
"Prepped for surgery?"

Gabriel nodded at Lucian. "Yes, her spine is still intact, but they have to relieve the tension. Otherwise, she won't be able to walk. Her heart is weak, and we don't know if she will survive."

Lucian paced back and forth.

"Wait... Why are you being so helpful all of a sudden?"

Gabriel's eyes darkened. "I don't know what you are talking about, Lucian."

Gabriel turned his back on Lucian, but Lucian grabbed his arm. "You cannot bring me this revelation and expect me not to question your motives. You know as well as I do that if she dies on the operating table. . .her memories will activate."

Gabriel shrugged Lucian off his arm. "You don't think I know that?"

"Then why are you trying to save her mortal life?"

"I don't have to explain my reasons to you, of all people!"

With that said, Gabriel left Lucian to thoughts. Gabriel turned a corner, slamming his fist into the wall. He was angry, so angry. He was exhausted to have seen his sister live and die in an endless cycle. Due to the contract, the Lord had inforced on her.

Gabriel knew it was a ruse to spike war with hell. To what end, he did not know. He would never tell, but he loved his sister from the day they were created, she of war, and he the healer of all.

Gabriel went to the surgery room to watch as they tried to fix the small mortal body that held his sister's immortal soul, and his eyes skimmed the theatre. He blinked when he saw a spirit standing next to the body looking confused.

"No... No... She must live!" He felt the anger boiling in his veins. They had to keep her from gaining those memories for as long as possible. But that would never happen as long as Lucian lived. If they had never met, would it have been so different. . .then the way they were living now?

Lucian was still in the waiting area, and he pondered Gabriel's actions. Gabriel would have thrived at the thought of his sister awakening, but he was delaying the inevitable.

Christine was in a dreamless state. It felt like she was floating in a void, and her eyes narrowed when she saw a light that was getting brighter.

"What are you?"

"You have to wake up."

"Wake up?"

"Christine, you have to wake up and forget you saw me."

"Saw you? I can barely see you."

The light came closer, and Christine's mouth opened in a silent scream. It was like looking at a mirror.

The light double ganger was smiling at her now. "If you want to stay who you are, you must wake up and forget that you saw me."

"Who are you? Why do you look like me?"

"Why should I answer your questions, mortal?"


Christine felt the confusion on her face. This thing was wearing her face and speaking in riddles.

"If you do not wake up, you will cease to exist, either way; if I waken. . .you will cease to be Christine."

Christine could not fathom what was happening. Her consciousness was slipping, pulling her away from this void; she heard machines beeping and voices around her.

"She is coming too! We have to finish this quickly."

"She is lucky that she is still alive."

When Christine woke up, she was in a small room, and she blinked, taking in her surroundings.

"Careful, Miss." The voice was soft but caring.

Christine turned her attention to the voice. She saw a man standing in a white coat with a clipboard in his hand, his face had handsome features as if he was in a few battles, yet his blue eyes were soft.

"Wh... Where am I?" Her throat was dry, she licked her lips, and the man walked forward, bringing a glass of water with a straw.

"Small sips, you came out of surgery."

Christine took small sips from the straw. "Surgery?"

He nodded at her. "You were in an accident. You wouldn't have been alive if it wasn't for a kind man that brought you in."

Christine suddenly remembered the man that she saw before blacking out. "Where is he?"

The man put the water down next to her bed. "He is still in the waiting room; he didn't want to leave before. . .he knew you were alright."

Christine could not help the smile that tugged at her lips; she was excited to meet her saviour.

"Can I see him?"

The man surveyed her, and his expression softened. "I will call him for you." The man left, and Christine made herself more comfortable her thoughts were swirling around; she did not know how she survived the accident.

The man returned. He showed someone inside. "I'll leave you to it."

Christine sat up, looking at her saviour. He had long, messy black hair, his eyes were tinted red, and he wore ripped jeans with a leather jacket and a nirvana t-shirt. A man your mother did not want you to bring home.

He cleared his throat. "The doctor said you wanted to see me?" He was still standing at the door.

"Ah, yes. I would like to thank you; I heard you brought me to the hospital."

He scratched his head. "Uh, yeah, I did."

She smiled at him. "What is your name?"

"My... My name is Lucian."

"Lucian." She played his name on her tongue, and it rolled nicely from her lips.

"Well, let me say. . .it, Lucian. Thank you."

Lucian couldn't help noticing how his name played from her lips, it sounded like honey dripping like a prayer, and he wanted her to keep repeating his name.

"How rude of me to not ask you your name. Would you please tell me what I should call you?"

Lucian was waiting in anticipation.

Christine's smile widened. "I am Christine Parkins."

"Christine? You have a name that befits an angel."

Christine's cheeks warmed at his words.

"You are teasing me, Lucian."

"How could I not? You are beautiful."

Christine lowered her gaze towards her lap, playing with her fingers.

"I am not..."

Lucian moved towards her bed, taking her hand.

"Never look down on yourself. You are beautiful never doubt that."

Christine did not respond; she was staring at his hand, still holding hers. Why is her heart beating this fast? In the back of her mind, she had this feeling that he seemed familiar to her. However, how was that possible?

Lucian suddenly remembered, and he removed his hand from hers. "I am sorry that was straightforward of me. You hardly know me."

Christine shook her head. "It is alright, I don't mind."

Lucian stood up; Christine already felt the void he left. "I have to leave you, so may rest."

"Will I see you again?" Why did she ask him this?

"Are you flirting with me, Miss Parkins?" He asked her amusingly.

Christine became flustered. "No... I..."

He chuckled at her. "You might see me again. . .depends if you like rock music."

"I love rock music; do you play in the local clubs?"

He smiled. "Yes, I play at the club Children of the Damned."

"I know that club; maybe I'll drop by when I have recovered."

"I would love nothing more to see you again."

With these words, he left her room; Christine stared at the spot where he stood. This man left her with a feeling of longing.

Gabriel was standing in the hall when he saw Lucian come out of the room.


Lucian glared at him.

"Well, what?"

"Is she still mortal?"

Lucian did not know why Gabriel was asking him this.

"What is it to you?"

Gabriel sighed. "Do you have time to get drinks?"

"The golden boy drinks now, does he?"

Gabriel grabbed the front of Lucian's shirt.

"Don't make a mockery of me, or should I remind you that I can still beat your ass without any help?"

Lucian shrugged him off. "Fine, I'll meet you for a drink, be at the club Children of the Damned in an hour."

Gabriel gave him a nod. "I'll be there."

Lucian left the hospital.

Gabriel walked to Christine's room, leaning against the door; she was sleeping. "My darling sister, you have no idea. . .How sorry I am for what we have done to you."

He walked into her room, pulling the covers up. "Uriel has lost his mind after seeing you die. . .over and over again. Just to be reborn. He keeps having nightmares of the day he drove his sword through your heart."

He sat down in the chair at her bedside. "Michael is thriving. He lives for these battles, my darling sister. He will make sure your suffering never ends."