Llamas And Lavender

"Jason, do you want to come over? I'm closing the boutique early than usual today."

Jason smiled widely, 'she's willing to do that? That's it, baby steps.'

"Absolutely, I'm more than delighted to be invited by you."

"Pshhh, you came over many times, you even know where I keep the spare key." Lisa gazed at him with an adoring look in her eyes.

"Yeah, but when you call me over, it just feels more special."

Lisa and Jason went to Lisa's apartment. Lisa said whatever came into her mind just to get out of the situation, and now that she invited him over, she has to do something. It's not like she could say, 'Oh I just called you over so that we could cuddle and watch a movie together' she did not mind doing that but she wondered if he would feel uncomfortable. What she did not know that he was more than willing to do so and that waiting for her to open up and tell him the truth. What truth? Lisa did not know or understand what he meant when she was confronted in the future.

So when Jason jumped on the sofa and literally spread out as if it his home, she did not know what to do.

"Um, do you want to watch a movie?" Lisa asked nervously. Would this be considered taking things to the next level or was she thinking too much? I did this with Lia many times so I guess this is not much, it's just sleeping in each other's arms, she thought to herself.

You know you reached the perfect amount of trust when you share your password with your partner. Lisa asked him to pick a movie while she made some popcorn.

It's in the Wilson family genes that everyone is a narcissist. Jason put on a movie which he starred in. When Lisa saw this, her mouth twitched. Yep, underneath all that flirting and doting was a real narcissist. She wondered why it took her a long time to figure it out.

See, watching a film in which you acted is fine, but commenting that you are so awesome that no one can rival you every time your scene comes is narcissism.

I swear, these brothers are more alike than one would think. On the outside they are polar opposites but on the inside they so similar. And they are jealous of each other.

Chris is jealous that his brother can get along with anyone without facing any difficulty. A super extrovert. And Jason is jealous of him because Chris is extremely successful in business, so their father is very proud of Chris. Jason was more of a momma's boy (we already established this fact).

Jason was envious of how Chris could say no and would never be taken advantage of. This was something he could never do, and he met a lot of fake friends along the way.

Well, both of them have their weaknesses and strengths, but we can agree on one thing, they are awesome guys. (Luke: Why are you so lusty? Lia: I am not! I'm just saying that they are great guys, unlike you. Luke: Why are you so against me? Lia: You're my brother, I'm supposed to be that way)

(A/N: Honestly, the blend between Chris and Jason would create the perfect guy ever. Hehe)

Lisa sat next to Jason and leaned against him. Though she is shy, she does not hesitate to make the first move. Following her, Jason put an arm around her while he rested his head on her's.

They were just perfect.


And then there is us. (Chris and Lia)

Lizzie already got home before we reached. It seems to me that we went on an unofficial first date. I did not know how Mr Wilson felt, but I felt quite happy.

I was genuinely surprised that he wore that llama costume to a party full of bigshots. I mean, he is a bigshot too, but you know what I mean. He definitely felt embarrassed, but he did a good job hiding it.

I did not mind dressing up as Yzma. She is this sassy and powerful woman, and I like her. Yeah she tries to kill the emperor, but still, everyone loves her.

If I had a face like Mr Wilson's, I would not mind wearing a llama costume too. He looks good in everything, to the point where even I get jealous sometimes. He made a cute llama.

After we changed and got ready, Lizzie brought a camera to take a picture of us. I was happy that Mr Wilson smiled for this picture. He pouted when I was taking a selfie when we first tried it on.

The memories I made on this trip were something that would stay in my heart forever. Mr Wilson and I who got off on the wrong foot became friends, I discovered the truth about my feelings, and most importantly Mr Wilson lost to me two times. You know, that does not happen everyday so I have to make sure I capture his annoyed expression when he loses.

While Lizzie took a picture of us, Charlie looked at us strangely. Did he look grumpy? Possibly, but did he look happy for us too? Definitely. It seems like he wanted Chris to be with his niece, but he knew that I was a better match for him. Ahem, cause I'm so awesome. So I guess the first people to think we would make a great match would be Lizzie and Charlie.

Mr Wilson chose the most expensive and luxurious looking car possible and got into it. A driver took us to the location. I keep wondering, the media would have a field day if they captured Mr Wilson dressed as a llama getting out of a car worth millions. Can you guys even imagine that? I for one burst out in laughter the moment I thought of it. Mr Wilson looked at me as if I was crazy. Needless to say, Mr Wilson has extreme levels of self-confidence in himself, sometimes it's not a bad thing but the other times he's just well..... a llama stepping out of a car worth millions. This is a sentence I never thought I'd say in my life.

And I'm sure that this is a sentence you'd never thought you would read in your life. I was not in a better position though, was I? I was dressed in an all purple ensemble and fake purple lashes. Basically, I was a walking lavender bouquet. Well, comparing myself to a lavender bouquet is not necessarily a bad thing because lavender smells good. Llamas, not so much.

Mr Wilson who suddenly decided to be a gentleman got out of the car and opened the door for me. Yep, he was the guy who would not pull out a chair for me in front of Charlie but would open the door for me in front of the media. I get it, it's all just for getting a good image.

And the headlines for tomorrow's newspaper would be 'Llamas and Lavender'. *cringe* Please forgive me for this.

I held his hand and got out of the car. I glanced at other business bigshots who were dressed more elegantly. Every man was dressed as the 'Prince Charming' and every other woman was some princess.

You know what? I'm very happy to be the Llama- Lavender couple. At least we were unique and different from these ctr+C and ctr+V type of people. Like how the flu spreads from one person to another, it seems like Mr Wilson's self-confidence rubbed off on me. I held my head up high and strutted down the carpet.

I might have forgotten that there are paparazzi everywhere and when I 'strutted the runway', so many pictures of mine were ready to be put in newspaper articles. Why am I mentioning this, you may ask? Well, it's because my mission after running away was to stay low key so that I won't get noticed and traced by my family. And by appearing in front of the paparazzi, I just placed myself on a golden dish with a card that said 'free trial'.

It was not until the next morning did I realise what a horrible mistake I made. But enough of that. Let's focus on the present.

After we entered, I saw this very grand hall filled with decorations and ornaments that cost a fortune! Why spend so extravagantly when you can invest this money and make more money and reinvest that and become RICH! And I was behaving like my greedy self again. Pardon me.

I could clearly see a group of women dressed in pretty gowns and tiara's holding glasses of champagne and looking at Mr Wilson. They were giggling uncontrollably. I could easily figure out that they found him cute. Mr Wilson, being the thick-skinned guy he is, frowned and asked me to take care of them. What does he want me to do by saying 'take care of them' does he want me to kill them for giggling or something? I am not an assassin, Mr Wilson. I can only kill people with my awesomeness. Cough cough.

Oh Mr Wilson, I can't make them stop looking at you. Try to understand. He thinks that girls go after his brother and not him, but he is just too dumb to notice. And that's why he gets jealous of his brother, for something which is his fault.

The group of giggle girls shifted their gaze from him to me. And they looked they would eat me up alive. I could hear their mocking laughter.

Not everyone wants to be a pretty princess, some want to be a villainess too, for example, me.

Want to laugh at me? Go ahead. I was not going to get upset by a bunch of cut, copy and paste girls.