
Moloch grinned at Michael kissing his feet. "Good boy."

Moloch lowered his wings. "Now we need to device a new plan."

"A new plan?"

Moloch turned from Michael. "Yes, or we will never be able to open the gates of heaven."

Michael stood up from the floor, sitting behind his desk. "We couldn't have fathomed that the Creator had a fail-safe in place, that if he died. . .heaven will lock out all angels."

"That is true. We haven't set foot in heaven in one hundred and eleven years. I am tired of this filthy place."

"And who's at fault for locking us out?"

Moloch turned back at Michale with a look that told him to hold his tongue. "You are just as much to blame for this."

Michael rolled his eyes.

"You don't agree?"

"I feel like since we went ahead with this plan - we had trouble."

"You think it would be easy to take over heaven?"

"Well yeah." Michael turned his chair around, staring out the window.

"How naive of you."

"I never really asked you - why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to rule heaven?"

Moloch refilled his glass. "You think that Lucian, you, Gadrial and Uriel were the only angels that broke free to get a will?"

"So you are saying you have sinned?"

"Sinned? By being ambitious? No, Michael's free will is not a sin. The Creator didn't deserve to be in power, and he only wanted to war with hell."

Moloch gripped his glass tight, his mind back to the kingdom of heaven.


"Yes, Creator?"

"Come see my latest creation."

Moloch sighed, always new creations, no self-restraint on building armies for heaven to wipe out hell, blah - blah. He had heard it all before.

Moloch walked forward. Two children were staring up at him at the feet of the Creator.

"Meet Gabriel." He gestured to the left child. "And Gadrial." He gestured to the right child.

Moloch locked eyes with the girl. She had pale blue eyes, her gaze was piercing, and she lifted her arms towards him. "Up."

Moloch looked at her. "Up?"

The Creator chuckled, and Moloch averted his gaze from her to the Creator. "She seems to like you."

Moloch sucked in his sigh, he walked towards the girl, and the boy Gabriel shied away from him. He picked up the girl, and she gave him a bright smile.

The child folded her arms around his neck, and Moloch faced the Creator again. "What are they, Creator?"

"Gadrial is the angel of war, and her brother Gabriel; is the angel of healing."

Moloch looked at her face, which still smiled at him. Did he say angel of war? Moloch grinned. . .perfect. . .this will take some planning.

"And what are your attend for them?"

"I will mould them, so we can rid hell of demons."

"Is that all you care about, Creator?"

The Creator went silent. Moloch knew this silence. He overstepped his bounds. "I am sorry, My Creator. I did not mean to voice my opinion."

"Your opinion means nothing to me, Moloch. I am the Creator and can do what I wish."

"Even creating beings who are less than us with free will?"

Now you have done it, Moloch. The room went dark. The child was whimpering now in his arms.

"What did you say, Moloch?"

"Nothing, my Creator." Moloch put the girl down, and the boy reached out his hand toward his sister and clutched her close.

"By your leave." Moloch bowed, and he left the Creator. Moloch turned left and walked down the hall when Michael came into view. "Perfect."


Michael paused. "Moloch?"

"I haven't seen you around. . .are you busy?"

"Yeah, I have been investigating rumours."

This piqued Moloch's interest. "Do tell."

"I have to report to the Creator first."

Moloch nodded. "Find me afterwards. I'll be in the heavenly garden."

Michael didn't reply. Moloch was already formulating a plan. The girl child, Gadrial, would be the perfect subject.

This was the time. Moloch needed time to form his plan. He planted the seed in Michaels's head that he was supposed to rule heaven. It wasn't difficult to convince Michael he wanted to prove his loyalty. Moloch built his confidence and gave him lessons in warfare.

Made him jealous of Gadrial as she grew up and made it seem it was Michaels's plan to make Moloch befriend the angel of music, Lucian.

Little did the angel of music, Lucian, know. It was Moloch; who planted the seed of free will - that Moloch made him fall in love with the angel of war.

Moloch played his part well, giving information to Michael about Lucian's coup about the Creator taking away the angel's rights to free will.

Moloch even planted seeds of doubt about the hierarchy in Gadrial's mind, and he had watched them grow up. Moloch moulded them into the perfect soldiers so that the betrayal stung the Creator.

Moloch told the Creator that Lucian and Gadrial were in love and the best way to ensure his warfare with hell would be to give Lucian watch Gadrial's trial, then contract her in reincarnation, then he will have endless war.

The Creator didn't even see the final blow when Michael gutted him, and Moloch stood smiling over his body. The last words Moloch spoke were: 'See how the mighty has fallen.'

It was a glorious moment of triumph when the battle was over. The downside was that they couldn't return to heaven, and the angels scattered. Gadrial reincarnated, and Uriel wasn't even at the battle. Lucian cursed them, and Gabriel fell from grace after learning some truth.

Moloch was brought out of his thoughts.

"So, what is your brilliant plan this time?"

Moloch grinned. "We have to find out what mortal inhabits Gadrial soul, and maybe we can convince her to take a job at this firm."

Michael stood up, turning to Moloch. "How do you come up with these plans of yours?"

Moloch drained his glass of its contents. "Years of experience, my dear Michael, just as I planned out your destiny."

Michael didn't answer. Moloch sat down on the couch. Yes, with years of experience, no one suspected him of planning, and they all thought it was Michael his personality fitted everything to the tee.

Moloch wondered if anyone would be able to figure it out. . .that he played Creator on all of their destinies?

Moloch wanted the earth wiped clean of these beings the Creator created out of his image. He had damned his angels when he gave life to humans. If he could grasp the power - of the Creator - he would be able to create a whole new world in his image.

In a world free of sin, killing the demons is a side business, free of evil thoughts. Moloch closed his eyes. Yes, the perfect world is ruled by an angelic being worshipped like a God.

Michael looked at Moloch. He would never be free of this sadistic angel. He could not tell anyone what Moloch was, and they had entered a loyalty contract.

Michael was young, and he had the thrust to prove himself to the Creator. Michael was the perfect fall guy for Moloch's plans. So the hatred he felt for Gadrial was it his own, or did Moloch force it on him too?

"Where are you going, Michael?"

"To set your plan in motion."

"Are you now?"

"Then why not make the phone call from your phone here in the office?"

Michael paused at the door. "Phone call?"

"Yes, you can phone the hospital looking for your 'friend' or something else you can think off. . .get her name."

Michael returned to his desk and picked up the receiver, and he dialled. "Operator? Yes, the hospital, please."