed them later. Anyway, I want to tell you to have a good day.

See you Later.