Suspicious Flattery

Am I worthy? Or do I deserve it?

I did not find one good reason to justify my feelings and so it would probably best to discard them.

After he realised what just happened, he turned his head and looked around for me. "What a great Valentine's day," Mr Wilson said sarcastically, his fists were balled in frustration. He then decided that he should not be disturbed by a silly thing as a 'girl running away' so he resumed doing what he did before, staying alone in a corner and watching everything happen.

Seeing a man standing alone in a llama costume made a girl walk up to him so that she could converse with him. Well, I suppose she did it out of 'pity' and not because she was interested in him.

The Devil: You wish! You know very well the kind of following he has

Hey! Go turn into a cloud or something, I'd rather talk to the Angel than you.

The Devil: You don't like me because I tell it like it is. You can't handle the truth, humph! *poof*

"Hi!" The lady wore a bright red and gold dress, truly looking like royalty. She wore lesser jewellery compared to everyone else in the room, but she stood out the most. She had ink black hair like me and beautiful blue eyes. Her smile seemed to brighten the day. Basically imagine the typical heroine from a manga with an extremely sparkly backdrop. She seems to say, 'Shimmer~ Have some shimmer~'.

No! I am not jealous for your information! But you guys better wear some sunglasses when looking at her or prepare to blinded by the light.

Ahem! So anyway, she approached Mr Wilson with a bright smile. A I have said before, Mr Wilson is the 'eat photons!' type and she looked like 'Shimmer~ Have some shimmer~' so both of them released a blinding light which harmed the onlookers.

The onlookers: Me, me and me.

Mr Wilson looked at her and frowned, she looked almost like me, almost.

She tugged a few strands of her hair behind her ear and smiled shyly.

"Do you want to dance with me?" She titled her head to look cute. (Honestly, I don't think it worked LOL. HEY! I am not jealous!)

Come on, come on! Mr Wilson, be yourself and say no! Why am I so invested in this scene, you ask? Well, because I don't want to meet another Elena cough, that's it.

Mr Wilson nodded and took her hand. NOOOOOOOO! Cough cough, I mean, oh good for him, he finally got a girl. You know, I really want to punch something real bad. Or I could punch a girl, with black hair, who's wearing a red and gold dress. I'm not talking about anyone specific. But I would love it more if I punched a llama, or something close enough and not the girl. You know who I'm talking about, and I am not going to deny it, there, happy?

Why did Mr Wilson do this? I don't know, but I don't like it. *crosses arms*

Mr Wilson: I did it only because she looked like you.

Pshh, like I'm going to believe any word this liar says. Also, that is a very stupid reason.

Mr Wilson and some annoying girl started dancing together while I was being confronted in the balcony, with nowhere to run! Thanks a lot, Mr Wilson. You're really helpful, not.

You know, everything that happened next was totally Mr Wilson's fault.

"Can- can I call you Chris?" She asked while blushing. I wanted to laugh out loud. It took me a lot of hard work and more than a month's worth of convincing to call him by his first name, I hardly think-

"Sure." He nodded. What the hell? Mr Wilson is making me dislike him, which is not so bad since I wanted to get rid of my feelings, anyway.

After the fifteen minute dance, which felt like an eternity to Mr Wilson. The Devil: To him or to you?

The Angel: I cannot tell a lie, therefore let me reveal it, it was Lia who felt the 'eternity'

The Devil: Atta girl. Now go ruin whatever is budding between them.

If I could, I would, I mean I would not. His business is his business. It is not right for me to interfere.

The Devil: Woah hold up, since when did morals stop you from doing what you wanted to do.

Can you shut up? I'm trying to tell a story here!

The Devil: An inaccurate story.

Why you little-


Hehe, where was I? Oh right! Like I said, whatever happens to Mr Wilson is all his fault.

After they danced, the lady pulled him and took him to meet her father. Yeah, not for the reason you guys were thinking. It was for business.

So her father runs a company, and it is running on losses and he is using his 'pretty' daughter to lure in investors I mean, he allowed his daughter to bring in investors using her wits and negotiation skills. Sorry I misunderstood her intentions (sarcasm).

"Look who's here daddy! It's Chris Wilson, the most successful CEO there is! He is one of the youngest too! Sorry I shouted, I was just too excited!" She talked so innocently that stupid men who go by looks just like stupid Mr Wilson believed her every word. Even I can tell she's buttering you up! God damn it, he is such a dumb guy. He may excel in terms of intellect, he is zero in common sense and street skills.

Why am I getting so worked up?! If he loses money by investing wrongly it won't affect me in any way!

"Oh, its is such an honour to meet you, Mr Wilson. Among your generation, you're the one whom everyone looks up to. Not just your generation, every generation, you set the bar too high for the youngsters hahaha." Okay, so imagine the typical pot bellied, old man who keeps flattering the ones above his status and tries to suppress the ones below his status. Disgusting old man tch! I could see from where the lady's character and behaviour came from, humph!

Mr Wilson thought to himself, Luna keeps saying I should be considerate and help others. I understand that this company is in losses, but I can bring it up with ease as my skills are incomparable and renowned! Luna will definitely praise me for being so awesome if I did this. He smirked. He started making a lot of plans in his head along with day dreams of me saying, 'Oh my god, Mr Wilson, you are so awesome! How did you do this in such a short time?'

Pretty cringy, right?

Mr Wilson! When I asked you to be considerate and helpful, I meant towards me! Be considerate towards me! Stop giving me annoying tasks like running your stupid errands or cooking for you! Give me real work! Ugh, I wanted to slap my economics and business degrees in his face so bad, but I can't. I have really got to stop working as a secretary.

Should I quit? Oh wait, I forgot about the damn contract! I should really invest in some stocks and make more money so that I don't have to worry all the time.

Maybe I should mess up so bad that I get fired! The only drawback is that no one would hire me after finding out that Revolution fired me. It's like all the doors are closed and the window which was supposed to open is stuck. He'd rather help a woman he met a while ago than help me. This guy really takes me for granted.



Why is life so hard, I thought. Yes, some people have it worse than me but I feel like it's impossible to continue this path, there is just so much negativity I built up.

Some man stood in front of me. Apparently, he came here for a breath of fresh air, but instead I gave him a fright. With my ink black hair down, and since I was sitting in a corner with least lighting, I probably looked like a ghost.

He extended his hand to help me up. Who am I to reject this gesture, and also my feet might have fallen asleep, so I needed help to get up.

"There we go." The man said. I patted my butt because I got some dust on it. I am hoping to return this dress tomorrow and get some money~ Don't tell Mr Wilson. Shhh.

The man laughed at me. I did not mind him because, well, I like to think that I'm funny and most importantly, what I did was funny so go ahead laugh.

"I did not expect to a see young woman like yourself dressed as Yzma." He commented. I could not see his face because he was under a shadow.

"Well, I'm full of surprises. I can't say the same for you, considering you wore what literally every man wore." I commented. Was I salty? Yes, yes, I was, but it was because of my foul mood, usually I'm a very kind person, okay.

"Every man except one." He added.

I froze after I heard his words. Of course he was talking about Mr Wilson! A llama in the middle of an elegant ball is hard to miss! I had a feeling that something was off, be it the thought of Chris which made me feel uncomfortable or that this man's voice is incredibly familiar. You know, I wondered a lot about why Mr Wilson suddenly decided to stay over at Charlie's, I never understood why he did that.

Just then someone turned on the light and I could clearly see who the man was. I staggered while stepping back, he caught me by my hand before I could fall. My eyes were opened completely, all the sadness I felt was gone and was replaced with a new feeling- shock. My mouth opened so wide that I could fit an egg.

"!!!" What is he doing here?!