
Hey, I thought we were going to fight! I complained. I did not say it out loud, but he understood me.

Luna shut up. This is not some movie or comic where suddenly we get super strength and defeat the bad guys. Be practical. Now, your safety is important, not money.

Yeah, he was right. It's not the time to play hero. Instead, we had to play safe. But he has to agree with me, those thugs were not that scary. There are people much worse.

Where are the police? Why are they not here yet? Ugh. Mr Wilson took off his super expensive watch and wallet out. Were they lucky because they robbed a very expensive watch or were they unlucky to find a wallet full of cards and no cash? They took my tiny bag and dumped the stuff out. My phone, a little money, a lot of chocolates fell out.

"Tsk tsk, how many chocolates does this lady carry?" I was reduced to the point where even the robbers mocked my love for chocolates. Damn it, Mr Wilson. This would not have happened if you knew the directions to the parking lot. Who gets mugged while going to a parking lot? And he does not let me fight them either. Boohoo, my precious chocolates.

Wait! I heard footsteps! We are saved!

The police came to place and asked the thugs to put their hands in there. Every one of them obliged and had their hands n the air except one. He thought he could take a hostage and escape. Puh-lease, you're messing with the wrong bunch of people. He aimed at me because I looked like a 'weak' woman. He would experience a rude shock if he were to take me hostage.

Mr Wilson acted quick and pulled me aside, the man who ran with extreme speed, ran into the wall.

This reminded me of those bull fights, the guy was the bull; I was the red cloth getting waved around and Mr Wilson, the bullfighter.

After the street thugs were caught, the police asked Mr Wilson to give a statement or something like that. Seriously, is everyone going to ignore me? I was the one who called you, but you won't take my statement humph.

Among the policemen, I could see a cute rookie looking all nervous. Seems to me he has never seen police in action. Great! I could ask him directions.

I walked up to him and smiled. It looked like he did not expect me to talk to him, he looked all shy.

"Excuse me, do you know the directions to the parking lot? I think I'm lost." I asked politely.

"Ye- yeah, of course. Just walk straight and when you see the giant donut sign, turn left and then an immediate right."

"Oh alright, thank you." I flashed my signature professional smile at him.

"No problem at all." He blushed again.

Did this guy never have a girlfriend before? "New to the job?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded. He seemed okay now.

"I get it." I nodded back. I remember those days when I started working for Mr Wilson. Boy, was he a tough nut to crack.

"You're new to your job too?"

"Something like that. Don't worry, it only gets better." I gave him some confidence. In reality, it could go extremely well or everything down the hole. But let's stay positive, shall we?

We were mid conversation when Mr Wilson pulled me. Literally, pulled me by my arm, away from the rookie I was talking to.

"We should get going Ms Brown." And after saying that, he 'escorted' me back to the parking lot.

I turned to say bye to the rookie, but Mr Wilson started walking faster so I could not even wave my hand. He was pouting too.

And by escorting, I mean that he held me by his side, not letting go until we reached the parking lot.

I got into the driver's seat and waited for Mr Wilson to get in, but he did not get in. He was outside the car kicking the tire twice before getting in. He sat with his arms folded and face turned away from me.

'Luna Brown is incredibly annoying, why does she keep flirting. How many rivals does she want me to deal with? What's so great about that rookie, anyway? I'm so intelligent and handsome, but she does not notice me. Wait I get it, she thinks I am out of her league. It seems that I have dumb myself down so she would start considering me.' He was in the middle of his internal monologue by the time we reached the guesthouse.

"Luna, I like science fiction movies and enjoy golf." Mr Wilson said out of nowhere.

"Ummm... Okay?" How is that information relevant to me?

Mr Wilson pouted again. 'Why is it taking her so much time to understand that I was giving her hints to impress me? I never help anyone, but the one I helped is beyond help.'

He huffed and walked inside. Every step of his showed his frustration. But why so angry all of a sudden? Was he angry that he got robbed?

That night, I slept perfectly; I was all comfortable and there were no worries that disturbed my mind. Mr Wilson, on the other hand, barely got any sleep.

He kept tossing and turning. It was hard for him to digest that he, Chris Wilson, the heir of the Wilson family. CEO of Revolution and future Chairman of Wilson enterprises was in love. Isn't he dramatic?

He thinks he is some crown prince while I am a scullery maid.

I think like that too. I, Amelia Smith, heiress of the Smith family, future CEO of Oasis, liked Mr Wilson? What was I even thinking? See, I'm not dramatic.

The next day.....

I woke up fresh and enthusiastic, not knowing this day was a pain in the butt in disguise.

Mr Wilson became all right by next morning. He looked fresh and enthusiastic too. And guess what? He was kind to me.

Okay so, I woke up without that annoying feeling of being tired, Mr Wilson was kind to me, the sun outside was shining bright and I finally got my coffee. Do you guys think something is off?

This seems to be the 'calm before the storm' type, no?

I ate some toast, and it was delicious! My heart started to worry for no apparent reason. Like what could go wrong?

This was those moments when you came back from school and realised that you do not have any homework. You feel free but kind of worried because it seems too good to be true. And then BOOM! You have a test the other day, which you forgot about.

I forgot my test, and it hit me hard today.

Lizzie and I were enjoying the bright sunshine today. We started working in her garden. I started pulling out weeds in their HUGE garden. Imagine the typical country girl look. I was wearing overalls and a hat. You know, cause the sun was hot.

I got some mud on me, but it was worth it. The garden looked beautiful after a little trimming. Lizzie said that she wanted to cook something, so she asked me to pick some herbs for her. I went out and started picking some basil and cilantro when I saw a young woman hugging Mr Wilson.

I froze for a second and stared at them. And when I came back to my senses I shook my head, got up and ran away from there quickly. Nope. No. I do not like this feeling. Didn't you decide to give up on your feelings? Whatever he does, it's none of your business. He asked you to 'act' don't take it too seriously, Lia.

I went to the kitchen and put on a cheerful face so that no one would figure out that something was wrong with me because it ISN'T, okay? Lizzie looked like she guessed that something was wrong with me but kept mum about it. I was thankful that she did not probe into the matter. I did not want to discuss it. I was stuck in a dilemma because I do not want to continue on this path, but it seemed inevitable.

"So, do you know that my niece came over?" Lizzie suddenly asked me while she was cooking. I was helping her by chopping some onions.

So the woman was her niece?

"Um, no I did not. Was that today? Because I remember Mr- err Chris mentioning it before." I answered a posed a question in return. Damn, these onions are making me cry!

Lizzi looked at me and smiled, "My niece, Katherine is a good girl. Don't worry, you'll get along fine."

Sure, she was a good girl too. And I am just a bratty person. I complain about everything; I have zero emotions and cover it up with sarcasm and humour. I am extremely cocky and unlikable. The only thing I needed was a perfect woman to fall from heavens who was pursuing Mr Wilson.

Eh, what do I care? It's Mr Wilson's problem, not mine. In my opinion, he should be grateful a person like Katherine likes him.

She looked so pretty and sophisticated; she was mature and seemed like an understanding person. She looked like she was royalty, showing elegance in everything she did.

And here I am, a tomboy who only knows how to cook and eat.

Where did all my confidence from earlier go you ask? That just comes under, 'fake it till you make it'.

Katherine was around four years older than me. She and Mr Wilson would make a great pair. I still don't get why Mr Wilson asked me to pretend.

"Hi Lizzie! How are you? Oh? And who is this?" Katherine had beautiful brown eyes and hazel hair. She was wearing a beautiful dress, which made her look like a Queen. I wanted to sit in a corner and not associate myself with anyone. Look at me, I was in overalls with two braids. I look like a child, not a Queen.

"She's Luna, Chris's girlfriend." Lizzie introduced me.