Chapter 7: Before the Battle

'Defeated by one man ?!'

That was the question that everyone in the throne room had on their mind right now, it was not an exaggeration to say that at this moment everyone was surprised by what Shauna, better known as Vayne, just said. She had that information because she was gathering information on the border until she saw something that seemed strange to her, a Noxian battalion with more than 900 soldiers, commanded by Talon and Sion, was approaching the border between Demacia and Noxus, although Talon was the Who gave the orders, Sion was a force to be reckoned with, since you practically had to dismember him to get rid of him.

"Tell me, Shauna. How did you manage to obtain this information?" Jarvan III asked as he tried to see how real the information was since he knew that Shauna would never lie to him. But still, he couldn't help but ask the question that was gnawing at everyone in the throne room right now.

"There is no need to doubt, my king ...." Vayne said as she stepped forward to see his eyes, for her looking into his eyes were the best way to meet someone, besides fighting, of course, Shauna led her hand up to the center of her glasses and adjusted them with her index finger. "I saw it with my own eyes," Vayne stated as everyone in the throne room gasped.

Hearing Vayne's affirmation, the king sighed tiredly as he leaned back on his throne, he didn't even want to know what 900 soldiers were doing, and two champions on the borders, he had enough with some nobles and the kingdom's anti-magic factions To keep dealing with this, he was already 62 years old after all.

"So, can you give us the details, Shauna?" The king said as he tried not to sigh again from exhaustion.


After Vayne said that, she put her hand to her throat and began to rub it. Shauna was not used to speaking very loudly, so for these formal meetings, which she hardly ever attended, she had to clear her throat before she could speak.

"It has been at most 3 hours since the battle ... no, the massacre started ..."


Lulu was fascinated, she had made a new friend who endured all her ¨Jokes¨, although she had one thing to admit, all her attempts at jokes ended with him intact, it is as if he was immune to all the attacks that she had At least she could make him slower or bigger, but that didn't matter much to Lulu, since he cooked delicious things for her, there was also the visit they made yesterday to a town near the border.

He had sold the two bodies of Wyvern that he brought with him, they had given him more than necessary because he had helped some children who were cornered by beasts in the nearby forest. For Lulu it was like seeing a Hero, she also knew that he took care of her when she slept. The Magician Yordle began to notice since the day before yesterday that when she woke up she always saw her new friend pretend to be asleep so as not to worry her, she knew that he had stayed up all night looking for food, bleeding the meat and even when she Waking up he would get up after exactly one minute, he was bad at hiding things, although he was a good liar, if she put him under pressure it was easy for her to notice that he was lying.

She wanted to laugh at him for it, but for some reason every time she thought about it, her heart started to beat faster and her cheeks would heat up, this had never happened to her, not even when she was with Veigar. And that he was the man with whom she had spent the most time. Although it was more like ... she said hello and he didn't even pay attention to her, Lulu wanted to believe that deep down they were friends, but after noticing how Pix and his new friend acted, she realized the reality.

But that was no longer important to her, her new friend went to buy some condiments in a town 9 kilometers, he had left in the blink of an eye, that left her surprised, since she had not even seen this sample of speed in the champions more powerful. That sent a sense of pride through her mind, the pride of having someone as good as her on her new friends list. All Lulu needed was for Pix and her friend to be with her, for some reason that thought made Lulu's cheek turn blue.

'I'm thinking?' Lulu said to herself as she shook her head from side to side to try to shake those thoughts, even so, she couldn't stop thinking about everything she had experienced these last two and a half days.

Right now she was waiting for him in the meadow, full of pretty flowers and butterflies. He had offered to take her shopping with him, but the very idea of ​​him carrying her like a princess made Lulu almost faint, it was a lot of encouragement for her.

So she decided to stay in this place waiting for him to arrive, and wait for him to cook a delicious meal for her. Once Lulu asked her new friend, the one where he learned to cook such delicious things, he just answered her like this:

"It's a blessing from God"

Lulu pouted her face at remembering that, she knew he wasn't lying, but he didn't tell the whole truth either. Lulu decided to investigate later, she couldn't bear to leave a mystery unsolved, it was like even finishing a game in which she was having fun.

"Mumumumu ..." Lulu was trying to focus to remember to investigate her friend later ...

But it seemed like she forgot about that quickly, as her thoughts drifted very quickly to other things.

'If I get bigger maybe he will pay more attention to me' Lulu thought as she remembered that she could get taller, also make her breasts and hips bigger, she once heard from Xayah, who was talking to Ahri about love advice. That no man could resist the temptation of a woman's body, although the next day, Ahri came crying to Xayah because her supposed date had been a one-night stand for the man who had accompanied her.

Lulu outlined a smile when she remembered how Ahri was crying on Xayah's chest, although she felt sorry for her, a part of Lulu felt satisfied to have met her new friend, she knew that if she offered her new friend a date, He would not have the heart to reject her, he always wore his heart on his sleeve, he was sincere and a bad liar. (Only for Lulu as she has a lot of experience dealing with pranksters and liars)

"That's a good plan" Lulu told herself while an excited smile appeared on her face, the truth is that in addition to the date, she was excited because she was going to get a date before her rival, Zoe. Which was still being rejected by Ezreal, which was also rejected by Lux, which was also rejected by Sylas. After thinking about that, Lulu felt her head was spinning from the overload of thoughts she was having right now.

"I should walk a bit to clear my mind"

And with those words, Lulu continued on her way as she approached the mountains to see the animals and flowers of that area, but at that moment she came across something.

They were a couple of soldiers with armor which had red tints, and some strange halberds in their hands, Lulu saw that and decided to play a little prank on them, something that would not harm anyone. She would make a tiny joke and leave quickly, that was the plan ...


At what point was she discovered and surrounded?

Lulu was in a somewhat complicated situation at the moment since, in addition to being surrounded, there were 2 champions who could kill her, Lulu looked forward to seeing Talon and Sion looking at her, although Talon had a disinterested look, and Sion was looking at her like she was an insect that he could squash.

Lulu felt chills down her spine as she realized that she couldn't get out of here without help, but there was no one here to help her. His friend was shopping in a village more than 9 kilometers away and may never see her again when he returns. That made Lulu feel a hole in her stomach, her nerves and despair were getting the better of her.

'Why do these things happen to me every time I want to make friends?' Lulu thought as she looked at all the places looking for an opening which she could explode and escape, she knew that even if she became giant, she could not defeat Talon, Sion and the rest of the soldiers at the same time, she wanted to see her friend now, Lulu felt Pix tremble under her hat. At least she wanted to say goodbye to him.

"Talon, why are you doing this?" Lulu asked trying to find an answer to why Talon would attack another champion, she knew that he couldn't attack her when they were teammates in the league, but Talon was still surrounding her.

"Sorry, Lulu. If it were up to me I wouldn't do this, but General Swain doesn't want any loose ends."

"Why is this happening to me? ..." Lulu asked herself looking helplessly at the ground as she knew that her destiny was becoming increasingly dark.

Talon did not want to look at Lulu's pitiful expression, she looked like a girl who was about to die, of course, that description was not so far from reality, the Noxian assassin was indulgent and told Sion.

"One hit ... Don't make her suffer"

The undead seemed to understand Talon's words, and tightly grasped his ax as his body began to glow red and smoke began to rise from his torso, his jaw which was once the crown of the King of Demacia was pressed tightly against his face.

Rage was flooding Sion, he was putting all his strength into this attack. At Talon's orders, the undead may not have feelings, much less sense, but he could follow orders and he was very good at that. Although of course more than half the time he got out of control.

After having his load to the maximum, Sion stomped on causing the ground to have cracks, after that, the undead started running towards Lulu while his great ax was raised in the air, ready to explode the head of the Yordle Mage, Lulu covered her ears and closed her eyes, not wanting to know anything of what was happening in front of her. I could feel the floor shake louder every 100 milliseconds that passed.

Lulu wanted to keep in mind the person who accompanied her these last few days, and how much fun they had. As much as she wants to keep seeing her friend's smile, and enjoy those moments with her and Pix, it seemed that it would not be possible. Already resigned to dying, Lulu relaxed her body and waited.

'Reinhard ...' For the first time Lulu wanted to call him Reinhard in person, she always called him an unknown suspect or friend. If she knew something like this was going to happen she would have called him by his name from the moment they became friends.

Sion was close enough to Lulu, so he lowered his ax in the direction of the Yordle Mage's head, but before the ax could touch Lulu's head, a sound was heard that echoed in the ears of all Noxians, causing a sense of danger in each of them.


Something had fallen to the ground from the sky, filling the place with dust making it almost impossible to see. Talon was the first to react and yelled at the troops he commanded.

"Attention! Everyone in position!"

With that shout, each of the soldiers readied their axes, halberds, and spears to fight, if the person who had just arrived had enough power to stop a strike from Sion at full power, then it was almost certain that he was on the same level as the champions, and that was not good. Since a single champion could defeat half of them before dying, and that was talking about weak champions.

A shadow flew out from inside the dust cloud, it was the size of a 12-year-old child, and quickly fell on top of some soldiers, killing them the instant the thing that flew off had hit their bodies, causing the people from behind fly away because of the force in which the thing was directed.

The surprise was quickly changed to amazement when seeing what had hit the soldiers, a giant arm with an ax had flown out from the cloud of dust. That made everyone surprised to see whose arm it was that had killed at least 10 of them.

Sion's arm had been taken out of his body, and Talon still did not know who the person who had arrived was, that caused Talon to get angry since he did not like surprises, much less if they were this type of surprises.


Talon gave the order, and all the soldiers charged into the cloud of dust. Seeing how the soldiers entered him made Talon's mouth twist into a smile, that's what happens when they deal with Noxus, Talon was proud of the soldiers' strength. He knew that each of them was trained and belonged to the Elite of the Noxian army.

But before he could continue to rejoice, each of the soldiers was shot out by a gust of wind, flying through the air before falling unconscious, when the rest of the soldiers saw that, they stopped and waited for the dust to clear.

"It's not very chivalrous to attack a lady like that, Mr. Assassin" Said a voice as the dust cleared, showing a white uniform and beautiful red hair, blue met gray. Showing a clash of ideas, between the Knight and the Assasin.

What they did not know was that the combat was just beginning.


A/N: Well I just got the first boxes with my things, in my new apartment. Now I took a break to edit the chapter and upload it, I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry if it becomes a bit tedious to read, but I wanted to explain some things that had happened in the two days that Reinhard and Lulu were together. From Lulu's vision of course. Thanks for reading this novel and see you tomorrow.

See you later.