Do You Like Chris?

"Hi Lizzie! How are you? Oh? And who is this?" Katherine had beautiful brown eyes and hazel hair. She was wearing a beautiful dress, which made her look like a Queen. I wanted to sit in a corner and not associate myself with anyone. Look at me, I was in overalls with two braids. I look like a child, not a Queen.

"She's Luna, Chris's girlfriend." Lizzie introduced me.

I was covered in mud, and my hair was messy. I did not know if it would be appropriate to give her a handshake, so I waved my hand instead.

Katherine smiled at me. Surprisingly, she did not show hostility towards me. Was she acting to be kind and would try to insult me later? Ugh, I was probably thinking too much.

"Luna? That's a very pretty name. She looks incredibly cute too."

Wait a minute. What's happening? She's complimenting me? I look cute?

"Um, thank you. You look really pretty." I blushed and complimented her back.

Maybe I should stop assuming things about people, I should get to know them first.

"Aww, are you flirting with me?" She asked while she leaned on the countertop.

"Huh? What? No! I- why did you thi-" I was flustered by her sudden accusation. Yeah, she said it playfully, but it was completely unexpected. I tried to explain myself, but she cut me off again.

"Aww you're so cute when you're flustered. I was just kidding."

Is everyone associated with Mr Wilson narcissists?

"You kids should spend some time outdoors. Stop being couped up in the kitchen. I have the housekeeping to help me with the food. Katherine, try getting to know Luna."

Katherine nodded and whisked me away. She held me by my hand and took me out to the backyard where Mr Wilson was sitting like he always is. He was reading the newspaper, again.

See, I have nothing against him reading the newspaper, in fact I'm proud that he is trying to improve his brain by building up general knowledge and common sense which he severely lacks. The only thing is that I'm quite sure that he is 'reading' it. Didn't get me? I mean that whatever he reads, he probably does not remember it because I remember one day, we were quizzing each other and he answered every general knowledge question wrong.

Katherine took me to a place with shade and forced me to sit, though I did not want to be alone with her.

"So, spill." She said seriously. She kind of looked frustrated.


"Come on now, tell me. How did he make you like him? How did you make him like you?"

"Um, it just happened?" I replied without confidence.

"Give me more details. How could anything 'just happen' with Chris?" Katherine asked a very valid question for which I did not have an answer. I got bored with repeating the same story for everybody we met. I should gather them all, seat them on a sofa and explain. This would be much easier for me.

"Well, we met and we just kind of clicked you know? I dont know how to explain it."

Katherine hummed at my words. She had a frown on her face.

Is she wondering how I got Chris to like me, or is she trying to get some tips on how to impress him?

"Well, what about you? Do you have someone you like?" I asked her. I secretly wanted to find out if she liked Mr Wilson. There was a very good chance that she would not tell me, considering I'm pretending to be his girlfriend.

Katherine smiled and pinched my cheeks. "So cute. Well, yes. I do like someone, but I guess it would be impossible to be with that person as they already have a significant other." She pouted and said.

Look, I'm pretending to be his girlfriend, but his 'significant other' would be an overstatement.

"Well, does that person like you?" I asked. I wanted to know if she was talking about Chris, I do not want to assume things based on misleading statements.

"It's a secret, Luna." She put her finger on my lips to shush me, and then she winked at me.

I just could not understand this person.

I was expecting Charlie's niece to be those types of girls who act innocent in front of you but are very scheming in reality. There's a 25% chance that I am right and that Katherine is just pretending to be nice or I'm wrong and Katherine is actually a very kind person who does not come in between relationships.

"Luna, call Chris over. Lets play a game."

"All right. What game are we playing though?" I asked.

Katherine had an evil smirk on her face, "Truth or Dare."

It's okay, I'm going to go with 'truths' and lie. Peace out.

"Hey Chris! Want to join us? We are playing a game."

Mr Wilson looked at me and wondered for a moment before agreeing. 'She's actively asking me to join for the first time, of course I cannot miss this opportunity. Well, Katherine would be right there. It may be dangerous but I have confidence in myself'.

As Chris and I walked towards Katherine, I could clearly see that she looked angry? Jealous? Maybe, but she did not look evil.

"Come on, take a seat." She patted the seat very hard and insisted Mr Wilson to sit and not me. Why is her anger directed towards Mr Wilson?

Well, as long as it's not directed towards me, I don't care what happens.

"So what game are we playing?" Mr Wilson asked.

"Truth or Dare." I spoke before Katherine could. She smiled at me. I don't why she gave me that smile. Is it because I interrupted her? Sorry, I did not mean anything bad by doing so.

"...." Mr Wilson looked and me, then Katherine, then me again, he looked at Katherine one more time before saying, "Nope. Not happening, leave me out of this Kat."

He calls Katherine, Kat? I did not know that. Well sure why not, they must have been friends way before I came into the picture. *laughs nervously*

"Oh, come on, don't be such a wuss!" Katherine complained while she clung onto his arm, preventing him from leaving. Suddenly I felt like I was third wheeling.

"I do not think refraining from playing such a childish game makes me a wuss. Luna, please help, kindly un-cling Katherine from me."

I did not pay attention to his words because I was lost in my thoughts. We were supposed to act like a couple, right? Does our pairing even make sense?

"Fine! I will stay and indulge you both, now please let go of me Kat. Your nails are hurting me."

"Whoops!" Katherine chuckled and let go of her grip. "Okay, so here's the bottle. Whoever gets pointed by the mouth is the one getting asked by the other two, 'Truth or Dare' easy? Okay? Let's start." Katherine placed the bottle on the table and spun it.

The mouth of the bottle landed on Mr Wilson and so Katherine asked him, 'Truth or Dare?'

To which he replied dare.

"Ooooh~ Right into my trap Chris! I want you to do..... ten pushups with Luna on your back." Katherine smirked as if she wanted this to happen real bad, like she had some ulterior motives behind this.

Hey, I am considerably heavy. I have a lot of bone weight and I'm pretty tall, 5' 10" to be exact so yeah, Mr Wilson, get ready to carry me.

Mr Wilson grunted, but he got down on all fours. Wow, I'm surprised that he actually listened to Katherine without throwing a tantrum.

"Go on, sit on him."

I awkwardly walked up to him and sat on his back making sure most of the weight was on my feet/

"Nuh-uh, you have to sit on him properly. I know what you are doing, Luna."

Now I was frustrated. Chris is not going to make it to three, I'm calling it.

I sat on him 'properly' or however Katherine wanted me to sit.


Mr Wilson went all the way down and up. You guys have no idea about the amount of guilt building up inside of me. Sorry Chris, it is really not my fault you chose dare.



"FOUR!!!" Katherine sounded like she wanted us to fall down.

"I. Can. Do. It!" Mr Wilson said under his breath but after his fifth one, my weight was like, 'Oh hell nah. We going down.'

And like that Mr Wilson did five pushups with me on his back.

Katherine looked at me like 'give him something hard! Destroy him!' funny way to think about someone you like.

"Uhh, run around this backyard twice?"

Mr Wilson glared at me. He was already huffing and now he had to run.

"Or not?" I shrank back.

"No! A dare is a dare. Shut up and run, Chris!"

Chris really regretted choosing dare. He did not choose truth because he thought I would ask him who he liked for the hundredth time. To be honest, he was not wrong. I would have asked him that.

Katherine smiled with satisfaction after Chris left us alone.

"So, sweety. What's up with you? You look like you wanted to ask me something ever since I came here." She smirked at me playfully. That was definitely a 'flirting' look. This girl really has me confused because I just could not figure her out.

Welp, was I so obvious? "You can choose to not answer but do you like Chris." With my head down, barely meeting her eyes, I confronted her. Let's get this suspicion over with. It's cause me too much stress.

She looked at me in surprise, as if she was not expecting this question.