
Christine paused when she saw Uriel at her front door with his hand still dangling in the air.

"Christine... I wanted to apologise for what transpired between us."

Christine closed the door behind her and locked it. "I am sorry, Uriel, I am not ready to talk to you."

Christine knew Uriel was weird. . .but yesterday, when he had kissed her, that weirded her out completely. She started to think he might be a pervert or he had mental issues.

Uriel gave her a nod and stepped away from her. "I am sorry then. . .I really - just wanted to tell you I am not one of those."

Christine was already past him when she paused at his words. "One of those?"

Christine turned around to look at him. Uriel was blushing, a light pink that lit up his tanned features. My God, he looked cute! Stop it, Christine! You are not allowed to have impure thoughts.

Uriel was talking, but Christine spaced out, admiring Uriel now. Hmmm, her eyes moved down his neckline. She never gave him much thought until now that he was standing in front of her.


Christine blinked. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Uriel looked taken aback by Christine's response. Uriel noticed her cheeks were flushed, and his pants tightened around his manhood. "I said I know you might not have time to talk to me, or you never wanted to see me again. So I wanted to show you I am not one of those men and wanted to know if I could take you out to dinner?"

Christine averted her gaze from Uriel. Yes, she did just imagine him naked and under her. Christine pinched her leg. "Uhm, how about I'll let you know? Because I quit my job and need to find a new one."

Uriel rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahh, of course... totally understandable."

Christine gave him a slight nod. "I'll be going then."

Christine left Uriel standing in the hallway, and she felt his eyes on her retreating back and couldn't help but tease him by swinging her butt a bit. Christine waited at the elevator door.

Uriel stood there transfixed. His eyes never left her as she walked away from him. 'Only cold showers for you.' Uriel's manhood kicked into fourth gear when he saw Christine swinging her ass slightly while walking. 'Yes, Uriel, only cold showers.'

Uriel opened his apartment door when the elevator doors closed, letting Christine out of his sight. Uriel leaned with his back against the door. Why did Christine's demeanour change slightly towards him? Did she feel something for him? No, it couldn't be her soul would always scream Lucian. Uriel turned and hit his hand against the wall. "Fucking Lucian!"

Christine walked out of the apartment building, and her thoughts returned to Uriel. 'Mmm, now that I have taken a closer look at Uriel, he is a goddamn Greek God!' Christine almost tripped, which brought her back from her thoughts. . .that was when she saw a man handing out pamphlets. "Excuse me, Miss!"

Christine walked a bit faster. "Excuse me, Miss!"

The man caught up. He was short, fat and looked like he belonged in a horror movie. Christine stopped. "Ye...Yes?"

He handed Christine a pamphlet. "Angel Wars." What kind of joke is this?! Was this the name of a new occult church?

The man had a toothless grin. "They are looking for a secretary, and I have been asked to hand it out to women who might be looking for a new job."

Christine was dumbfounded. What was the coincidence of meeting a random stranger who handed out papers near the building she lived to people who might be looking for work? "Oh, thank you."

The man started walking away from her. "Better apply, Miss. I heard the pay is good."

Christine looked down at the pamphlet in her hand. "Angel War's looking for a secretary with no prior experience..."

Christine stopped reading. This sounded too good to be true. . .but she placed it in her handbag. Christine continued to walk toward the job searching agency.

This was the fourth job she had quit in five months, and the agency might not help her this time.

Uriel wiped the blood away from his fist. His dick felt constrained in his pants.. 'I wish Gadrial would look at me like she did with Lucian.'

Uriel shook his head. The image of Christine swinging her ass as she walked away from him came flooding back to him. Uriel threw the towel he used to wipe his blood on the kitchen counter.

Uriel stormed to his bathroom and locked the door behind him. He plucked off his shirt and then slipped off his shoes; he could feel his manhood demanding release. . .now.

Uriel unbuttoned his jeans as he slipped them off over his ass, taking his underwear with him. His manhood sprung free and tapped his stomach with a light thump just under his naval's base.

Uriel opened the shower, and he climbed in under the cold water, but it did not clear his thoughts from Gadrial at all, panting at the thought - of him kissing her and her lips parted with an alarm.

Uriel moaned as he jerked off, his left hand pressed hard against the shower wall. "Uriel, you gave in to your lust. And by the Creator, that felt fucking great."

Christine entered the agency she saw many faces fell when they saw her. "Good Afternoon. I would like to apply for a new job."

A stern-looking lady came forward. "This is the fifth time we are seeing you, here again, Miss Parkins."

Christine's head bobbed up and down slightly. "Yes, my boss was harassing me."

The woman rolled her eyes. "Are you sure you are not seducing them?"

Christine gazed at the woman. "Excuse me?! I haven't seduced anyone! They are coming after me!"

The lady lifted an eyebrow. "I think you dress trashy. That is why the men come after you. I am sorry, but we can not help you - please leave!"

Christine knew the lady didn't like her. She was pretty, she won't argue, but it did take her years to build back her confidence to accept that she was beautiful.

She still had to accept that her body was scarred where no one could see them except herself.

Christine's shoulders shagged as she opened the door and left, not looking back. There were clouds in the sky, and Christine felt a drizzle. "Perfect! Now the whole fucking universe is against me!"

Christine ran to a coffee shop that was still open on the street. She was drenched to the bone. The waiter showed her to her table, and she sat down, taking out her phone with the pamphlet.

She might as well send in her CV to this Michael Romanus.

Christine unlocked her phone and opened her emails. She started typing.

"Good Afternoon,

I would like to apply for the job of secretary that was advertised.

Please find attached my CV for your convenience.

Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Christine Parkins"

Christine reread her email when she was satisfied, and she pressed the send button. The waiter placed her coffee down in front of her. "Thank you."

The waiter bowed and left her to her thoughts. Christine let out a sigh; her thoughts mingled about two men. Lucian, who was her type to the tee, and Uriel... Uriel, she couldn't classify him.

Uriel was weird to her just for the fact that when she first met him, he would pop up and disappear from view without talking to her - so she thought he was just shy, and now she thought he might have been married and didn't know how to talk to women.

Christine drank her coffee, but this afternoon. . .there was something else that drew her to Uriel's charms.