Chapter 21

It had been a couple of hours since all of the gang came barging in on Venus' hospital room. A couple of hours when Venus got transferred to a lot more spacious room, where a Lumician and a Lucas got dragged from the previous room to the now more comfortable room.

And it had been a while since Mr. and Mrs. Lumier finally went home, Lumic and Lucas still knocked out on the couch snoring and shuffling every now and then, nurses and doctor came and just to check on the patient, whilst everyone else were talking or asleep.

It had been quite a while but suddenly Levy was eyeing Lumic closely, yes he's asleep, and no she just sees him as a friend nothing more and nothing else. Just that something about him didn't felt right, was it just her imagination playing tricks on her? Or was she just plain tired that she's thinking things? Another maiden somehow finally taking notice of Levy's constant glimpse on Lumic, at first she did not mind it one bit.

But somehow whenever she glance at Levy she always finds her staring or taking a glimpse of the dark haired man, biting her lips she contemplated on asking or not? Sighing she thought 'what's the harm of asking?' shrugging her shoulder she turned her attention to Levy and opened her mouth.

"What's wrong Levy?" Jane finally asked.

Getting up from her seat near the window, she waddled her ways to Venus and sat besides the sleeping brown haired woman, quietly patting her head. Having a close look on the sleeping girl, her hair got cut short, her face has bruises as well, there were cuts and slices on her lip and her cheek.

"I don't really know, it's just that" Levy started to fidget on her seat, thinking if she should say it or not.

"It's just that what?" Jane finally looked at Levy,

She stopped petting the sleeping girl and focused her attention to the fidgeting woman, a small smile can be seen on the girl, well, she was known as a cherry person.

"It's just that, before or maybe after the whole kidnapping thing where we all were at Venus' apartment, just that" sighing she stopped what she was about to say when she remembered something from childhood, mentally cursing herself she waved her hands up at the air and nervously laughed it off.

"I could've sworn I saw two black cats on the room"

Levy spoke in a rushed statement and laughed it off, gaining Jane, Ruby and Edward's attention. She looked at Edward for a while asking for a way out, but oh well she got into this mess it's best if she gets out of it soon.

"But I'm not quite sure, things were going quite too fast. And now I'm not quite so sure of what I saw" she ended, now looking at her palms praying that they both bought it and won't ask questions..

Jane looked at her with a questioning look, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head to the side she swore she didn't saw any cats nearby when they came in, but maybe she did saw a cat and didn't tell any of us. Looking back at Levy she smiled and shook her head.

"You should have told us, that could've been Jose's cat with hidden cameras on their collars" she sighed and once again shook her head.

Levy quietly sighed out the breath she was holding, 'thank God she bought it' she internally cheered and taken note to not speak her mind without looking back on their childhood days when it comes to these people.

"Edward? What do you think?" Ruby the navy haired teen who sat at the opposite couch.

Out of shock Levy 'eped' on the sudden comment of Ruby, she was sure that the others were asleep. Edward sighed and rub the back of his neck, mentally cursing on how Ruby was sharp at some things, wracking up his brain he finally thought of something to say

"Well, I don't know. Truly I think I did saw some cats when I entered, two cats playing with some yarn, but I am not quite sure" he stated half smiling at Levy, both were sweating in the inside .

"Really? And here I thought I was the only one that noticed it"

Rubbing the back of her head she laughed it out and mentally thanking Edward for helping her ass out, whew were they so close of talking about. Looking down at her palms, she wondered if this was the man he talked about 'I mean they do look the same, but their personality? I don't know, I never did spend some time with this guy' she wandered.

"Well , we'll probably see those kitties soon or maybe not si-" couldn't finish what he was saying when all of a sudden Jane shushed him and waved her hands for them to come to her.

"She's waking up!" couldn't control her voice she said out loud, hearing what Jane just said this got the others to wake up, and carefully waddles their way's to the bed.

Ruby quietly went out the room to inform the doctor, while the others were now surrounding the brown haired girl who's now trying to flutter open her eyes. Seconds later she finally did, her eye sight was still quite blurry, she could not make out who's who first, her throat was dry, and all of her body was so sore and aching!

God! She felt terrible. Once she had adjusted her eye sight she finally took in that a lot of faces were now in front of her, eyeing her closely, it made her squirm a little but hell! How she wanted to scream, her body can't take a little squirm and just ached more, wincing from the pain she felt instead of moving she thought of speaking.

"Guys" her voice was hoarse and raspy, she was asleep for the whole day.

"Water coming through" Jane announced with a smile on her face.

Edward and Liam then helped Venus to sit up, she didn't said anything but damn her body was killing her. Keeping her mouth shut to not let out a cry of pain, but instead she wanted to cry right there and then! Once seated up she muttered a small 'thank you' to Edward and Liam, gulping down her pain to her throat she wanted to act tough for them not to worry.

"Thanks" she said to Jane.

Once the glass came in contact to her hands she immediately drank it up, not leaving any water behind. Putting the glass down she made a satisfying sound of refresh, oh how she praised the moment where the water finally hit her sore throat.

"Thank you so much Jane" she smiled, Jane nodded at her and went back to place the glass at the empty table.

"How are you feeling Princess?" Edward asked smiling down at Venus, she just held up an OK and smiled her way.

"I'm a o-k, just that my body's aching here and there, is all" she stated like it didn't matter at all, but her voice beg to differ. Her friends just sighed at her state and worried more.

"Typical Venus" Levy murmured, while shaking her head slowly. Venus just made out a nervous laugh, hurting in the inside. She then took in her surrounding, and she did not notice any dark shade or even a blue haired boys anywhere.

"Anyways how did you escape Ve?" Stephen asked crossing his arms, snapping her head to Stephen she raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side.

"Escape?" she asked.

"Yeah, Lumic told us-before he went to sleep; that you escaped and came rolling down the rocky pathway" he added recalling the things on what Lumician said to them in between of yawning and falling asleep.

"I escaped? Came rolling down? Holy cows milk, I did that?!" she would've cheered and pumped her fist up high but damn was she confused and aching and sore and all other things.

"The last thing I remembered was falling unconscious while Jose was cutting my hair" she frowned and trembled at the memory.

Hearing what she just said three people in the room paled, their blood going cold and shivered. 'Oh shit' all three thought at the same time, praying and gulping they prayed that once she'll come out she won't make them suffer and do embarrassing things

"Anyways where are Lumic and Lucas?" she finally asked to no one in particular still trying to spot her two crazy close friends of hers.

"Sprawled out on the floor" Lucas Einfield replied stepping aside for her to see a snoring Lumic and a curled up little blue, Venus giggled at their state.

"He's drooling!" Liam yelled, with that said Edward, Lucas, Stephen and Levy took out their phones and snapped a picture, while snickering and making notes to blackmail him with this in the future.

"Me tooooo" Venus chimed in, now remembering her broken phone 'My phone' she mentally cried and pushed the unnecessary memories back at her head, trying to stay calm and composed.

As the room was about to explode in happiness, it just got ruined when Ruby and doctor came to check on Lucy, narrowing her eyes at the ones who were celebrating on Lumic's stupid face.

"Send me one after" she whispered, stifling a laugh.

"Can everybody get out first? I can not work with crowds in the room" the doctor stated before the nurses came to escort them out the room.

Stephen and Edward now dropped the two sleeping idiots on their back, Venus again giggled, before the door would slam close the group smiled at Venus and waved.

"Glad you're awake now Venus"

"Get well soon"

"See you later Ve"

"We'll be waiting right here Ven"

"I'm happy that you're finally awake"

Smiles and relief were spread throughout Venus' room, as they bid there farewell to her she smiled at them as well and waved her hands.

"Thanks guys, I owe you a lot" was heard before the door was shut closed.

Relief washes over the teenagers that was now outside the room, a small smile crept on their faces. The feeling of curiosity was now washed from Levy's system, for now it was forgotten. They all had victorious smile on their faces, now relaxed and still exhausted from their 2 days adventure. 'Its over' they all thought, but alas. Is it now?

Inside the room where the doctor checked Venus for any other injuries or casualties they talked and their she finally told her doctor how she's trying to hide not to hyperventilate as her friends were in the room.

"How are you feeling Miss. Lumier" the doctor asked as she went nearer to her patient.

"I have been good" a small smile tugged on her lips as she tried to stay calm.

"Now now, I want to know the truth, does your injuries hurt?" she asked as she checked on her vital signs, and her water bag.

"To be honest asides from the aching and soreness of my body, I still feel scared" looking down at her palms, she mentally thank the heavens and her rescuers for coming to her aid.

"I see" the doctor replied.

As the doctor checked on her blood pressure, her injuries, any opened wounds, and her heart beat with her stethoscope she sighed a relief and she put her stethoscope back to her neck and take a step back.

"Well I can say that you're doing fine for now, you're healing slowly but surely of course, but I still suggest for you to take a rest to gain back your strength" the doctor sternly said, making Venus flinch and mentally scream 'scary' all over her head.

"Aside from that, how about you talking to a psychiatrist? It would do you good and would also fix your emotional trauma from what had happened-"

"No!" not being able to finish her sentence Venus butted in, wincing from her sudden reaction and trying to calm her screaming injuries.

"It's fine, there is no need for such therapy, I'll be good, maybe" she convinced trying to talk her way out.

Truly talking to a psychiatrist would do her good no doubt but she also doesn't want her family to worry about her mental health. Sighing she does not want to burden them with this, 'I should've just been a psychiatrist in the first place' her inner voice again scolded herself for not listening to her in the first place. Sighing at her patient she plastered a small smile on her face and nodded at her decision.

"Well if you say so Miss. Lumier" she stated, looking down on her watch it was time to go to another patient's room.

"I shall be on my way now, and you should rest. I'll be back tomorrow" she bid her farewell and went out the door.

Sighing, now she was all alone again that is until a loud snore erupted from the couch, turning her head there she saw how her two idiotic best friends laid sprawled all over the couch. Giggling she was glad that they were here for her- although asleep she was still glad, yawning she slowly went back to laying on the bed and soon after sleep took over her.