I looked at her again, carefully picking up details from her unrestrained behavior; she thought she owned Revolution. Then, with pleasure, I'll put her in her place.

"Donald! What's with all the noise? The CEO is with his girlfriend and they are being disturbed. He almost fired me for not being able to control this ruckus! Ah, Wendy, why are you here and oh- "I acted surprised after eyeing Beatrice, I covered my mouth as if I said something wrong, "Did I say 'girlfriend'? I meant an executive, he's in a meeting with an executive and does not want to be disturbed." A professional actress, if I say so myself. I observed the changes in the woman's face and silently smirked to myself. She caught the bait. "Who the hell are you? Where's Lily?"

"Oh, didn't you hear? She quit. Now Ms Beatrice, please quiet down. Mr Wilson is in the middle of signing a contract." I put on a fake 'concerned' expression. I understood what type of girl Beatrice was, she had a crush on Chris but was very insecure about herself, so she would always use her mother's name to get her way, with the amount of makeup she was wearing I could tell she was insecure about her appearance as well.

"Who's his girlfriend? Is it that actress Allie who climbed her way up using back door methods? How dare she!" She became absolutely furious and prepared to dash to his office. Of course, I could not let that happen. "Ms Beatrice, please stop. It seems I cannot hide anything from you. Mr Wilson is not in the middle of a contract- "

"I knew it!" she prepared to stomp her way to his office once again, and again I stopped her. She may be shorter than me, but boy does she have the energy! "Ms Beatrice, Mr Wilson is not seeing Allie either, he is with his girlfriend indeed. But do not worry, none of us like her, we like you much better." My words made Beatrice stop. She looked at me as she narrowed her eyes with suspicion. I simply kept smiling at her. "I cannot disobey his words for now, but I'll give you a piece of information- "

A few people gathered due to the loud noises. I signalled them to leave. The receptionist took a deep breath and sighed in relief; it seemed handling this hot potato was hard. Lily was standing where she was from the beginning, far away, slowly observing the way I handled the situation. At first, I thought to say Chris was gay and leave it at that, but at the corner of my heart, I still wanted Beatrice to pester him so he would not have a good life. Beatrice anxiously looked at me. She was a gullible woman indeed, her love was mere infatuation. She believed me so easily that she stayed to listen to my advice. I whispered a few words in her ear, which made her stare at me for a moment in surprise. "Is this true?" She asked, she was still quite surprised. I inwardly patted my back for taming her so easily. "Yes, I dare not lie. You try that, and I am sure that you would succeed. He will certainly ditch that woman for you instantly."

Like hell was it true, I lied, without hesitation. I did not feel bad at all, this poor girl who just entered a university is infatuated with a thirty-year-old I mean would you look at that age difference. He is a guy of the previous generation, he's old, not that old, but you get it. Beatrice was very excited at the newfound information, she was so enthusiastic to do as I said. As soon as Beatrice went away, I went to boast in front of my boss.

"I see that you've driven her away without hurting her feelings." He asked, it surprised him that I could successfully make her leave, it seemed that she really irritated him.

"Yep, I did it with no one's help." I boasted I would not give away an opportunity to make myself look better.


"Oh, I just explained how awkward the age difference would be, she is only nineteen and you're like thirty-five I guess, I mean no girl is looking forward to that according to me." I just increased his age so that he'll feel annoyed and I was right. His face darkened on hearing my words. "I'm only twenty-eight."

"Sure, whatever you say, Mr Wilson."

"Pfffft, haha!" Lily who was missing showed herself again by bursting out into laughter, she laughed so hard that she teared up, seeing his pathetic and sorry expression cheered me up too. He glared at me because I started laughing too, "Well Mr Wilson, you asked me to drive her away and I did, you did not say that I should not lie." I argued. He, however, was not impressed. But I did not care. I was just looking forward to the day when Beatrice would surprise him. That day came sooner than I expected, making me wonder how head-over-heels Beatrice was about Chris.

The next day, it was around 6:50 in the morning. Mr Wilson called to tell me that he would be running late and to cancel the appointment at 8:30. Beatrice came at 8:00 and gave me the shock of my life. I was not expecting to see her so soon. Ah, I would love to see Chris Wilson's expression after encountering this. Why not make it more interesting? I let her in his office, where she sat leisurely on his seat while she observed the view. I dimmed the light on purpose, you know, to add more effect. The poor girl did not suspect a thing, kind of making me feel sad that I did this to her, but she should get rid of this obsession, which is unhealthy. If I embarrassed her enough here, she would not come here again. This would save me a lot of trouble and she could have some time to re-think things. Luckily, with the outfit and makeup, she was wearing, no one could recognise that she was Beatrice.

Soon Chris arrived with an unhappy look on his face. He was being forced by his grandfather to make an investment in Oasis against his wishes. He really could not understand his grandfather. He was the one who put forth the condition that they would give financial aid only when the marriage is fixed, but he was helping, anyway. If he wanted to do this out of friendship he could have done so without that condition.

I greeted him, and he did not even see my face. I could guess that he finally started suspecting something. He frowned further seeing after seeing that the lights in his office were dimmed, just as he switched on the lights, he was greeted with a horrific sight.

Beatrice was wearing black eyeshadow and black lipstick, she had fake piercings on her eyebrows and she paired this look with an all-black outfit with a leather jacket finishing a perfect goth look. Chris immediately took a few steps back, stumbling all the way back as he tried to calm his erratic breathing. It had been a long time since he was surprised, more like frightened to this extent. "What are you doing here? What is this getup?" He questioned immediately after coming to terms with what he just saw. "Chris, you know that I like you. And if this is what you like to see, I am more than happy to dress like this for you." She said with love-struck eyes.

Chris rubbed his forehead with an unhappy look. He immediately understood who was behind this. He then smiled at her as he got an idea. "Bea, did my new secretary tell you to dress up this way?"

"Yes, she did. Do not fire her, please. For my sake." She said earnestly.

Chris narrowed his eyes. Beatrice still thought that he liked her and for her sake he should 'forgive' me.

"Why would I fire the woman I love?" He smiled and said without hesitation. He thought he should get back at me. And he did. He totally turned the tables with his sentence. Beatrice slowly understood what he tried to say. He was trying to convey that I set her up by telling her to dress up ridiculously so that she would stay away from him. With a few tears in her eyes, she immediately left his office and made the way to my cubicle. Since I heard whatever he said, I braced myself.

"How dare you lie to me!" she shouted, attracting the attention of the surrounding people. Lily came hurriedly to my aid, but I signalled her to stop.

"I'm sorry I lied to you but I did not want you to get hurt." My words made her frown, and before she could say anything else, I clarified things to her. "Beatrice, Mr Wilson is gay, that is why he kept postponing his marriage and always kept refusing you. Why would a sane man reject a beautiful woman like you?"

"What?" She sounded extremely surprised and flattered because I called her beautiful. "He's gay?"

"Yes, I agreed to act as his girlfriend as he was not ready to come out of the closet yet."

Beatrice was hesitating to believe me, but the tone in which I lied to her made her believe it. "I just, I can't believe it. I'll ask him myself!"

"Ok, but do you think he would admit it? After the feats he took to cover up this fact, he would not admit it so fast. If you ask him, he would only start to ignore and not treat you as a friend either."

Beatrice immediately stopped. She is so credulous; I thought. The poor girl had a heartbroken expression on her face. "I will support him no matter what." She said as she left. I smiled as I watched her leave. So lucky to dodge a bullet.

"Do you have any idea what he would do after learning about your lie?" Lily looked at me in surprise and concern.

"He should find out first," I said with confidence.

"Ms Brown in my office, now!"