Chapter 10

Venus Lumier ~~~~~

30 minutes later I hear a car park outside, and as well as two male voices bickering and, asking each other if this was the place they were both looking for. Now if you are wondering how I hear them loud and clear it is because I am near the window as well as the door, gulping and praying even, that Lumic wouldn't show up, but and or gosh! Luck wasn't actually on my side for today, face palming at the two bickering males I know one of the voices all to well, but still hoping that it wasn't him taking a small glance at the window, and yepey the one who I was hoping not to come really is here horaay, banzai, ah I could already hear the teasing inside my head.

It was definitely Lumic at the door, moving closer and closer to the door while he ringed the doorbell, I slowly opened it and saw Lumic grinning from ear to ear like he always do. As I study him he's wearing a red shirt with black jeans and a converse, to complete the looks he has a navy colored band on his right arm, sighing I guess the personality that came out is Lumic, and yes personality, I have finally come to a conclusion that Lumic Neel has a personality disorder but that is still a hypothesis, there is no actual proof yet to be it a theory.

"Lumic! You made it, please do come in" I widely opened the door for them both to come in . . . . . . Eh? Them? Oh my?

"Hi!" the little blue one greeted happily and all cute like, oh my can I just pinch his cheek?

"Hello" I too greeted back with the same hype and cheery.

As I study him he is indeed a cutie potato, but instead of a potato he looks more like a cute kitten to be honest, he has this blue hair- is that even natural? Clearly it's not but maybe just maybe we don't know, but it really suits him well; he's wearing a baby blue long sleeved hoodie, black jeans and a snicker. Hmm he really looks so adorable, cute, and whatever cute synonyms there is of cute, could I just keep him? Adopt him? And never let him leave ever again?

"Ah, Vic-" this got me back to Earth from studying the little cute blue one.

"Don't you dare finish that name Lumic or you will suffer the consequences, and remember it's V E N U S" I corrected yet also threatened, gulping and stiffening he mumbled a little 'yes ma'am' and continued on.

"Ahem right, Venus this is Lucas, I hope you do not mind of me bringing him along, you see my brother- ow! Wait never mind" he couldn't finish his sentence when little blue suddenly lightly kicked Lumic's knee, wincing a few times before finally letting it go.

"Of course not, it's a pleasure to meet little blue and please do come in, I'll show you to the living room" I said as I assured them to come in even more, we all then head to the living room where my mom and Constance awaits for the guests presences, when we finally got there Lumic and Lucas' jaw dropped, hmm L I can't help but think that their family really likes the letter L.

"VEN!! You never told me you had a big sister!" Lumic dramatically questioned, glancing from me to my mother, rolling my eyes at him I opened my mouth to speak and wave my hands.

"I didn't tell you because I don't even have one" I explained, their eyes grew much wider and look at my mom and me more, going back and forth and hunching their posture.

"Then who's she?" Lucas questioned pointing at my mom.

"Oh, that's my mom, Layla Lumier, and the one next to her is Constance, one of our families trusted friend" I explained once again as I lightly pushed them both to the couch.

"Lumic and Lucas darlings, glad you could join us" mom beamed clapping her hands together.

"Anything for Lumic's girlfriend Mrs. Lumier"

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . I think my ears just stopped functioning, once again I mentally just cleared my ears, again, was it just me or was what Lucas said was just a joke? Silence was up at the air, my mom still smiling, Constance stopped moving, Lumic and Lucas smiling brightly as ever, well that is until hell broke loose. I think my brain is loosing screws as well.

"Girlfriend?" out of nowhere mom is in front of Lucas and Lumic hovering at the two smiling boys.

"Since when!?" mom and I both ask them while she looks at me as if I was crazy.

"Venus Vic- Lumier! You never told me of you being her boyfriend before hand" mother said sweetly as ever when in reality I could already see the demon inside, that sweet smile of hers always puts a shiver down my spine.

"You never told her?" Lumic ask me, his eyes showing pure shock, my eyes then grew wider from what he said, SINCE WHEN DID WE GOT TOGETHER YOU FIRE CRACKER?!

"Oh ho ho ho young lady you have a lot of explaining to do" my mom laughed as if she just won a lottery, the kind where you just get a creepy feeling hearing that kind of laugh, she then drag Lumic and Lucas to the couch and shoo'ed me away asking me or ordering me to bring them some tea and cake, slouching I again made my way to the kitchen, yes again.

"Now Lumic, tell me when did you and Venus start dating?" my mom asked as I just went to the kitchen thinking slash asking when and how did I just get a boyfriend? Well, I am too curious on how I got one! I want to know as well.

Lumic Neel ~~~~~

"Date?" I ask, looking at Mrs. Lumier.

"Yes, since my daughter is your girlfriend, basically you're dating each other, are you not?" she explained and asked at the end, tilting her head to the side.

"As in a girlfriend date?" I ask once more.

"Yes" she answered directly, I never knew friends take each other out on a date before, I looked at Lucas and he was the same with Mrs. Lumier both wanting to know if we ever have gone out on a date, and basically how she's my girlfriend now.

"Ahh, we haven't actually gone out on any dates before" I started while rubbing the back of my neck feeling nervous with all their eyes on me.

"So then Lumic, how did you get Venus to be your girlfriend? Looking back I always thought that that kid would grow up like a single cookie for life" she asked and stated at the end, shaking her head of what she once thought.

"Oh Venus being my girlfriend is quite simple really, she being a girl and also being my friend whilst I being a boy and being her friend, which makes her my girl friend and which makes me her boy friend" I explained and grin at them.

After my short explanation the look on their faces seems like they just got hit by a meteor rock out of nowhere. What did I just say? Was my explanation too hard to comprehend? Should I explain it even further? Or do I need to use another method to make them understand? Sighing I wish my brother was here, he could explain it to them with ease, and they could easily understand it.

"Lumi, I am so disappointed right now" Lucas commented, as well as shaking his head and crossing his arms to his chest.

"What did I just do?" I asked particularly to no one, scratching the side of my head as I look at the three of them, wow confusion at it's intense level is real.

"So basically she's just a girl and she is your friend, which makes her your girl friend?" Mrs. Lumier asked, while I smile and nod at her question, finally someone who got my explanation, I mentally did a victory dance.

"Well, we got our hopes up way too high" Mrs. Lumier stated leaning back at her seat as she stared into nothing.

"Yes, I should have known and seen it coming" Lucas commented as he sighed.

Suddenly Lucy came with a tray on her hand, a tea and a cake, cake~ I sing song, as she set the tray down and arranged it to whom the tea and cake belongs to, after doing so she looked at us all raising an eyebrow, I guess she sensed the gloomy and depressed atmosphere.

"What happened? Why so gloomy? Mom? Lucas? Constance?" she asked while she looked at each and everyone one at the room.

"I feel like I just got hit by a truck" Mrs. Lumier commented taking her cup of tea and stared at it as if it was the saddest thing that she has ever seen.

"Indeed, I second that" Happy replied as he too took the iced tea that was in front him and stared at it like it just ruined his day.

"We got our hopes way too high" Constance too voiced her thoughts out as she sighed and took a sip from her tea, scratching my head from the actions of the three Venus and I glance at each other for a brief moment.

"What basically happened?" She asked, while the three of em just waved their hands as if saying 'Don't-bother-asking' turning her head she looked at me questioningly while I just shrug my shoulder and gave her an 'I-don't-know-look', we're both confused at this point Ven.

"Well, that was that" Mrs. Lumier said waving the sad, gloomy, disappointing atmosphere away.

"Now Venus can you go and arrange your bed? You're staying for the night right?" Mrs. Lumier sweetly asked, while I saw Venus flinch and ran to her room I guess.

"Now then" she started while getting a cup of tea and sip it, seconds later she put it back down staring at the cup.

"How are you Lum? Lucas?" she ask us with a sweet and sincere smile on her face.

"Well I have been good Mrs. Lumier" Lucas replied having a bright smile on his face.

"Now now just call me Aunt Layla or Mommy-or mom would do as well too" Aunt Layla suggested to us.

"Yes ma'am!" Lucas cheered while raising his fork upwards and grabbing his cake off the table.

"How about you Lum?" Aunt Layla asked, as she too grabbed a cake.

"I have been good as well too Aunt Layla, how about you?" I replied then ask, grabbing a cake as well, ooh cakey~.

"I have been good well better, though how's the real Lumic doing Lumcian?" Aunt Layla asked stuffing a piece of cake into her mouth.

"His been good, running the company and all, as well as looking out for me, quite busy too with his new company going on" I said not hesitating at all and is still eating the cake cheerfully while Lucas paused and stared at me.

"Since when did you two got back?" Aunt Layla asked looking back at me.

"I have been around for a month now I guess or maybe not a month, while Lumic is about a month and half now, I guess or maybe less" I replied not giving any second thoughts again.

"Uhh Lumician?" Lucas called out to me.

"Yea?" I replied while looking at him, finally understanding what just really happened my eyes grew wide and I became a shaky leaf.

Finally realizing what I just did, now Aunt Layla just know about us. I start to sweat crazily and gulping hard, I slowly turn my head to Aunt Layla only to find her smirking and having this sparkle in her eyes, as if she got a jackpot on something, nervously laughing and scratching the back of my neck. Holy macaroons with side dishes when Lumic would know about this he'll definitely skin me alive and burn my soul on the fire pit.

"Mind telling me if Romeo is with you?" Aunt Layla asked staring deeply into my eyes.

"Eh? Ah? He he, I don't know what you are talking about" I defended stuttering, I'll just act that I have not said anything, yes that would definitely work, right?

"Now, now that's not nice, in fact Romeo Neel and I are great friends since way back junior years" Aunt Layla said smiling at us, actually scratch that more like giggling as if she's remembering something from the past.

I glance at Lucas then back to Aunt Layla, then back to Lucas, asking for help if I should tell her or just straight ran out? Lucas sighed and gave me a look of 'You-just-spilled-the-beans' look, he motioned his hands to just do what you gotta do, sighing I know this will be the end of me, I Lumician Neel have finally come to my senses that I am indeed stupid at times, good bye mother earth, sighing and with one final look.

"Well, Dad would or might be coming home a couple of weeks from now, I guess" there I said it, I finally spilled it, Aunt Layla clasps her hands together and smiled even more.

"My, what amazing news. When he does gets home tell him I said 'hi' alright?" patting my shoulder, I trembled, this mother of hers' is amazing on her own ways, but how did father and aunt met?

"I will" I assured her, and with that she continued sipping her tea looking happy and all, I looked over at Constance and found her looking at me too, she smirked and muttered something under her breath making me sulk even more.

What ever she just mumbled made my day or noon much more gloomier, and here I thought they were the ones on the gloomy side, I guess karma is working its wonders that's why the tables have finally turned, mentally screaming and crying I screamed Venus' name, where is she when you need her the most? I want justice!

Few Moments Later (brought to you by my sweet caramel choco-bunch sweet cheeks)

Its been hours since we stayed, when I checked the clock it was already around six in the evening, gasping I or we then informed them of being at home before seven, as we- Lucas and I; bid farewell to the Lumier family, aunt Layla gave me one last thing and drove home, or else Lumic would scold me hard again. I hate it when he scolds me humph, as we arrived at the house Lucas and I directly went to my room, I toss or put my things at the table and plop down on my bed Lucas following suit.

As we settled at the bed Lucas sighed a long sigh, knowing that sigh meaning he wants to talk about something, turning my head towards the little blue, I tried to think of a reason on what's making him unhappy.

"What is it Luke?" I ask, looking at little blue.

"It's just that sometimes you're disappointing at times- no offense big brother!" he started, again, what did I do?

"What did I do now?" I grumbled sitting up at the bed and looking straight at his eyes.

"The girlfriend thing!" he exclaimed with his hands up high.

"What about it?" I ask now crossing my arms.

"Lumi, a girlfriend is someone you can count on, lean on, and care for" he explains, I closed my eyes and think deeply of what he just said.

"I can and or do count, lean and care for Venus, does that still not make her my girlfriend?" I grumble, like why can't she be my girlfriend? Is there something wrong with her? Once again Lucas sighed.

"To make it simple, a girlfriend is someone you love. Someone you want to hold and cherish, someone you want to always be by your side, someone you're comfortable with, someone who can make you happy and someone who can make you do crazy things" he explains, for a thirteen years old he knows a lot about this things.

"Just like those kind of movies where a guy kisses the girl and then suddenly would leave? Heck nah I ain't kissing her then just would leave!" I countered.

I've seen a lot of those movies where they call each other boyfriend-girlfriend stuff in which they would end up kissing, leaving then crying getting revenge and that would just end up in vain and would again confess and end up crying again! I ain't that stupid to make Venus cry, then again if that's not what I want to happen I can't really call her my girl friend right? So what are we?

"Yes and No" Lucas answered, sighing and rubbing my head out of frustration.

"You know what, I'm done for now see ya Lumi, I'll come back and visit someday. Hope next time wouldn't be a false alarm like today" he blabbed and went out.

Seriously, I have no words to describe how puzzled I am today, I lay back and stare at the ceiling, thinking. Whoa, for once I am thinking, Lumic would be so proud of me if he knows that. Whatever I'm just going to bed, so I started to doze off and hope tomorrow wouldn't be as confusing as today.