Who Can Keep a Secret?


"Becca.. I'm sorry but I'm tired. And I know you are, too. I know I shouldn't be saying this but.. I'm a total fucked up just as you are. I cannot help you with legal procedures of this.. The attorney, the papers you need.. Everything! Becca, I'm tired. I just - I just need a break.."

It was a disturbing thing to hear from the only person you ever trusted out of a sea of strangers. I heard everything Gina told her. It was a sudden twist of fate for their friendship. I felt like whatever is happening, is also tearing them apart. I felt bad for Becca, but I cannot just get myself into their thing. I stood still, trying to act like everything was just a wind that passes me by. Like I cannot hear whatever they are talking about.

Becca started crying. It was loud, and full of projection. Her emotions are raging and Gina helped her be calm. She hugged her to make her feel better.

"Becca, Becca. Listen, okay? That's why we need Bryan right now. Because we are both burnt out by this. I won't leave you. I won't. But we cannot make this work by ourselves, Becca. I just want you to realize that."

Somehow hearing about this makes me feel like I'm a burden. That feeling that I have to act like I don't know a thing about this, is kind of limiting me to extend my personal help to Becca.

I saw that she hugged her tighter and everything subsided quite a bit. Becca stopped crying as Gina sings her a lullaby;

Rock-a-bye baby

On the tree tops,

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby

Cradle and all.

That feels uncanny. At first it was very nostalgic, later it sounds like torment. It was the same lullaby dad used to sing to me when I'm about to sleep. But now it was all a ghost of good memories that I know for sure will never feel the same again.

Becca went out of Gina's arms. Now they're facing each other.

"Gina.. I-- I am so sorry. I've been selfish I know, but I cannot lose you. You're all I have. And, If you're feeling tired of me, please do not leave. Stay here with me I'm begging you.. Okay.. it's okay we--- I will have Bryan, okay? We -- we can plan these with him.. Just stay here with me.. I feel horrible, Gina. I'm so sorry you're tired of all these mess."

Gina cried with her as she held her hands. This was a rare moment for me to see, most if it is Becca. I've known her for being tough and bold. This side of her.. I never knew them.

I know this isn't the best way that I could have Becca's approval of having me, but somehow, I feel relieved that I can help her in my own ways. Seeing her deal with so much, now that I see this side of her, I know she cannot be alone. Also, this is what I always wanted even if we aren't together anymore. I still want to protect her.

I promised to stay by her no matter what. And I will always be here for her.

After a while, they both kind of settled their emotions and I immediately broke the commotion. "Alright, Let's turn the TV on and watch some show."



As I knew Ms. Rebecca Tyler fainted, I came back to the hospital to conclude things. I want to help her about this and I cannot just be silent about what I know. Dr. Gutierrez is a rapist and I cannot let him get away with his crime.

I am now on my way to the room she was admitted. My mind is thinking of any reason and any ways that I could help. I am a woman and I know how disturbing it is to be treated like hell.

Upon minutes, I reached the room. I lifted my fist and knocked softly on the door. No one answered me even though you can hear the television chatters from here. They are watching something.

As I knocked on the room where she's admitted for the second time, I sighed deeper. This won't change everything but somehow, I know I can help her press charges. I know a lawyer she can arrange this with. There are a lot of ways she could win this case due to this pornographic picture of her. We can use this as a strong evidence against Dr. Gutierrez. We can make things up for her.

I knocked again for the second time, and a familiar face welcomed me as the door opens - it was John Bryan Gutierrez. I was a bit surprised seeing him here, though.

"Hi. Umh, excuse me. I know this is odd but... I am Stephanie Byrne. You probably saw me at the information desk. I'm here to see Ms. Tyler." He immediately opened the door for me and let me enter the room. Upon few steps inside, I saw Ms. Tyler in a sudden glance, on a hospital bed with a girl she signed the abortion forms with. I was right, the Television was on and they're watching a show I am familiar of: Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

I took steps to be near Ms. Tyler as I zipped my bag open.

"Ms. Tyler, I am Stephanie Byrne. I just wanted you to know that I know what is happening right now and I am here to help you. I know this is odd but Mr. John Bryan Gutierrez dropped this picture of you on the hallway awhile ago and with that, I did a little research. I know our ob/gyne did something horrible to you and he should never be a freeman. He should be in jail right now. I could help you if you want and I am willing."

I grabbed the picture out of my bag and everyone seemed shock about it. They seemed to have no idea of any hospital staff getting involved with this. Ms. Tyler shuddered as she saw the photo I gave her like she just saw it this once. I can see how a sudden shame in her just filled the void of the hospital room, and Ms. Tyler just drenched a sudden sweat on her forehead. "I didn't mean to barge in or be a weird stranger coming in but it just hit me in an instant. I may sound like I want to pry but I know a lawyer that could work on this case, if you want me to I can contact her right now." I added.

They remained baffled and just shocked by this sudden intervention. I know they will feel this way but I need to help them. This is what everyone should do in times of need.

Ms. Tyler tilted her head towards John Bryan and acted out with a tone full of scare and gore.

"Bryan what - what the fuck is this? Why do you have this picture of me?"

John Bryan sighed in despair. "Becca, I know this sounds horrible but my father, he collects pictures of blonde girls he used do those morbidity in his car. I accidentally saw all of them in his closet. I was caught in the moment that when I saw that picture of yours, I hurriedly went here to confront him. I - I tried to keep it but I lost the picture... I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you about it."

As John Bryan said it, Ms. Tyler suddenly shed a tear. Somehow it hit me. He said there were other blonde girls he raped and photographed. That could be a nice gateway for her to actually win this case. If that's the case, there will be more abused women to find and to watch out for.

The girl accompanying Ms. Tyler broke the ambiance as things escalated quick.

"Umh, Ms. Stephanie Byrne, this is very overwhelming. We never knew you, and it's kind of weird and embarrassing how this thing got to you. But since you seem to have known a lot, I feel like what you're offering is what we need just now." she stated.

"No. No - we cannot trust anybody, Gina. She is Stefano's personnel. We know nothing about her." Ms. Tyler looked at the woman she called Gina and gave her grimace. She tilted her head towards me then after. "Ms. Byrne, thank you for returning the photo but I think extending us help and involving yourself in this mess is not necessary.."

Ms. Tyler looked scared and uneasy. She must have been feeling so ashamed. I know I'm a complete stranger and trusting somebody is totally a problem. I just hope that they could consider my offer.

"Well, I'm just gonna leave my phone number so incase you change your mind, I will always be willing to help you seek the justice you and those other women deserve."

I gave her my contact card so that she can easily call me when she feels a change of heart. I know they cannot trust me this easy for a reason that I work for Stefano. Plus, I barged in, in a swift manner that they did not expect it. I cannot blame them. Especially Ms. Tyler. This is totally a very traumatizing moment for her. She might have been hiding a lot of her emotions, but it shows on how she reacts and deals with things that are coming abruptly.

"Thank you, Ms. Byrne. This will be a lot of help for us." The other woman, Gina, replied to me.

"Well, I'm just doing what I have to do. Anyway if you don't mind I need to go now.."

I was just about to stand up when I suddenly hear John Bryan call our attention out.

"Wait - check the news."

What he said made my eyes drag itself on the television set where they were watching Brooklyn Nine-nine. We were all looking at it; a sudden flash news report just came in.

"BREAKING NEWS: South Coast Medical Hospital's Obstetrician-gynecologist, Dr. Stefano Gutierrez, was found dead at his home earlier this morning. The authorities spotted a stab wound on his chest that caused a massive blood loss. They also claimed that there were no signs of forced entry, which leaves the case, quote and quote, unhinged..."

We all gasped in awe.

It felt weird, but relieving. The room tells me we we're having the same feeling about this.