Am I Worthy?

The group of giggle girls shifted their gaze from him to me. And they looked they would eat me up alive. I could hear their mocking laughter.

Not everyone wants to be a pretty princess, some want to be a villainess too, for example, me.

Want to laugh at me? Go ahead. I was not going to get upset by a bunch of cut, copy and paste girls.

I have very important tasks to finish. All of which are given by Mr Wilson. Seriously, that guy won't even let me party. I'm no party animal, but once in a while I like to let loose. He asked me to mingle with the drunk and pull out some information. I wanted to argue with him. Who in their right mind would want to mingle with a walking purple bath bomb? Oh, right... that is why he mentioned 'drunk' people. To their blurry vision, I'd look like a moving purple polka dot.

"Luna, listen to this carefully, that guy over there, the one standing near the balcony-"

"Ooh chocolate coated strawberries." And like that, I left mid conversation.

"..... Ms- Ms Brown?!" Mr Wilson contained himself. He looked like he was going to freak out. Aww come on, chocolate-covered strawberries. Nothing is more important than that.

I after I had... two? Okay, okay, I had about eight strawberries. Not going to lie, they were delicious. Yeah, so after I had my fill, I walked toward Mr Wilson. I even had two strawberries with me considering how he loves strawberries. He crossed his hands and was tapping his foot continuously; I guess he was waiting for me to come back so he could scold me.

You might think I was being unprofessional, and you're not wrong, I was. I'm sorry, but after the incident with the disgusting executive Mr Wilson asked me to deal with, I do not trust his choice of people. So yeah, I was not going to talk to every drunk old man Mr Wilson asked me to. I will observe from a distance, figure them out, and then decide whether to approach that person or not.

"Ms Brown, you keep interrupting-"

"Yeah yeah, save it. Come with me." I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.

There was soft music playing in the background, lights dimmed, and there was a pleasant smell in the air. It was a very romantic scene. I placed my hand on his shoulder and held his other hand. And he placed his hand on my waist. Well, it is fantasy themed, so ballroom was a must.

Surprisingly, Mr Wilson seemed to have calmed down. Maybe I was so beautiful that he could not stay angry at this face or the calming music had an effect on him. Between you and me, it is definitely the former rather than the latter. I interrupted him twice in a row, so I figured he'd be annoyed with me.

I smiled at him and looked into his eyes while dancing. Mr Wilson shifted his gaze from my face to our hands because he was too shy to look at my face continuously. Ugh, he's so cute. If only he was not annoying I'd totally ask him out. Actually no, I am afraid of being rejected and Mr Wilson definitely believes in the company's hierarchy.

Subconsciously I started humming the song which was playing, it seemed as if the hall was empty, just me and him. Everything just became a blur for the next few minutes. When the music stopped, Mr Wilson stopped in his tracks bringing me back to the present.

"Luna-" His warm palm was on my cheek. His gaze was warm and genuine. My heart trembled at his sight. I broke free from him and dashed to the balcony.

My heart felt like it was going to burst! I needed fresh air, and I needed to stay away from him! Whenever I look at Mr Wilson, I fall deeper into this pit called affection and I don't feel like I am worthy nor do I feel that this is right.

Jason and Chris are brothers! Jason insisted that he would marry me and I ran away! Chris hated me for this reason. He hated Amelia. He may be okay with Luna, but I am not Luna. I- I am me.

Luke and I have a good sibling bond, and so do Chris and Jason. I should not be that one girl over whom they fight for. I might be giving myself extra credit by using the word 'fight' but I never want to be the cause of two brothers tearing apart. I have read many stories about two brothers become rivals in love, the one who gets the girl loses his brother and the one who does not get the girl loses his brother and the love of his life. They always end it on a joyous note, but they always seem to forget to address the real issue. How could two people who spent their whole life together fight over an outsider? No matter how wonderful the girl is, family is more important.

I have always hated the girl characters in such stories, no matter how many romantic and sweet moments they show in the story. And I'm afraid that I'm becoming one and that disgusts me.

Even without considering all the above-mentioned reasons, am I worthy? Or do I deserve it?

I did not find one good reason to justify my feelings and so it would probably best to discard them.

I curled up into a ball in a corner, which has the least amount of lighting falling on it. Mr Wilson stood in the middle of the hall as if he was stood up by a girl. He did not even move an inch because he was surprised. After he realised what just happened, he turned his head and looked around for me. "What a great Valentine's day," Mr Wilson said sarcastically, his fists were balled in frustration. He then decided that he should not be disturbed by a silly thing as a 'girl running away' so he resumed doing what he did before, staying alone in a corner and watching everything happen. Mr Wilson was never the type to initiate a conversation, he simply felt too uncomfortable, but that does not mean he's bad at communication, after all socialising and building connections are very important for a businessman.

And like that, there were two lonely people sitting in a corner and questioning everything that has happened.

On the other side, two people were having the time of their lives.

"Where are you taking me?" Lisa asked. She had a blindfold on because Jason asked her to do so.

"Just trust me." Jason carefully guided her to the place he wanted to take her to. He found this perfect place which was quite hidden, ironically it was behind this huge palace type building where there were many important figures attending.

Before he brought Lisa, he came to check if everything was ready, so he came here an hour ago. He absolutely did not forget to take a selfie in front of the palace like building, it was one of the landmarks in that city. He forgot its name though, he could not remember it no matter how hard he tried. It was on the tip of his tongue.

Lisa did not understand why he was so secretive. 'Well, I guess that's the whole point of a surprise.' Lisa thought. But she felt that he did not need to go all the way for Valentine's day, as much as she'd love to appreciate it, they have only met recently and this sudden display of affection would cause her to feel uncomfortable.

First a hand cooked meal, then a very expensive dress and now something she has no idea about.

"Ta da!" Jason opened her blindfold after they reached their destination. Lisa was in awe.

He took her to an outdoor part which he planned just for her. Jason was playing the role of a Duke so he borrowed costume, bought an elegant gown for Lisa and together, they looked like a Duke and Duchess. He hired musicians and people to play various parts. The whole party was designed in such a way that it looked like they were in the times of princesses and princes.

"My lady, may I ask you for a dance?" Jason reached out his hand to take her's and he kissed the back of her hand.

Not to sound cheesy, but it was a dream come true for Lisa. She loves these romantic stuff. She grinned so much that her cheeks hurt, but she could not help it.

They danced to the music played by the musicians.

Lisa was wearing a purple and silver shimmery ball gown which gleamed under the moonlight. Jason was wearing the whole set of royal clothes, very similar to the outfit of the princes as shown in movies.

"How did you do this? When did you do this? You were always with me or on the sets, it must have been hard for you to make the time."

"It was not that hard, I had to make a very tight schedule to fit all this, and it is a success! I had help, too." Jason should really stop selling himself short when he put in so much effort into this.