Array Master Association

After a few minutes, they finally found two empty seats.

"Can you really eat all of that? I am wondering how big your stomach is." Shawn laughed as both of them sat down. A loud thump echoed as Andrew put the huge plate on the table. The sound drew a lot of weird gazes from the people around.

"So, what do you need my help with?" Shawn asked with a smile, ignoring the people around.

"Erm, you said that if I need some resources for cultivation, you'll help me, is that still the case?" Andrew asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Of course that's still the case, what do you need?" he nodded.

"That's great! I'll need 4000 low level elemental stones of 9 different elements, one of which should be space." Andrew said with expectation before adding. " Or anything equivalent in mana with that."

"That's alright, here." Shawn nodded as he threw a small, silver bag to Andrew. "Although, what will you do with 4000 different elemental stones?"

[Sure enough, the space inside is way bigger.] Andrew thought as he looked at the many shining lights inside the bag.

[Eh?] Andrew frowned for a second before smiling embarrassed.

"Haha, sorry, I meant 4000 stones of each of the 9 elements, not 4000 in total." he said expectantly.

"Ah that's fine...wait, you mean 36000 low level elemental stones?" Shawn was just about to hand another bag to Andrew before frowning in thought.

"I can't give you that much. 4000 space elemental stones is fine, but the rest you'll have to find a way to get them yourself. It's not like I don't want to give them to you but it would be better for your future improvements if you took things in your own hands." he said apologetically before replacing the previous bag with a new one.

"There are only space stones in this one. I can't help more than that for now. Teacher would surely scold me if he found out that I gave you even this much. He always rambles about how each of us should be able to fend for ourselves and that excessive help can be detrimental to our development." Shawn explained.

"Ah, I understand." Andrew nodded. In truth, he was happy that he could get the materials for a refinement this easily. He wasn't really expecting Shawn to hand him all he needed.

He thought for a bit and tried to put the Fundamental Source Interlocked Cores book in the small bag. To his surprise, it was sucked into the bag without any problems.

[Great, now I don't need to carry it around like so far.] he thought.

"Do you know of any fast way of getting my hands on so many elemental stones?" he then asked Shawn.

"Hmm, that depends. Usually, if people are proficient enough, they make a lot of money from their occupations. Other than that...I don't think there are any high paying jobs that you could do. Ah right, if you can become a teaching assistant you should be able to earn around 50-70 medium level mana stones per week, which is the equivalent of around 4000-5600 low level elemental stones per month." Shawn replied thoughtfully.

[Wait, was Sorin referring to medium mana stones? Then, isn't he a bit too generous? I should ask him about that. Pretty dumb of me to not ask him what level the mana stones were.] Andrew thought.

"So how does one use their occupation to earn money?" he asked. Shawn thought for a bit before responding.

"Well, I think the safest and most stable way is to join the corresponding association. Once you are an official member, you will have quite a few benefits, such as the possibility of opening your own shop or whatever. By the way, what is your occupation?" Shawn explained before asking.

"Array Master. Then, should I join the Array Master Association?"

"Oh, then that's a clear yes. The Array Master Association is the leader of the magic occupations associations. It instills a lot of respect from the other occupations, and mind you, it is one of the most lucrative of them." Shawn smiled proudly. "Would you like to join? I have a certain position in the Association and I could recommend you for a membership if you'd like."

"That's great!" Andrew nodded happily before asking expectantly. "Should we...go now?"

"Now? Aren't you going to eat that?" Shawn pointed at the huge plate full of food.

"Ah? Not really, I am not that hungry."

"Ah, well, you would really be in trouble if granny finds out you wasted so much food. I'll help you get rid of it then." Shawn said as he waved his hand and all the food disappeared. "Alright, let's go." he waved his hand again as both him and Andrew vanished.


A few kilometres to the west of the Academy, there was a large street bustling with activity. Hundreds of people were going about their businesses, most of them dressed in expensive clothes and giving off a strong aura. Clearly, this wasn't a place where common people would spend their time.

In the most active area of the street, there was a huge black building shaped like an arrowhead with three blades. Two of the blades were pointed towards the street at equal angles and between them, there was a small grass field. Above the sharp top of the building, a multicolored ball of light was floating.

Two figures suddenly appeared in front of the building.

*Cough* *Cough*

"Ah, it's still hard for me to take people with me when teleporting..." Shawn said still coughing. Andrew, on the other hand, had an almost disgusted expression.

[Ew, what was that feeling? Is this how you should feel when teleporting? When Night teleported me, it felt like I was flying. Now, it was like I was swimming through mud.] He thought as he looked at Shawn.

"Are you alright? You know, we could have walked..."

"Haha, sorry about that. Walking through space becomes hundreds of times harder when bringing someone with me." Shawn shrugged and looked up.

"Anyway, this is the Array Master Association. This is where the most talented array masters in our city spend most of their time. Give me your hand." Shawn said.

"You aren't gonna teleport again, right?" Andrew hesitantly extended his hand.

"Ah, no. You can't get in unless you have the association's badge or you are in direct contact with someone who has it." He replied before taking out a gold badge with a glowing rune carved on it. He took Andrew's hand and stepped towards the building. Andrew's heart accelerated for a second when he felt Shawn's hand.

[Please don't teleport. Please don't teleport.]

As soon as they stepped on the grass in front of the building, both of them vanished. The next second, the two of them appeared in a grand hall supported by a few golden glowing pillars. There were a few dozen people inside already going about their tasks. The hall was illuminated by glowing orbs that were floating near the ceiling.

[Ah, it wasn't as bad as before.] Andrew thought as he looked around. [This seems...very luxurious.]

A hunched old man hurriedly greeted the duo.

"Grandmaster Artros, what brings you here today?" he bowed a bit before asking.

"I have brought a friend who I'd like to recommend for membership." Shawn explained calmly.

"For membership? I am sorry, Grandmaster, but you know the rules. Only members of the Council can recommend someone for membership. Everyone else must take the test." the man smiled apologetically.

"But I am a member of the Council." Shawn replied as he squinted his eyes.

"Not yet, I am afraid. The official position will be handed to you in six months. Until then, you can't use the benefits of a member." the old man explained calmly.

"Tsk, but!" Shawn was just about to start arguing with the man.

"It's fine, Shawn. I can take the entrance test." Andrew's voice sounded from behind him just in time.

"Eh?" Surprise flashed through Shawn's eyes before he got closer to Andrew and said in a low voice.

"I don't know how much you have been studying arrays for, but the entrance examination is not easy by any means. Usually, only those with the Adept proficiency can pass it. And if you fail, you will only be allowed to take it again after a year." he explained slowly.

"That's fine, that's fine. You don't need to use your position to get me in. I can take the exam like everyone else." Andrew replied calmly.

"Are you sure?" Shawn hesitantly asked again.

"Yes." Andrew replied sincerely.

"Ah, alright. Yeah, he is here to take the test." Shawn sighed before saying to the old man.

"That's great Grandmaster. Please come with..." the man said before being interrupted by a voice from behind him.

"Eh? What are you doing here?" It was a familiar voice which Andrew recognized immediately.


After leaving Andrew in his laboratory, Sorin hurried towards the association. He had an important meeting with the head of the association scheduled for today. In fact, it wasn't that important because so far, he had tens of such meetings. The meeting always followed a clear set of events. Sorin would ask for talented people to come work with him on his research, then the head would refuse. After that, Sorin would request again by presenting new theories and new breakthroughs he had with his research, which would be followed by the head rejecting again.

Today was no exception as well. As usual, the head rejected Sorin's requests by simply saying that they were short-staffed. Sorin left the head's office dejected and turned towards the exit.

[Tsk, short-staffed my ass. That old trash only has short-term benefits in mind. She puts all resources we have in small, insignificant research. True, the results are immediate, but their importance is heavily overstated.] He was grumbling in his head before he caught a wisp of a familiar aura. He turned his head and saw Andrew and Shawn .

[Oh no.] His eyes went wide before hurriedly making his way towards them.

[Shit, that little demon found him already? It's over. He will find out how talented that boy is and take him as his disciple. His research is very interesting as well, with clear milestones and results. Andrew surely won't care about my research once he sees what that demon is working on. No, I can't let Artros have him. I will double, no, triple the benefits I am giving him!]