Michael and Gabriel

Gabriel stood up after watching Christine sleeping for a few minutes. His thoughts were weighing on him. Should he really tell Lucian the whole truth?

He stood at her bed, taking the duvet and pulled it up, tugging her in. He left her room. Should he give him half the truth?

Oh, how he the mighty Gabriel has fallen from what he was, from the Creator's left hand to the ranks of the fallen. He remembered that day as clearly as the day he took Gadrial's left wing.

It had happened when Gadrial reincarnated for the 666th time that he decided to betray his fellow holy angels and his Creator. He still did not know the end goal. . .only the continuation of the war.

He continued down the halls of the Hospital. After they banished Gadrial, there was a slight power struggle in the kingdom of heaven; the low-rank angels saw what Lucian did, and they followed suit.

He never saw so many angels damning themselves, the Creator was angry, but he knew it would happen. Lucian was very charismatic when he opened his mouth no wonder Gadrial fell for his charm.

Just thinking about it made his blood boil all over again. If Lucian never existed, they would still be in the kingdom of their Creator... He shook his head at that thought. Would they have all sang to his praise?

He stopped at the staff room, putting away his doctor clothes, he had not seen Uriel in two hundred years, and he isolated himself from them all. He let out a sigh; he closed his locker with a slight thud.

"Hel...Hello, Gabriel."

Gabriel spun around at the voice, his mouth agape.


Uriel scuffed his foot against the floor. "Yeah."

"W...How are you? I mean - what, how?"

Uriel averted his gaze. "I know I have been gone."

Gabriel interrupted him. "Gone? It has been two hundred years, wherein the Creator's name, have you been?"

Uriel was still not looking at Gabriel. "I have been looking for Gadrial."

"Tell me another bullshit story, Uriel. You can find her anytime you want. We can feel her soul."

"Fine, I have been protecting her reincarnations for the last two hundred years, or I have been trying, but every time Lucian appears. . .it all goes to hell."

"Of course, it has. Everything is part of Gadrial's contract the Creator made out."

Uriel sighed. "I haven't come here to debate with you or talk about the Creator. Where is she?"

"Oh, so no reminiscing about the past?"

"I don't want to talk about the past. I still have nightmares about that."

Gabriel pushed past Uriel. "She is resting, and before you ask. . .she is still Christine."

Uriel did not give him a second glance. "Thank you."

Gabriel did not look back and gave him a slight salute that he heard. He walked outside; night had already fallen. He was alone with his thoughts again, and he really did not want to see Lucian.

He did not even tell Uriel that he had fallen from grace. Why should he anyway? They were best friends anymore; everything circles back to Gadrial.

Maybe if they can stop her awakening, she can have a mortal life and die peacefully. Lucian would kill them before he'd let that happen for sure.

Gabriel did not watch where he was going. A black limousine with tinted windows pulled up, blocking his path. He cursed under his breath. The window rolled downwards.

"My, my. If it isn't Gabriel."

Gabriel's blood turned ice cold at that voice.


"The one and only, my dear Gabriel."

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't tell me you didn't feel it?"

"Felt what?" Gabriel knew what he was talking about; Gadrial's spirit was lingering in the air, which meant the angels were gathering.

"Gadrial has woken, has she not?"

"Gadrial?" Gabriel tried playing it dumb; there was no way, in hell, he would tell Michael anything at this point, not after he saw Michael killing Gadrial repeatedly in the war. Then again, Lucian and Michael did look the same.

He saw the anger flashing across Michael's face.

"Don't play dumb with me, Gabriel!" Michael opened the door so fast that Gabriel could not react. He grabbed Gabriel's collar.

"I really..."

"You really must think I am stupid. I can smell Gadrial all over you. Where is she?"

Gabriel stared into Michael's face. There was nothing but hatred.

"Even if she was Gadrial, I won't tell you shit." He spat in Michael's face. Now that did it.

Michael's fist connected with his jaw, and he heard a loud crack, it broke, but Michael was not stopping.

Gabriel was panting and spitting up blood. When did Michael get this strong?

"How the mighty has fallen!" Michael placed his foot on Gabriel's back. "There was a time that you could beat me, but since you've betrayed your brethren. . .you have grown soft on me now, Gabriel."

Gabriel did not respond to him, and he felt the pressure on his back.

"If you don't tell me where that bitch is, I'll make life more difficult for you." Michael stepped down on his back hard, and Gabriel cringed his teeth.

Michael laughed. "Or tell me where that bastard Lucian is, and I'll let you live."

"Lucian is long gone, Michael."

Michael had stepped on his back again. "I can smell the lies on you, Gabriel. Fine, I will play this little game with you. Let us see who finds Gadrial first, and then I can end her existence once and for all."

Gabriel tried to move his head so that he could look at Michael.

"Oh, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what, Michael?"

"Gadrial's new mortal host didn't get baptized. . .so if she dies, Gadrial will cease to exist."

Gabriel's eyes widened. "You are lying to me." He shook off Michael's foot and got up, but he was staggering badly.

"You are lying!"

Michael smiled. "Want to test that theory?"

Gabriel was staring at Michael's sneering face. "It is not true; tell me it is not true."

Michael whistled. "You still have so much passion for your twin, don't you?"

Gabriel could not hold himself up any longer and sagged to his knees. "She is my sister! What did you expect?"

Michael stepped forward, looking down at him. "Your loyalty to our Creator, even if she is your sister, he comes first always. Come back to our side Gabriel, and the Creator will forgive your outburst."

Gabriel saw no sincerity in his eyes; he shook his head. "I cannot, not after everything."

Michael slammed his fist in Gabriel's face again, and Gabriel did not move. "Rot in hell! I will find her and kill her."

With that said, Michael got back in his limousine, and he closed his eyes. "Take me to the hospital."

Gabriel did not know how long he lay on the pavement; people passed him by as if he was just another drunk man that slept on his hangover. Why did the Creator create these fragile beings?

He lifted himself up, badly beaten, he huffed, and maybe he should just tell Lucian the whole truth about everything.

Michael was so pleased with himself. Finally, he could rid her of this existence, and he could be free from her forever. A hearty laugh erupted from his stomach.

His limousine stopped outside the Hospital, and he climbed out. He was too excited to wait for his driver to open the door, and he walked through the doors with such authority that no one stopped or questioned him. He heard a window break and ran to the room; he smelled Gadrial's spirit being in. He only got a glimpse of an angel with brown wings flying away in the distance.

"Uriel, that fucking bastard!" Michael looked around the room, hitting the wall behind him. "I will find you." He spread his wings, lifted himself from the window and flew.

Gabriel staggered to the club called Children of the Damned. The bouncer stopped him. "Invitation?"

Gabriel looked at the man. He was a demon but not to the human eye, he couldn't tell what type of demon he was, but his composure made him look dangerous. The bouncer had a lot of moustache for such a beefy man. He would have to let him, or he wouldn't be able to tell Lucian anything. 

"Lu... Lucian invited me."

He saw the demon thinking. "We don't normally serve your kind angel."

Gabriel didn't want to do this, but he had to, and he rolled up his left sleeve from his wrist was a tattoo, two snakes kissing each other; the mark of the fallen."

The demon lifted an eyebrow. "Welcome, brother." He opened the club door, Gabriel rolled his sleeve back down, and 'Children of the dark' by Mono Inc. was playing in the background. Gabriel smirked. So, fitting for the club. He surveyed his surroundings. He spotted Lucian at a table at the far end near the bar.

He made his way only to be stopped by a female. "Why do you look beaten, baby? Want me to kiss it better?"

Gabriel hated succubae. "No, thank you, I don't sleep with your kind." He pushed past her; he reached Lucian.

Lucian looked up at him. His eyes widened in shock. "My God, forgive the pun, but you look like hell Gabriel."

Gabriel sat down across from him. "If you want to name hell. . .it is Michael."

Lucian's grip tightened on his glass. "Michael?"

No one knew that the Lord died six hundred and sixty-six years ago by the hand of Michael.