System Level Up

[Quest Completed: Accept Sorin Varsor's request.]

[Reward: Requirements for System level up unlocked.]

"Eh?" Sorin took a few seconds to register Andrew's agreement.

"Really?" he couldn't believe that he accepted.

"Ahem, I mean...that's great! But are you sure this is what you want? A person as talented as you could go on to create amazing things in the time you would waste on this..." Sorin continued.

"Yeah, I am sure. This research is very important. It would really revolutionize the cultivation world and I want to be part of that." Andrew replied plainly.

[Are you kidding? If I get those rewards, my talent would be almost the same as most geniuses. Not to mention the direct increase in strength. Tsk, how can I refuse this?] he thought.

"That's great, that's great..." Sorin was really moved this time. After so much time, he finally found someone at least willing to give it a try.

"Even if you can't finish it, or you get sick of it, at least promise me that you'll find someone who would be willing to continue researching it." Sorin thought for a few seconds before adding.

"Don't worry about that. I will certainly complete it." Andrew replied with determination.

"Good, good, that's the spirit. Here, this is the theory behind it. Memorize it and if there is anything you don't understand you can come ask me. I'll make sure you have access to the laboratory, though you won't be able to bring anyone in with you." Sorin continued as he threw what seemed to be a small, black piece of metal to Andrew.

"Uh, what is this?" Andrew asked as he studied the thing in his hand.

"What? Ah, right, sorry. This might be the first time you come in contact with this technology. It's a neural infuser, a device capable of storing and displaying information directly into someone's brain. Just place it on your temple and you'll know how to use it." Sorin explained.

[Wow, technology is so amazing. I wonder if the System is also a product of technological advancements.] Andrew wondered in his mind.

"Alright, so all you need to do right now is to go through the information in the neural infuser and understand it. It is the minimum requirement to understand the theory behind the construction of this array. After you are done with that, we'll try replicating the supporting arrays so that you can get a better grip on the way they are used in this situation." Sorin continued.

"Now, I have some business at the Array Master Association and I have to rush there. You can continue your studies here or wherever, I don't mind. Let me know if you need anything else." he threw a crystal to Andrew before disappearing.

Andrew quickly caught the crystal before using inspect on it.

[Sure enough, it's another Bound Transmission Crystal.] he thought before looking at the neural infuser.

[I'll use this later. There are more pressing things right now. What are the requirements of system level up?] he asked in his mind.

[Requirements for System level up unlocked.]

[Level Requirement: 20

Mana Requirement: 100000

Wisdom Requirement: 25]

[What? 100000 points of mana? From my experience, mana capacity increases by 100 for every level as an Apprentice and 1000 for every level as a Warrior. Going by that logic, it will increase by 10000 for every level as a Core Formation Mage. Does that mean that I'll have to wait until I breakthrough the Soul Seed stage to level up the System?] he was disappointed before remembering about the book he has been carrying around until now.

[Right! If I create 10 cores, then shouldn't my mana capacity be exactly 100000 when I breakthrough Core formation? The level requirement states that I should be level 20. Does that mean that the system is trying to hint at forming multiple cores? Though it doesn't seem to be able to tell me anything about restricted information, is this a mistake? Or is this the way it was intended?]

[Anyway, right now I should focus on getting enough elemental energy to undergo 9 other refinements. What elements should I choose though...] he wondered as he looked at the massive array around him.

[One way or another, I will get this completed. As such, I only need to choose one of the primary elements for my cores, which will depend on what resources are easier to find.]

[Space seems like the obvious first choice. Besides, from what I read, it is closely interlinked with time.] Andrew made his decision as a crystal appeared in his hand.

"Hey, if you are free, could you help me with something?" he muttered to the crystal before waiting a few seconds.

"Sure, what is it?" Shawn's voice sounded out from the crystal.

[Uh, I think it would be impolite of me to actually ask him for resources on this...] Andrew thought for a second before replying.

"Do you want to have lunch together?" Andrew asked without thinking.

"Eh? Is that what you needed help with? Are you feeling lonely?" a chuckle came from the crystal.

"Ah no, I meant that I'll tell you about it at lunch." Andrew stood there for a second before saying.

"Sure, I'll be at the cafeteria in an hour." Shawn replied.

Andrew then put the crystal back into his inventory before asking in his mind.

[Can you make a suitable unit for the amount of energy I need for a refinement?]

[Affirmative, host. System has analyzed the energy that has been entering host's body during host's vision and is able to come up with a suitable unit.]

[Required Refinement energy: 20000 points]

[20000 points? What is a point?]

[A low level crystalized mana stone contains 10 points of energy. Although, they are only suitable to use by cultivators at the Core Formation Stage and higher.]


[Mana stones are formed from pure mana. Those lower than Core Formation can only use elemental stones. A low level elemental stone is equivalent to 5 points of the corresponding element.]

[Alright, that means I'll need around 4000 elemental stones for one refinement. I hope that's not too hard to get.] Andrew thought as he exited the laboratory and made his way towards the cafeteria.

As he passed by the hallway where he met that mysterious person, he stopped for a few seconds, as if waiting for him to appear again.

[Sigh, I really wanted to ask him some questions.] Andrew shook his head before continuing towards the cafeteria.

After almost half an hour, he was back in the huge hall. The only difference was that right now, it was full of people, not like during the night. Hundreds of people were either walking around trying to find some empty seats or already seated and eating.

[I like it more during the night.] he thought as he made his way towards where the food was served. What greeted his sight was a line of almost a hundred people. The good thing was that it seemed like people were advancing quite fast. He took his place in the queue and waited for no more than five minutes before he was again in front of the short old lady.

"Oh it's you. I don't remember seeing you here for breakfast. Well, by how much you ate last night, I figured that would be the case. Now, tell Granny what you would like." the old woman wore the same kind smile on her face as she asked. Andrew wanted to answer before he was cut short by the woman.

"Ah, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Since last night, I figured you were not a picky eater. I'll just give you a bit of everything." she waved her hand and a giant plate, even bigger than last night appeared above her.

"I put a little extra as a snack for later, dear." she smiled as she handed the giant plate to Andrew.

"Thank you...?" Andrew smiled with embarrassment. He could feel the people around looking at him weirdly.

"Now off you go, dear, there are many people still waiting to be served." she said hurriedly.

Andrew took his plate and turned towards the tables, trying to find two empty spots. He was a bit early anyway, he figured Shawn wasn't here yet.

[Ah!! I forgot to check this meal off his badge! Eh, it doesn't matter.] the granny suddenly remembered that she was supposed to check meals off student badges. It was a rule so that people don't abuse the cafeteria, but she always forgets to do that.

[Everyone should eat properly. Look how skinny so many of them are. They should be allowed to eat as much as they like.] that's what she always says.


[Oh, she's here as well.] Andrew suddenly spotted Aisha and went in her direction. She was seated with her roommates.

"Bro! Finally! I haven't seen you in a while. I was starting to get worried. What have you been up to? And since when do you eat so much?" she spotted Andrew as he was making his way over and started asking questions while looking at the giant plate suspiciously.

"Haha, long story. I've just spent a lot of time at the library yesterday. Besides that, do you know your brother is already a teaching assistant?" he said proudly.

"Eh? What's so special in that? I'm also a teaching assistant." she said mockingly.

"What? Really? Is it that easy to become one then?" Andrew was a bit suspicious.

"Are you kidding? I hear only around one in five hundred students actually becomes one. You brother and sister are really lucky." one of Aisha's roommates said with a tinge of envy.

"Oh, so who took you in as an assistant?" Andrew asked.

"It's Master Doctor Fuyan from my magic occupation class. You know, I chose doctor. He is this kind old man whose eyes nearly popped out when he saw my mastery over the life element. He gave me this easy test, where I had to revitalize this weird plant. He was so shocked he basically begged me to become his assistant." Aisha laughed as she recounted the events.

"Eh, I think he was already very excited from the moment you revealed you had the life element. You know, there aren't more than five people in the entire academy who have it, and all of them are already under other teachers. He would have taken you in even if you were the most inept life element user." her other classmate suddenly said.

"Uh...anyway, who did you manage to impress?" Aisha frowned before asking Andrew.

"My array master teacher. It seems both of us chose the right occupations." Andrew replied with a smile.

"Ah, finally found you. It wasn't easy with so many people around." a gentle voice sounded from behind Andrew. The sudden voice didn't seem as gentle to Andrew who jumped in fright and almost dropped the huge plate on the floor.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Oh, is this your little sister? Hey, I'm Shawn." he greeted Aisha.

"Oh, you are the guy who helped us register and then fought that thing. You are really strong. I'm Aisha, nice to meet you again." she smiled.

"Likewise. So, where are we staying?" Shawn asked as he looked around.

"There are no empty seats around here. We should go look for some elsewhere." Andrew replied.

"See you later, sis." he said to Aisha before leaving.

[Pff, replacing me already?] Aisha pouted in her mind.

As they left, one of Aisha's roommates looked at her with curiosity.

"Who is your brother's friend? He is so beautiful..." she said still in a daze.

"Eh?" Aisha looked at Shawn's back while thinking.

"Nah, he is not that beautiful." she said shaking her head.