Chapter 22

"Tick tock tick tock sings the clock, tick and tock it somehow wouldn't stop" five days being in bed, five days since she was brought in, five days of being trapped in those hospital room.

"Tick tock tick tock when will I ever stop hearing this tick and tock?" her arms has finally healed, her dislocated left arm finally got popped back into the right place, her two fractured ribs are healing as well, now her breathing seems regular, the only thing that keeps her from going out are her burn marks, the whip marks and the medias.

"It has been five days since I was hospitalized, five days of being constantly checked up, five days of just sitting around, five days of being bored and especially five days of eating hospital food" she mumbled to herself, puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms over her chest.

She wanted to go home, to rest on her more comfortable bed, to eat what her mother would cook for her, but no, the doctors wouldn't allow her to leave. Sighing in frustration she brushed her now shoulder length hair and now once again she remembered on how that mad man tortured her, tortured her for his love, shivering at the memory oh was it stupid of her to cry with him, but at least now she knows right?

"Venus!" called out Gabriel when came barging in at the door with a bouquet of flowers on her hand.

"Gabriel" opening her arms, Gabriel gently dived into her and hugged her tight, muttering a small 'I missed you' and 'me too'.

"Veeeeen" called another man as he smiled brightly at her.

"Eddy" she greeted, smiling at him as well.

Letting go of the hug the two couple looked at Venus with sparkling eyes as if there was something they have been keeping to tell her. Raising an eyebrow she eyed the two suspiciously, crossing her arms once again she looked at the two with a 'what-are-you-hiding-from-me-look?' grinning they snickered at each other.

"Venus, glad to see you're awake" Layla greeted by the door way with the doctor.

"Mom, glad to see you too" smiling, the doctor and her mother looked at each other and nodded.

"Good news for you Miss. Lumier, you're getting discharge today" smiling down at her, Venus' face brightened, shouting a yes and throwing her arms open.

"I can finally go out and have some fun!" she cheered, hearing what she just said the doctor cleared her throat.

"That can wait Miss. Lumiere, you still need to heal most of your injuries and bruises" the doctor lectured making her frown and nod.

Well, at least she's going to be from her white walls it's this or nothing at all, she was finally being set free so for now no fun it is. Pushing that aside she brought back her happy grin and think about fun later on, for now she shall focus on escaping the hospital and 'fun later, heal now' she mentally noted.

Grinning from ear to ear she was happy, well ecstatic even. Although she can't be help but worry, what was the media talking about? Are they still lurking around trying to know what had happened? Or did her father finally put them to a stop? Sighing, she slowly stood up from the bed and went near to window.

"What's wrong Ven?" Edward asked upon noticing her frown.

"Just thinking of some stuff is all" she replied smiling back at him, seconds later the door went open and there stood Mr. Jude Lumier with everything that is needed to be brought home as well.

"Ready to go home sweetheart?" Layla asked her daughter, smiling. Venus smiled back and nodded.

"I'm glad I can finally go home" she stated trying to walk properly, seeing her state Edward and Gabriel assisted her out the hospital.

They finally were on their way, now out of the hospitals door Venus slowly breathed in the fresh air that lingered around. 'Slowly Venus, slowly' she tells her self, the broken ribs that she got affected her lungs when she would take a deep breath. It would sometimes ache when she would inhale too much, or that she would be in an awkward state of position.

"Lets go?" her father said while now opening the drivers side, her mom on the passengers side.

"Lets" she nodded and giggled, Gabriel opening the back door she muttered a 'thank you' and smiled sweetly at the girl she once called her rival, finally in the car she sat comfortably and tried not to move too much as well.

Waving a good bye and bidding her farewell the couple waved as well as the family slowly drove away. The drive was silent for a while, a comfortable silence fell on the family, that is until Lucy finally drop a question that has been bugging her for a while now.

"Mom, dad? Have you somehow seen Lumic and Lucas? It has been quite a while since I last saw those two" she mentioned looking at the rear view mirror, and unconsciously fidgeting her thumbs.

"Well" her mother replied, glancing back and forth from the mirror and to the road.

"He actually visits you when you're asleep, he never really gets the chance to see you awake" Jude admitted, Layla then gasped at her husband giving him a little glare.

Now this sparked Lucy's curiosity, 'why not see me when I'm awake?' she questioned, thinking deeply she occupied her mind with something else. Shrugging the thought and scenarios that would flash on her mind, tucking a strand of her hair from her face, now she really is just a brown haired girl with no more highlights, sighing 'I guess I'll have to grow it out again'.

Meanwhile, 'That was Lumic, Jude' Layla mouthed at her husband still glaring at him. 'They're still the same Honey' Jude mouthed back trying to be sneaky at the person at the back, Venus finally noticing and got the feeling that they were talking she shook her head and smiled a little.

"You know you could just say it out loud right? No need to be sneaky you two" Venus stated glancing back and forth at her parents while a small smile tug on her lip.

"Well, we'd love to, but nope not today sweet cheeks" Layla teases, grinning.

"Oh look we're here" Jude announced gaining the mother and daughters attention.

As they finally stopped, Lucy was quite shocked of where they were, shivering and slightly trembling, slowly Jude parked the car right at the pathway. Getting out of the car, she stared at the house they were now at, biting her lips and trying not to scream away.

"But why?" she stated quite shocked.

They were standing out of her once apartment, only now bigger and has some protective vibe unto it. She bet all of her friends can fit in, in that newly built apartment.

"Well, we actually talked about this. If we'd really take you home, we'd knew you'd be devastated, not seeing your friends and all" Layla began to explain, slowly walking towards the door, Venus followed suite with a shaky legs.

"So, we kind of came to an agreement that we'd still let you stay here, BUT!" Jude stopped explaining, and slowly twisted the door.

Opening the door wide, there she see's, out came a pitched black haired man wearing a very classy and fancy tux, a white polo shirt, black slacks, and a polished black shoes.

If anyone would ask her how to spell Hot and Classy, she'd totally not hesitate Lumic Neel's name. He was the perfect example of being Hot and Classy, 'shit! What the heck is going on in my head?' She mentally exclaimed. If only she were alone she'd bang her head senseless, but no she's not, so she must stay composes as ever.

As if her legs, and hands has a mind of it's one she suddenly found herself running at the mans arms and cling to him like her life depends on it. Shocked at her sudden action, Lumic stiffened and soon hugged her back, wrapping his hands around her waist and brought her closer to him.

Breathing in her scent he can not help but miss her so bad, how he wanted that moment to last, how he wanted to say all those words that he holds back, and how he wanted her to finally remember him, but 'if it's not the right moment than so be it' he thought.

Clearing his throat this brought the couple back to earth and separated from the hug, scratching the back of his neck he looked at Jude apologetically while Venus madly blushed at her own actions.

"As I was saying, we came to an agreement with the Neel family to accompany you here at the house, he'd be with you through out the year and so on, either it would be him or any of your friends"

Venus' mouth went agape, 'they're just joking aren't they? It could've been anyone else why him?' she then stared at her mom knowing she'd understand.

"Oh don't be silly Venus, we did try and talk to your friend's parents but apparently they're all quite busy now a days. Don't even ask why we didn't try, we actually did" Layla stated, oh how she wanted to squeal in front of her daughter.

'Lumic and Venus are going to be living in one roof!' Yes, apparently she planned this all, and maybe sooner or later Lumician would definitely join them. Jude sensing her wife's intention just sighed 'what am I going to do with my wife?' He asked and just mentally face palming and shaking his head, sometimes he just thinks on how he could manage to be with her, but then their happy moments would pop up and he would just shrug the question and thought aside.

"But mom!" Venus was about to argue when her mother turned her back on her.

Layla wouldn't let her argue, it's now all according to plan, it is either Lumic or Lumician, well which ever wins, 'best of luck to the both of you' she silently prayed and caressed her now month and a half womb.

"Thank you for agreeing to our selfish plea Lumi, it's just that I'm really just worried for my baby" Layla acted, now getting teary eyed knowing no one could resist them.

Well not for Lumic of course, he just shrugs and smiled. He know what his aunt is doing and that didn't faced him one bit, instead he was looking forward of spending time with his once upon a time lover in the past.

"No worries at all Mrs. Lumier-"

"Oh hush now, I told you to call me Mother, Mom or that kind of gesture from now on" Layla scolded 'after all you're maybe going to be my future son-in-law' her eyes sparkled with the thought of Lumic or Lumician marrying Venus.

"Very well then, mother" Lumic smiled and bowed his head a little.

"Good then, well we could not stay any longer, Jude and I still have a lot of things to do. Please do look out for my daughter Lumic, you both take care alright? Bye bye" Layla then ushered Jude towards the car, he couldn't even have a proper talk with the boy! Jude eyed Lumic before going inside and shouted to them.

"Treat her well, and remember, no messing around!" with that said Jude started the car and drove off.

Hearing her father's words Venus was now red as a tomato, mentally scolding and face palming at what her father said to the guy besides her. Not a moment later, Lumic turned towards her.

"Lets go inside, you still need to rest" Lumic got all Venus' belongings and lead her inside.

While coming in, all she thought was 'this will going be a one heck of a ride' she thought while turning her head from left to right. 'Well, can't back out now', and so another journey is yet awaiting for Venus. Things has been quite a rollercoaster ride, will it ever stop? Or will it just go on?