Chapter 241- Confession

Zain observed Rizi who was lost in her thoughts and staring at the fire.

Her delicate features made her look ethereal in the dim light!

Her long black hair swayed mildly in the breeze!

Her brown eyes reflected the fire burning in the fire pit.

Her pink full lips held a small pout out of habit whenever she is lost in her thoughts.

She was his world!

His son holds a piece of his heart but this woman; sitting right in front him of owns his everything!

His heart!

His soul!

His everything!

He had almost lost her and Leo today!

The scare he had felt at that moment was terrible. As if his whole world crumbled.

Zain clenched his fist at the mere thought of the event that happened in the afternoon.

He so wanted this woman in his life! He would turn the world upside down for them!

The selfish part of him wanted to start anew with her but the sane part of him reminded him why he doesn't deserve that!!

He just wanted them both to be happy, safe, alive and breathing; with or without him.

"Zain?" Rizi called him out suddenly and sighed, "I am so conflicted about everything!"

Rizi voiced out her thoughts. "This, between us, I don't know how to explain." Her voice fainted at the last few words.

Zain cleared his throat and inhaled a little air before exhaling loudly to gather his confidence.

He stopped his own conflicted thoughts and looked straight into Rizi's eyes as he whispered, "I know! I-I understand!"

He could feel this thing between them.

Zain stood from his seat and walked towards her and bent down on his both knees as he held her hands, "Do you remember why I told you to not forgive me? Please remember that! For both of us!" His voice is soft as he pleaded with her.

He would want her again and he doesn't deserve her at all!

His traitorous heart was slowly getting out of control and demanding more even though he was not worthy!

His green eyes swirled with emotions as they moistened and Rizi saw a lone tear escape.

Zain placed his head in her lap to avoid her gaze at the moment.

She had looked directly into his soul right now and he was scared. He was scared to see the reflection of the monster in her eyes instead of his face.

The monster who had ruined her in the past!

Rizi sighed as she could feel his turmoil.

Rizi brushed her fingers in his brown hair to calm him down.

again as she was no longer a naive young girl to feel stars and hearts at her emotions.

But she could feel his sincerity. She could feel his hesitancy and the reason for that.

They both have matured enough to feel such deep intense emotions. She exhaled and rested her head on top of his.

It doesn't matter to her this man had come from a killing spree just a while back. It doesn't matter he was tainted with bloodshed.

What mattered to her the most was he did it for them! Everything for them without expecting anything.

How long she could hold and not forgive him?

"I can't resist forgiving you Zain! Whatever you are doing is crumbling my resolve to hate you forever. What shall I do? Hmm?"

Zain snuggled into her warmth more. Her same fruity fragrance had calmed his distraught heart. The same scent had haunted him for years after he lost her due to his foolishness until he found her again.

He loves her!

He loves her so much!

"I love you! I love you so damn much more!" Zain whispered and his voice muffled as he broke down further.

Rizi felt his shoulders tremble. She wrapped her arms around his trembling form.

Her heart went haywire for a moment at his confession!

She knew he loves her! He loves Leo! Otherwise, why would he even bother to go to such an extent of a killing spree for them?

Rizi was not naive, unlike her younger self!

She knew and felt his intense emotions.

But is she ready to acknowledge it?

She knew deep within her resolve will not last long! The irony he was not even trying to break her resolve. It was the opposite! He wanted her to hold on to that resolve because he could not any longer.

Rizi felt Zain's shoulders tremble as he hid his face in her lap further.

"Why you don't want me to forgive you Zain? Can't we just be selfish and acknowledge what's happening between us? Do you know what I realise? I realised my resolve is crumbling because you hate yourself on behalf of me as well. Your hatred towards you is double the amount that I feel towards you. Maybe that's why I could no longer hate you Zain! Maybe I haven't forgiven you fully but I feel like I am almost there Zain! Tell me what should I do? How do I stop this?"

Zain didn't respond and his trembling form conveyed everything to her.

"We are so fickle! We love and hate with equal intensity! What shall I do with you now?" She whispered again in his ears.

"Please don't leave my sight ever! I want to ensure you both are safe, happy and alive, even from afar!" Zain replied in his strained muffled voice. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he let out all these emotions.

How long it had been?

He still remembered only she could help him calm down in the past. Her scent and warmth were enough to pull him out of the darkness within him.

After what happened, he didn't expect them to include him in their lives but at least he could view them from afar. Considering how strong and skilled she is, even if someday she decided to hide away from him, Zain knew he could not find her.

It scared him!