Chapter 9- Family Reunion

As we made our way to the roof of the Empire State Building, thunder erupted from the black sky.

It wasn't hard to get to the top, Gabbie flew us up with her telekinesis, while I cloaked is with an invisible shadow in case someone saw us.

We finally got to the top, and saw a boy, about my height standing and smiling at them. Although he couldn't see them, he knew that they were there somehow.

I finally told my invisible shadows to go away and slowly, my brother saw us. We landed in the roof and next to my brother.

     As soon as we landed, he punched me in the face.

     "Ow! What was that for?" I asked.

     "Oh sorry, I thought this is how brothers act." He replied embarrassed. "My name is Axel, nice to meet you."

     I hugged him and felt sorry for him, he had no one. Now, we had each other. Right now, I only had one question for him.

     "How did we get separated?" I asked.

     "I also don't really know, I'm just so happy that I found you."

     "Quickly, there's a man coming after us, we should be safe at Boniface." Gabbie said.

"Boniface?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's a school for the supernatural." I said.

"Wait, before we go... can we fight? I want to know who is stronger." He asked, a black fire, similar to the man who attacked us, sat in his hand.

"There's an arena at the school, our mission was just to get you to Boniface. Let me just ask, what is your ability."

He looked at me, a smile on his face. "I don't know what it's called, but I call it the chaos ability. Basically, I can cast black fire that doesn't stop burning until I tell it to stop. Not even water can extinguish it."

"I would hate to get on your bad side. That's a very strong ability." Adrian said.

We went to the station to go back to Boniface. As we got on, we all hoped that the man who attacked us earlier wouldn't come to finish the job. We were all exhausted and definitely unable to fight.

We sat down and got a moment of rest when the train shook before it even left. Our train went flying and we tumbled all over the place. So many innocent people are dead and injured because of us.

     Our railcar was divided in half and we got flung outside. As we dropped on the floor, a heavy thing landed on my back. I realized that it was the foot of the man.

     "Sorry kid, it's not personal. Just trying to save the world here." He said.

     As he was about to punch me into a million pieces, a black fire shot out.

     The man went back, black fire dancing on his face. He screamed from the pain, but it didn't seem to do much damage.

     "Stay away from my brother!" Axel said.

     "You fool! You don't know what he's about to do." He swiped the black fire on his face, and it disappeared. His face didn't heal though, he had burn marks that gave him a threatening look.

     "Impossible! No one can douse my fire. Who are you?!" Axel said.

     The man just smiled. "I am your predecessor, look I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm just here for him." He pointed at me.

     "You just killed hundreds in the train!" I said.

     "Let them go Devon." A voice out of nowhere said.

     When I looked in the direction of the voice. I saw the same man who was trying to kill me. But he was different, he wanted to protect me. I realized that he was the man who visited me in the train last night.

     "You know that I'm more powerful. You shall not harm my children." He continued, "leave brother, before I do something both of us will regret. We must not interfere with their destiny!"

     I didn't know what he meant by not interfering with our destiny. He also called me and Axel his children.

     "Who is this man? And is he really that powerful?", I thought.

     He stood in front of Axel and I. "Don't worry Axel and Draven, you are safe now. Now I must take care of something first. I teleported your friends to safety, don't worry about them."

     Devon looked at the man with furious eyes. It looked like the man wasn't bluffing, he really was more powerful. That made me more afraid of him.

     Devon looked at me with pure hatred. I didn't even know the man and he was trying to kill me! But it looked like he wasn't backing down.

     "I will kill him, if it's the last thing I do!"

     He charged towards us, black fire in his hands. The man standing before wasn't afraid.

     "Your mistake. I'm sorry brother." He said.

     I was surprised with his next move. The shadows all around us started moving in the direction of Devon. Spikes of black rushed towards him and he dodged each one, still focused on killing me.

     Devon threw a fireball towards. The man pointed a finger towards the fireball and the shadows went to it.

     The fireball went inside the shadow and out another, going back to Devon. The man did something I was familiar with. A black ball sat in his index finger.

     He pointed it at Devon and it shot in his eyes. Devon looked around blinded and ran in our direction. He couldn't see the black shadow spikes coming to pierce him.

     When they went through his body, a loud scream came from his bleeding mouth. The shadows came back to the man and Devon fell on his knees. A hole showed where the shadows once impaled him in his chest.

     The man who had the same ability as me made the shadows go under Devon.

     "I won't kill you brother, I still love you. But I need to protect them."

     And with that, Devon went inside the shadow and I assumed was sent elsewhere.

     The man then looked at us and teleported us to our friends. They all went to check up on us to see if we were okay.

     Then the man kneeled beside Axel and I. "Axel and Draven... I am your father."