Time skip : next day
"Come with me , please. Julienne and Luna, both are not free so they can't go with me , so please Joonie " I begged him as we were both on the couch watching movie at Joon's house.
"No way ,I hate shopping , especially with girls " he said not taking his eyes off the screen.
" Please Joonie please please please " I begged him with my puppy eyes ."please....." I put all the cuteness in me to those words and gave him my puppy eyes.
" I can't believe I'm saying this but " he rubbed his head " I'll go with you "
"Whoooohooo" I punched the air in happiness .
"but only after this movie" he continued in a stern tone.
"yeah whatever you say " I was just so glad that he agreed to come.
The movie was a sci-fi one. I couldn't understand anything so I was more like staring at the screen rather than watching . I casually looked at Namjoon somewhere in between the movie and he was looking at me . He suddenly turned away blushing as soon as I caught him. Somehow it made me blush too .
" I thought you said you were watching the movie " I murmured to myself.
Time skip : evening
" I can't believe you spent the entire day storming in and out of shops without buying anything " he said in distress .
"I already told you it was just shopping not buying things " I said hiding my smile and he gave me a ' really? ' expression to which I chuckled.
"Thanks to you we are stuck in this rain all wet and soaked taking shelter under the shades of some convenient store which I would say is of zero use " he said trying to squeeze out the water from his T-shirt . The wetness made it stick close to his body exposing the silhouette of his naturally chiseled pecs.
As we were getting ready to get back to home after shopping , a sudden downpour hit out of nowhere . It washed us completely , however we huddled under the shades of some store to defend ourselves from it . There was no other stores in that area and this particular one was closed . So we had no other option but to stay there , at least until the rain lost its momentum.
" We got stuck here because you didn't take the car " I complained.
"Its not my fault it was punctured " he snapped back.
We both stood silent there for some time. The rain showed no hint of stopping anytime soon. Though it was dark, it wasn't gloomy . The sound of rain shattering on the walls felt like a music to me. After a few days , I found myself relaxing , calming.
" Tell me something 'bout rain " I said trying to collect the water that was dripping from the roof above us. " You are a walking encyclopedia so tell me something "I said looking at him . His eyes were admiring the water that made a curtain in front of us.
" The best thing one can do when it rain is to let it rain " he said .
Yeah it was true . Sometimes its better to leave things as it is , rather than trying to change it and trying to stop it from happening. Sometimes you just have to let it rain till the last drop .
"I didn't say it Mr Longfellow did " he continued seeing me silent.
"Who is that ?"
"My uncle " he said with a solemn expression
"Oooh..." I said in agreement.
Then he started giggling facepalming himself " Henry Longfellow is a writer . He's not my uncle" he said laughing " You are just so adorable , I love you " he said between his giggles.
Though I flinched a little at his last words , I gave him a little hit with my elbow which he dodged .
He giggled a bit more and I found myself smiling too. We stood there staring at the rain. Then he held my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine . Though it was cold around, his hands still had a warmth , which reminded me of his own heart.
"I mean it . I like you . I will hold your hands like this forever " he said looking at me.
"Don't make promises that can't be kept Joon " I said letting out a sarcastic chuckle.
" Why is it too hard for you to accept the fact that I love you " he asked looking at me .
I didn't know what to say. The truth was I didn't know even why . The fear of losing him in an undefined future ? I knew if I start saying it I will never be able to stop but I still didn't know from where to begin or where to end.
"Look at me " he grabbed my chin and lifted my face up , forcing me to look at him .
" I know you are suffering and I know you are hurt ". He took my hand and slowly rolled back my sleeve . There it was the bandage I put over the wound I created myself wishing to be in peace forever. Though I tried to pull my hands away, his grip was very strong . "I don't know why you did this " he looked at me with his eyes full of pain and anger." But I swear , you will never have to suffer alone. I'll be with you till my last breath. For the best and the worst . You will never have to feel a pain as long as you are mine , I'll never hurt you neither will I let anyone else to . I'll never let you down."
His eyes contained more sincerity than most of the people have in their whole lives . I kept staring at him unable to tear my gaze from his.
"Don't think of this as a teenager's hollow words that came out because he suddenly found a crush. I mean it more than anything I've said till now."
I looked at him for one more second. The next moment I crashed my cold lips onto his warm ones . Although he was surprised, he leaned in and started kissing me back softly. He put his strong arms around my waist and pulled me even more closer as my hands ran through his wet hair .
"I love you " I said breathlessly as he pulled away from me .
" I love you more " he said , his breath hitching and his nose rubbing against mine .
"I love you the most " I breathed and reconnected our lips .
When we finally stopped , we were having the biggest smile on our faces . The rain and cold didn't mattered , all that mattered was we were together , with each other . Although I said to myself that ' forever ' was just a made up word , I heard another voice telling me ' so are the others '. Maybe this time things could be different , things could be better .
" Cassie " Joonie looked at me with his long perfect eyes " If you ever hurt yourself again , know that, from now on , you will have me to answer" he said with a slight grin .