Chapter 11- Zoey

Zoey rested her head against the wooden walls, looking at the Walkie talkie. What if I go backwards, followed the steps we came, would I find Alexa again. Her mind raced with thoughts, and ideas. She stood up, reaching for the walkie talkie, she felt pain shoot through her arm, "Shit." She cursed, dropping the walkie talkie in progress. Her body went cold at the sound. The sound of scraping on the wood walls. She crouched down, picking up the walkie talkie, walking backwards, not wanting to turn away from the sound. Her foot went back, looking for the ground. But was instead met with a stair, hey eyes widened, as her body fell backwards, she felt to the cool stones, hit her head, black dots clouded her vision, as she saw it, its long face, holes for eyes, It slowly opened it mouth, as a high pitch scream rippled through the empty hall, she couldn't keep herself awake. As the thing reached down for her, she went out of consciousness.

As she woke up, she felt the coolness of the room she was in. She let out a yawn, reaching to rub her eyes, that was until she felt the tightness around her wrists, the cool feeling, she lifted her head, looking down at herself, the chains kept her hands to her side, as her legs were tied to the bed, she pulled on the chains, feeling the metal dig into her skin. Her breath came out ragged, and short. She turned her head, looking around the room.

Her eyes fell on the girl in a rocking chair, "Alexa?" She would say, her eyes widened, as their eyes met. It's her! She's alive! Her mind raced, "Zoey! You're awake, I was so worried!" Alexa would say, her voice filled with, concern? She would walk up to Zoey's bed, Zoey would stare at her, confused, "Aren't you going to let me out of these," she would tug on her chains, "Chains?" Alexa's face dropped, her hand reached out, tracing her face, she would grip her chin tightly, "Now, why would I do that?" Alexa wouldn't do this. If this isn't Alexa, then who is it?

Zoey would jerk her head away from ''Alexa'' would let out a cold, short laugh, it's eyes turned cold, her normal human hands, turning to long sharp claws, "Now, now, now," the thing would say, turning around, heading to a medicine cabinet. Zoey's body grew cold, as the thing turned around, with a syringe. It brought a tray over, placed on the bedside table. "Pick a number, one through five." The thing would say, staring at Zoey, waiting patiently. Zoey gulped, looking over at the viles, "None. I dont wait it! Leave me the hell alone!" Her screaming was cut short, when a hand slammed over her mouth, blocking off her air supply.

"Don't test me Zoey. I will not hesitate to kill you. You shouldn't be afraid," A smirk appeared on the things face, "Ah, thanks for the idea." It would turn to the viles, mixing two together, it placed the tip of the syringe in, and drew it back, making the blue tinted liquid travel up it. Griping Zoey's arm, placing the tip of the syringe against her upper arm, "Don't worry, this is going to hurt like a bitch." The thing barked, inserting the needle into Zoey's arm, letting the liquid flow into her, she felt pain travel all through her, all she could do was scream in pain, "Don't worry, you will be able to walk away when you wake up, the pain will be way too much for you to handle." It would turn walking out of the room, as Zoey's vision faded to black.

As Zoey awoken, she didn't feel different, besides the chains being gone, she slowly sat up in the bed, feeling.. Content. She didn't feel afraid anymore, she stretched, placing her bare feet on the cold wood, When did they take my shoes? The question raced through her head, before she pushed it off, walking to the door, she placed her hand around the copper door knob, twisting it, letting it open. She stared at the trees, feeling almost, confused? "How am I outside?" she would think, walking around, feeling the grass between her toes, as her eyes met the flowing water, she raced towards it, kneeling next to it. She would cup her hands, scooping up some water to her mouth, the cold, refreshing liquid slid down her throat, she let out a groan. She lifted her head to look at the sky, but all she was met with was a painted roof.

"What the hell." She would say slowly, walking around. She began noticing the trees, looking more fake than real, the sky having nails in it, she sighed, She was still in the house, and there was no way to escape it. An intercom speaker crackled to life, "Subject 105 is reacting to the room, well. By Giving the all clear, enter and give her the second dosage." It cracked again before heading into silence.

"What the fuck.." Her eyes scanned the room, till a loud buzzer rang into the empty room, echoing on the walls all around her. She crouched down, covering her ears. The blaring alarm became silent, as she felt herself getting lifted. She lifted her head to look at the people, or things carrying her. She was met by average looking men.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing! Help me out of here! I need to get back to my friends!" Her yelling was cut short by the crackling of the intercom, "Subject 105 the effects are wearing off quick, note that there are more, find them, and capture them." It cracked again before going silent.

"No, no, NO!" Zoey would yell, struggling in the mens grasp, "Don't touch them! I'll.. I'll do anything!" The men froze at her words, looking down at her with creased eyebrows, the buzzer rang through, opening doors, tossed her in, sending her flying across the cold tiles. She quickly stood up, running towards the door, till once again, the buzzer rang, letting the door slowly close, She kept running, reaching out for the door, it closed, as her body slammed against it. She cried out, sliding down the cold metal door. She raised her hand, making it into a fist, banging onto the door. "Let me out! Let me out! You're going to fucking pay!" Zoey's voice became raspy, as she let her hand raise, and fall again.

Two Hours Later…

The noise rag out, a noise she began to familiarize. The door opened. Letting a man enter, it closed behind him.

"Subject 105? Also known as Zoey King?" She let out a low chuckle, "Yep, that's me. Now, what the hell do you want." She let another laugh, realizing she was beginning to sound like Alexa, her face dropped, Alexa..

The man cleared his throat, pulling out a syringe with the same blue liquid. Her eyes widened, "I.. No. I don't want it." Her voice shook with fear. The man shook his head, "It's either this, or get bitten and turned into one of those, what did your friend call it? Oh yes, crab walking creature." The man smiled, knowing it would get Zoey's attention, and how right he was, "Alexa.. She's alive?!" Her eyes blurred with tears, "Don't touch her!" She lifted her hand, then dropped it back to her lap, "Please.. Don't touch her." The man sighed, walking closer to her, as she let him, she looked up into his eyes.

"We have to take care of you first, 105. Then we will 106, 107, 108." He touched the tip of the syringe onto the skin of her arm, "Don't worry.. Your screams won't be heard." He inserted the syringe into her arm, letting the blue liquid flow in, Once again she screamed out in pain, feeling the burning spread throughout her body, the pain became too much, as she let her eyes close, sending her into a pit of darkness.

A While Later…

Zoey slowly opened her eyes, being met with another pair of eyes. She gasped at the deep blue eyes, she recognized them, she sat straight up, "Kyle.." Her voice broke as she looked around the room. Her brother's disassembled body, his blood splattered everywhere. She lifted her hands, seeing the blood of her little brother covering them.

Fear took over her body, sending her into a shaking mess, hot tears spilled through her eyes, she lifted her hands to wipe them, but paused, seeing the blood once again, staining her hands.. She let out a loud sob, her shakes grew stronger, till the point it was hard to breath, she cursed under her breath. The intercom in her room crackled, "Subject 105, we are not planning on killing your friends, you will be the one killing them, the only way to stop the killings is either, one kill yourself, or two, let them kill you." Her eyes trailed to the knife on the bedside table. She cursed under her breath. The speaker cracked again, "They might kill you, you will be a new monster,a shape shifter. So once they see you. They might, just might kill you. Or even better watch you bleed to death. She couldn't kill her friends, but she had someone to go back to, Alexa, her girlfriend. She took a deep breath, and made her decision.